Episode 1 - Ripples


          We start with darkness. We hold on this darkness for a
          few seconds. Gradually, we hear a harsh grating
          electronic beep, soft at first, but growing
          increasingly louder and louder, striking through the

          INT. BUFFY'S ROOM - DAY (DAY 1)


          The clock reads 7:15. The alarm continues to beep. A
          hand wearily reaches over and shuts the alarm.Buffy
          gets up from her bed, looking very tired. It is very
          quiet. She sits on her bed for a second before getting


          From the reflection in the mirror we see Buffy 
          brushing her teeth. There is no sound except for the
          brushing and the water. Buffy is expressionless.


          Buffy, now dressed, knocks on Dawn's door.

                         Dawn? Time to wake up. Dawn?

                                          DAWN (O.S.)
                         I'm coming, I'm coming.

          Buffy walks away, stopping outside Joyce's room. She
          looks at the closed door for a second before heading


          Buffy takes a carton of milk from the fridge and sets
          it on the table. She collects three bowls and sets
          them next to the milk. 

          Dawn arrives and sits down at the table as Buffy pours
          the cereal into the bowls. Dawn notices the three
          bowls and quietly looks at Buffy. 

          Buffy is halfway through pouring the cereal into the
          third bowl when she notices. A beat. She pours the
          cereal from the bowl back into the box and puts the
          bowl away.
          Dawn pours the milk into the two remaining bowls. They
          both start eating their breakfast. Dawn stops and
          begins playing with her food.

                         Dawn. Hurry up and eat your
                         breakfast. Giles will be here any
                         minute to pick us up.

                         I don't need to be driven to school
                         you know. I have, like, legs and a
                         surprisingly keen sense of

                         We're not going to have this
                         discussion again. Giles will pick us
                         up and drop you off at school and
                         Xander will come pick you up after..

                         I got it.

          Buffy gives Dawn a concerned look as Dawn avoids eye
          contact and continues slowly eating her breakfast.

                         I'm going to be training with Giles
                         again at the magic shop tonight so I
                         may be a little late. There's some
                         leftovers in the fridge if..

                         Xander's taking me to his place
                         tonight, remember? You know, video

                         Was that tonight?

                         Forgetful much? You do remember I'm
                         helping Willow move in to Tara's
                         place on Sunday?

                         Of course.

          Dawn makes a face. More awkward silence.

                         I took one of your CDs last night
                         from your room. But I sorta dropped
                         it on the floor and now its all
                         scratched and stuff. When I tried to
                         play it, it made this strange
                         squealy sound.

          Dawn waits expectantly for a reaction

                         Just don't do it again.

          Buffy finishes her breakfast and goes over to the sink
          to wash the bowl. Dawn sits at the table sullenly.

                         Don't you even wanna know which CD
                         it was? I mean..

                         Dawn, I don't care. Now, if you're
                         not going to finish your breakfast,
                         just dump it in the trash and wash
                         up. You're going to be late for
                         school and Giles and I are going to
                         be late for training.

          Buffy finishes washing her bowl and heads upstairs.
          Dawn comes over to the sink with her bowl.

                              (to herself)
                         Giles and I are going to be late for
                         training. Ooh, that's so important.
                         Everyone should just get out of my
                         way cos I have to spend the whole
                         day punching and kicking a bag.
                              (shouting, to Buffy)
                         You know, its not like Sunnydale is
                         being overrun by vampires or

          INT. BUFFY'S ROOM - DAY

          Buffy is looking in her mirror, deep in thought.

                                          DAWN (O.S.)
                         There's been nothing happening at
                         all. It has been so quiet it's

          Buffy looks down at a picture of Joyce, herself and
          Dawn in her hand.

                              (softly to herself)

          EXT. WOODS - DAY 

          CLOSE ON

          A young female's face as she screams at the top of her


          to reveal the woman in a jogging outfit and a muscle-
          bound male jogger with his arms wrapped around her
          waist. He lifts her up playfully as her scream turns
          into fits of laughter

                                          FEMALE JOGGER
                         Brad! Stop it. We're going to wake
                         the dead.

                                          MALE JOGGER
                         I told you I was going to catch you.
                         Let's face it, girls can't run. I
                         think its an evolutionary thing.

                                          FEMALE JOGGER
                         Oh is it? Well, you know I have more
                         staying power. You're all about
                         short little sprints. I mean, a
                         quick spurt of energy and you're all
                         worn out. Look at you, all out of
                         breath. Tell me again what I'm doing
                         with you?

                                          MALE JOGGER
                              (pulling her close)
                         You're saving me

          They smile and kiss tenderly. She suddenly pulls away
          and starts running off.

                                          FEMALE JOGGER
                         Come on Superman. I'll race you to
                         the dorm.

          The male jogger smiles, rests his hands on his knees
          for a second while he catches his breath and then sets
          off after her.

          The female jogger giggles and laughs as she rushes
          ahead of her boyfriend, loving being chased.

                                          MALE JOGGER
                              (while running)
                         Faster than a speeding bullet, able
                         to leap tall buildings in a single


                                          FEMALE JOGGER
                              (running and laughing)
                         Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

                                          MALE JOGGER (O.S.)
                         No its..

          His speech is abruptly cut off. There is an audible
          grunt and the sound of something heavy falling into
          bushes. The female jogger slows down to a jog, and
          then turns around, looking for him.

                                          FEMALE JOGGER
                         Brad? Honey? Did you fall down

          She starts to jog back, scanning the bushes off the

                                          FEMALE JOGGER
                         Brad? I swear if this is a trick..

          She stops suddenly when she sees one of his running
          shoes lying just off the track.

                                          FEMALE JOGGER

          Suddenly, she hears some rustling in the bushes near
          where the shoe is. There is a low, menacing guttural
          growl. She starts to back away, then turns around and
          starts to sprint away from the sound.


          CLOSE ON 
          the female jogger's panicked face as she runs as fast
          as she can from whatever she thinks is chasing her.
          She turns around occasionally to check if anything is
          behind her but she sees nothing. She focuses on the
          track ahead of her.


          to see her point of view as she nears the clearing of
          the woods up ahead her. So close.

          Suddenly, something resembling a giant, hairless white
          dog jumps out of the bushes ahead of her and grabs her
          in one fluid motion, pulling her into the bushes off
          the track. There is a short scream and then silence.
          We see the back end of the creature as it starts to
          feed. It turns its head around to reveal a bald, white
          human-like face. It snarls, revealing sharp fangs.

                                                             BLACK OUT
                             END OF TEASER
                                                 CONTINUE TO ACT ONE