Episode 17 - Timeless
ACT THREE INT. THE MAGIC BOX - DAY from where we left off. ANGLE : TARA staring at Willow.. a mixture of joy and pain. WILLOW Tara. A wordless beat passes between the two. The tension thick in the air. ANGLE : TARA continuing to stare silently at Willow. A thousand emotions flickering through her eyes. Then.. as if snapping herself out of it.. TARA H-Hi. WILLOW (still in shock) Hey. Tara casts her eyes towards Buffy. TARA (to Buffy) There's a way. Tara starts to walk towards the table, reaching into her bag as she does so. She brushes past Willow, who continues to face the door.. still recovering. Buffy takes a second look at Willow before turning around and walking towards Tara. BUFFY A way? TARA To break the spell. We see Tara removing a large book from her bag and placing it on the table. She starts to flip through the pages. Buffy, Giles, Xander, Anya and Dawn slowly gather around her. After a beat, Willow turns around and slowly joins the group. TARA (pointing to something in the book) Here. It's an incantation. A charm specifically designed to counteract the spells created using the Orb of Takanis. XANDER (surprised) That's it? Okay, can I have yay! for simple solutions? TARA Well.. no. XANDER No? BUFFY No yay? TARA There's a hitch. Just like the Orb of Takanis was created to amplify the powers of a spell, a countering spell needs a similar magical artefact for it to be effective against the Orb. XANDER Say Tara? You wouldn't happen to have that in that little bag of yours would'ya? TARA Wish I did. It's called the Crystal of Kanis. It was forged by a sorcerer thousands of years ago after a rival created the Orb of Takanis. XANDER Wow. These sorcerers? Big with the magicks but, you know, not so much with the whole naming thing. BUFFY In any case, we better get our hands on this crystal.. and fast. GILES Well, I suppose the good news is that if we're to discover anything about the whereabouts of this object, we're most likely to find it here in Sunnydale. XANDER (to Buffy) And you said there was no upside to living on the Hellmouth. A phone rings off-screen. GILES (beginning to walk away towards the phone) We should split up and canvas the town.. see if anyone has heard of this crystal. Giles picks up the phone and has a conversation in the background. The rest of the Scoobies slowly rise from their chairs, stirring into action. XANDER So, I guess there's no chance this sorcerer guy's currently living locally?.. or you know, currently living? TARA Well, if the Orb of Takanis showed up in Sunnydale recently, maybe the crystal isn't too far behind? BUFFY Wherever this thing is, it ain't gonna find itself. (to Xander) We better get going. (to Willow, Dawn, Tara and Anya) The rest of you. Why don't you see if you can dig up a little more on this spell. We wanna make sure we do everything right. (thinks for a beat) On second thoughts, maybe you guys should grab the books and set up HQ at our place. I got a feeling this little scavenger hunt's gonna take all day and I wanna be sure you guys are somewhere vamp-proof when it gets dark. We'll all meet up back there when we're done. Silent nods. Anya heads over to the cash register. Willow and Tara share quick glances at each other. Willow bows her head and walks away from Tara and over to a shelf to grab some books. Dawn quietly comes up to Tara and they share a hug. ANYA (looking down at the cash register) Oh! Heads turn towards Anya. ANYA We still haven't deposited this week's takings. I know business has been slow, but money is still money. XANDER Well, maybe we could leave it till.. ANYA (hurriedly stuffing the money into a bag) And let some burglar steal my hard- earned cash? XANDER An, with the amount of money we've made this week, you'd have to pay a burglar to come in here to steal it. Anya ignores Xander and finishes emptying the register. She hurries out towards the door. ANYA I'll meet up with everyone at the house. BUFFY Make sure you get back before.. Anya is out the door. The door-bell tinkling. BUFFY (to herself) Ookay. Giles returns from his phone call. GILES That was Harmony. Apparently, some vampires are driving in a truckload of blood into Sunnydale tonight. There's going to be some kind of large gathering of vampires to meet it. BUFFY The General's? GILES No, but according to Harmony, some of his associates will be dropping in. WILLOW (suddenly interested) Solomon? ANGLE : TARA a worried glance towards Willow. GILES (suspiciously) She didn't say. XANDER So, you think the big G's gonna make a personal appearance. BUFFY Doesn't sound like something the General would bother with. In any case, we can't deal with that right now. WILLOW But we can't just.. BUFFY Will, there are more important things to do than to crash the kegger of the undead. (to Giles) Let them have their little feast. Giles considers for a beat, then nods. Giles, Buffy and Xander start to head towards the door. Willow takes a step forward. WILLOW Maybe I should come along and help. BUFFY (following Giles and Xander out the door.) No. We need you to bone up on this spell. Stay here with Tara. Buffy exits. Willow slowly turns around to take a look at Tara and Dawn. More tension-filled exchange of looks. Tara ushers Dawn away with her to pick up some books. Willow looks glum. INT. SHOP - DAY As we witness a montage of scenes of Buffy and Xander (as a pair) and Giles visiting various shops and talking to various humans and demons.. all of whom don't seem to know anything. Time passes and we see all three becoming more and more frustrated. EXT. SUNNYDALE STREET - DAY as we see Buffy and Xander walking along a street, on their way to the next shop. XANDER Geez. You'd think it'd be easier to find a magical thousand year-old talisman created to neutralize the powers of an evil, once thought to be mythical, Orb. BUFFY They should really have, like, catalogs.. with bright pretty pictures and hidden, subliminal messages cunningly enticing you to buy. You know, like with Sears. XANDER This is our last stop? BUFFY We've pretty much exhausted every seedy store, dive, sweatshop and demon java joint in Sunnydale. At least, all the ones that we know of. XANDER Well, it's a good thing Tara found out about Will or we'd be in an even bigger hole.. and let me tell you, this is one darn impressive hole we're in. (something occuring to him) Hey. How did Tara find out about Willow? Hard to believe a little bird whispered it into her ear. BUFFY Not if the bird's about 5 foot 5, with a loud, annoying chirp and a habit of stealing stuff from other bird's nests to use to decorate her own. XANDER That's one scary bird. BUFFY We're thinking of getting her a smaller cage. XANDER I am kinda glad she called Tara. BUFFY Yeah.. me too. They reach their destination and appraise the storefront. XANDER (not hopeful) Here we go again. BUFFY I just hope Giles is having more luck. Buffy reaches for the door handle.. INT. A ROOM - DAY ANGLE ON : A DOOR as it opens to reveal.. a giant, green demon looking like an over-sized three-eyed frog. We see that we are in a clean, sterile room with fake wood-panelled walls. A piece of sterile elevator music is droning in the background. A sign reads 'Daegus the Collector: Magical Artefacts are our specialty'. We TRACK the demon as it waddles over to a small dispenser set in a wall and pulls a slip of paper out of it. It then sits itself down on a chair and waits. We PAN away from him to see a whole rogue's gallery of demons sitting and patiently waiting in chairs.. the bland music seemingly acting as an anaesthetic agent. We end the PAN on Anya, who sits, silently waiting like the rest. Her bag is on her lap. She glances over to her left to see a blue walrus-like demon with kind, gentle eyes sitting next to her. She notices the demon carrying something in its hands.. a picture. ANYA Oh! Are those your children? The walrus demon turns slowly to look at Anya, slowly down to the picture, then slowly up to Anya again. It slowly nods. ANYA Why, they're just adorable. Look at them, all blue and.. and.. blue. Is that the mother? The walrus demon looks slowly down at the picture, then looks slowly back up at Anya. It slowly nods. ANYA Why, she looks lovely. I'm getting married too.. sometime soon. Isn't married life the most fulfilling thing ever? Two souls connecting as one.. two hearts beating in unison.. two.. FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) Taranoos? Anya looks over to see a tall, slender female creature with pale, white skin. She is bald, and her face is smooth and almost featureless except a pair of big black oval eyes. She is dressed in what looks like a uniform of some sort. She is addressing the walrus demon. The walrus demon slowly turns towards the pale demon and nods.. slowly. PALE CREATURE (speaking in a soothing, pleasant voice) You're the one who wanted to turn your wife into a spotted toadstool? The walrus demon slowly nods, its expression never changing. PALE CREATURE Here you are. We appreciate your business. She hands him a strange glowing rock which the walrus demon slowly accepts. Anya looks on bewildered. The pale creature glides gracefully away as the walrus demon slowly gets up, turns and nods to Anya and slowly departs. Anya settles back into her chair. FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) (over a p.a. system) Now serving.. Number 32. Number 32. Anya looks down at her slip of paper, then rises. She heads over to a large door at the end of the hall. She opens and enters.. INT. AN OFFICE - DAY A dark, small room which is entirely empty except for a large table, a computer, the back of a very large chair and a sign on the wall which states 'We Collect, You Pay!'. We hear someone talking from behind the chair. MALE VOICE (in a gruff voice) Listen you imbecile, you're not gonna find a better price for this baby anywhere. It's a one of a kind! The large, imposing chair spins around and we see.. a tiny, craggy-looking, wrinkled creature with large eyes, pointy ears and a headset phone over its oversized bald head. It chomps away at a cigar like a hyperactive stockbroker. DAEGUS (talking into the headset) No.. I don't care what it's going for on E-bay. Don't you know those guys are just a bunch of crooks? You can't trust any of them. (listening for a beat) Uh huh.. uh huh.. Well, don't come crying to me when you end up buying a lemon. If you're stupid enough to take that risk, you deserve to be swindled. (listens for a beat) Okay.. okay. No, really I'll be back soon mother. Love to Dad. The creature hangs up and looks up at Anya. DAEGUS What in the hell are you? He switches on his intercom and speaks into it. DAEGUS Suzie? I told you I don't deal with humans! What are you, blind? ANYA Daegus. DAEGUS (not listening; to Anya) Get outta here. Get that filthy human carcass of yours out of my store! ANYA Daegus.. it's me! Daegus stops yelling and stares at Anya. DAEGUS Anyanka? Anya smiles and nods. DAEGUS (confused) Should I be handing out candy? What's with the mug? ANYA Oh.. I'm human now.. sort of. DAEGUS (thinks for a beat, then softening) Oh. I'm so sorry. You should have said. (looks deeply into Anya's eyes for a beat) I understand. Anya smiles and nods. DAEGUS You want me to end your misery. ANYA Huh? DAEGUS Sshh. No more words. I know you'd do the same for me. Daegus reaches into a drawer and pulls out a large knife. DAEGUS Hush now. The pain will soon be over. ANYA What? No! I kinda like being human. Daegus stops, gives Anya a dirty look, then.. DAEGUS (stands petutantly on his chair and waves his knife around) Get that filthy human carcass of yours out of my store! Anya grabs the knife away from Daegus and pushes him back onto his chair. Daegus falls into his chair in a heap. ANYA Is this how you treat an old friend? After all we've been through together? DAEGUS Sorry. It's just.. You look terrible. ANYA Yeah? Well, you look.. short. Daegus sits himself back upright, recomposing himself. ANYA I need something. DAEGUS I don't deal with humans. They are the scum of all dimensions, the stupidest, most despicable creatures I have ever seen. Oh why was I banished to this dimension to service the demons on this plane? Oh why was I.. ANYA Oh, save it for Geraldo. Are you going to help me or not? DAEGUS Don't belittle my pain Anyanka.. or my hatred for the humans.. or my absolute disgust at their mere existence.. or my God, what the hell is that? Anya notices what Daegus is staring at. She raises her hand proudly to show off her ring. ANYA Like it? DAEGUS You're getting married? To a human? Anya nods happily. DAEGUS How could you betray your demon past? You will willingly give yourself to that filthy creature you will call your husband? You sicken me. You will stink of them and you will never, ever get rid of their putrid smell. ANYA You are invited to the wedding. A beat. Daegus stares hard at Anya, anger etched into every corner of his face.. then.. DAEGUS Will there be cake? ANYA The Crystal of Kanis. Do you have it? Daegus thinks for a beat, sizing up Anya. He then taps something into the computer on the table. He reads the screen, looks back at Anya, then presses a button under the table. Suddenly, a bright white light fills the room as the wall behind Daegus is seemingly ripped open. A large white circle forms behind him. Anya peers over to look into it.. REVERSE ANGLE : THE WHITE CIRCLE beyond which we see an impossibly large white room and containing neverending rows of shelves and boxes. Daegus presses the intercom button. DAEGUS Suzie? Suzie, the tall, pale, skinned creature glides in gracefully, past Anya and to Daegus. She leans over to listen. DAEGUS Row 403, Shelf 26, Box 32490, Item 553993. Suzie glides into the portal and dissapears. DAEGUS (to Anya; re Suzie) Great gal. Anya nods. ANYA Oh. (reaches into her bag and starts pulling out wads of cash) Let me pay for this. DAEGUS (demonstratively waving his tiny hands) Oh no, no, no, no. ANYA (smiling warmly) Really? DAEGUS That's not nearly enough. ANYA What? DAEGUS Look, if I did a deal for all my friends.. well, you see where it would all lead. ANYA You don't have any friends. DAEGUS (smiling) Well, so long as I have their money. Anya stares grimly at Daegus. EXT. BUFFY'S HOUSE - NIGHT to establish. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Where we see Tara and Dawn sitting next to each other on the couch, books in hand.. quietly researching. Willow sits across from them on a lounge chair, a book also in hand. We see the uncomfortable looks Willow and Tara occasionally give each other.. peeking up from their books. Dawn notices.. sensing the tension in the room. DAWN (getting up) There's a thing.. um.. I need to do.. upstairs.. cos, you know, that's where the thing is. TARA What thing Dawnie? DAWN Oh, you know.. just a thing. An upstairs thing. (looking from Tara to Willow) I'll be back. Dawn scampers off and heads upstairs. Another uncomfortable beat, as Willow and Tara are left alone in the room. More nervous glances. WILLOW So.. how are you? Tara looks up, takes a beat to gather herself, then.. TARA I'm fine. Willow nods.. then awkwardly fumbles for a next move. Finding none, she looks back down to her book. Tara looks down to her book, then back up at Willow. TARA And you? I mean, besides.. WILLOW I'm good. Better, now that you're.. (trailing off) here. Tara fidgets nervously, looking down. Supressing her emotions. WILLOW So.. you all settled in at your new place? Making new friends and all? Tara doesn't answer.. looking uncomfortable. Willow takes a beat.. then.. WILLOW You know, this whole freezy thing? It's not all bad. Like Anya said, you have to look at the positives. I mean, I can clock in more time for research.. and, and say a vamp decides to attack, it would be like easy slayage if I happen to freeze. TARA (snapping) Stop it. Willow stiffens.. taken aback. TARA Don't you know how dangerous this was? My God.. Will, the Orb of Takanis? You could have been.. you could have.. Tara can't continue. She just shakes her head. WILLOW (softly) Tara TARA Why did you do it? Why? Because of the visions? Willow looks away.. not denying it. TARA (calmer) You have to stop Will. I need you to just.. stop. WILLOW And just let the visions come true? Why? TARA Because.. WILLOW Because what? Why should I just stand back and.. TARA Because I don't want to be the reason.. I don't want to be the reason you get hurt. I don't want to be the reason why one day, you would decide to perform a spell which you know is too powerful for you to control, and too dangerous to even try. I mean, can't you see that? Willow doesn't answer.. not knowing what to say. TARA (calmer) Let's not do this now. Right now, the only thing that matters is getting you out of this. A beat as the two share a look. TARA I'll just go see what's taking Dawn so long. Tara walks upstairs.. leaving Willow sitting silently by herself. She looks disconsolate and very emotional. She gets up and heads over to the.. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/KITCHEN - NIGHT where she grabs an empty glass and turns on the faucet at the sink. She fills the glass with the water and takes a long drink as the tap continues to run. She slams the glass down, breathing heavily. She looks up and takes a look at the reflection in the window in front of her. She looks unimpressed with her visage. Suddenly, all sound dissapears from the room. Willow looks down to see that the water running out from the tap has frozen. Time has stopped. WILLOW Great. Willow casually runs her hand through the frozen stream of water.. little droplets of water spilling here and there as she does so. She picks up her half- empty glass of water and heads out back to.. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT as we see Willow walk slowly into the living room. Everything is silent. She takes a look out a window. Everything is still and dark. Willow slumps sadly into her chair, placing the glass on the table. She picks up a book and begins to read through it. She takes a look up at the clock on the wall. ANGLE ON : THE CLOCK its hands frozen.. stuck at 6:20pm. ANGLE : WILLOW from the side as she sighs and turns her head wearily back to the book, slouching back into her chair to make herself more comfortable. We PAN slowly from Willow to the table where we see a stack of books and a half-empty glass of water. We continue to PAN past the table and to the couch opposite her where sits a teddy bear, staring silently and unflinchingly at Willow. We hold on this shot for a beat. We slowly PAN back from the teddy bear, to the table where we see the books have now been moved and set aside and the glass is now empty. We continue to PAN to Willow who we see has now fallen asleep, an open book in her hands. A long time has passed. Willow wakes. She takes a second to reorient herself, then groggily gets up, putting the book aside and picking up her cup. She heads towards.. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/KITCHEN - NIGHT where we see Willow head for the sink, reaching out with her glass. She stops.. staring at something in slight shock. REVERSE ANGLE : THE FAUCET still turned on.. the water stream still frozen. Willow puts the glass down and heads back into.. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT where she looks up at the clock. It is frozen and still reads 6:20pm. She quickly looks down at her watch. It reads 11:40pm. Willow looks concerned. EXT. BUFFY'S HOUSE - NIGHT where we see everything and everyone outside the house is frozen. A man out walking his dog, a late-night jogger and a car driving on the street with its lights on. A montage follows. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT A series of shots..over a passage of time. Willow pacing around. Willow back on the couch, reading. Willow looking at the clock. We then see Willow putting on her coat and heading for the front door. She takes a look up the stairs, hesitating for a moment, then heads out. EXT. SUNNYDALE STREET - NIGHT Willow walks the frozen streets of Sunnydale, looking at each frozen person she passes.. still amazed at the spell's effect. INT. THE MAGIC BOX - NIGHT where we see a panicy Willow picking out books from a shelf, then taking them to the table to read. She settles down into a chair and opens the first one. Time passes. She looks at her watch, then forlornly at the books. She closes the last one. INT. SUNNYDALE MALL - NIGHT where we see a more subdued Willow wandering a brightly lit mall. The mall is packed with shoppers but Willow is the only moving object in this bright, sterile world. INT. A RESTAURANT - NIGHT Willow at a buffet bar, unenthusiastically picking out food from the various trays and sticking them on her plate. She goes to scoop some shrimps from its platter but notices it is almost empty. She spies some shrimps on the plate of a frozen diner next to her and casually sweeps them onto her plate. She walks away. INT. A CINEMA - NIGHT where we see Willow's face illuminated by the cinema screen in front of her. REVERSE ANGLE : CINEMA SCREEN a frozen still frame. ANGLE : WILLOW as she stares at the still image in front of her. She looks around her. We PULL BACK to reveal the frozen still image around her.. cinema patrons frozen in time. INT. BUS STATION TERMINAL - NIGHT where we see Willow lying down on a bench, then closing her eyes to go to sleep. Again, everything around her is still and silent. EXT. PARK - NIGHT where we see Willow on a swing, gently swinging sadly to and fro, her head down.. a lot on her mind. EXT. SUNNYDALE STREET - NIGHT Willow walking through a crowd of frozen people, but this time, not even throwing a second glance at them. Just another piece of dead scenery. She looks haggard. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/FOYER - NIGHT as Willow enters through the front door. She looks tired and somewhat numb. She takes a look up at something in the living room, then heads upstairs. We PAN around to look at what she was looking at. ANGLE ON : THE CLOCK its hands frozen, still reading 6:20pm. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT as we see Willow trudge wearily down it, stopping outside Dawn's room. She pauses, then enters. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/DAWN'S ROOM - NIGHT as Willow enters. We see Dawn and Tara frozen in the room. Dawn is lying belly down on the bed, a book in front of her. Tara is sitting on the edge of the bed, talking to Dawn. Willow comes up to the two of them. She touches Dawn's hand lightly and smiles. She then comes up to Tara, standing next to her. She looks down at her, then slowly runs her finger through her hair. She stares at her for a beat, then leaves. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/BUFFY'S ROOM - NIGHT Willow enters. She closes the door behind her, then turns off the light. In the still and silent darkness, she grabs a chair and places it in front of a window.. then sits down. She sits staring out the window, as still and silent as everything around her. We slowly CLOSE in on her face.. the only moving object in this frozen world, a tear slowly trickling down her face. The silence is broken with.. BUFFY (V.O.) (shouting) Willow? INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/FOYER - NIGHT where we see Buffy, Giles and Xander enter the house. BUFFY Tara? Dawn? XANDER An? BUFFY (to Xander) Where is everybody? Dawn and Tara come down the stairs. DAWN (to Buffy) You're back! All of you. TARA Did you find it? BUFFY Sorry. We tried every place we could think of but we've come up dry. XANDER Which is kinda ironic considering the number of bars we've been today.. (off looks) or not. GILES We'll try again tommorow. I'm sure we'll find the crystal soon. In the meantime, we can keep searching the books. DAWN Oh the books.. like they've been a bunch of help. We've been looking through those all day but there's like nothing on the crystal. Anya enters through the front door, carrying a bag. She looks up and sees everyone gathered at the bottom of the stairs. ANYA Oh.. We're doing this in the foyer now? XANDER Wait. Did you just come back? ANYA Well, things took longer than I expected. XANDER An, there's no bank on this earth that opens this late. I think it's like written in their charters.. you know, the one just before their eternal pledge to the devil. ANYA Well, I also happened to pick up a little something on the way back. Anya reaches into her bag and pulls out a shopping bag. She holds it out to the group and smiles proudly. It's a Barney's bag. Confused looks from all. Anya clues in and reaches into the bag and takes out.. the Crystal of Kanis. Take two.. she holds it out to the group and smiles proudly. The crystal glows green. The group stares at the crystal with wonderment. DAWN Is that? I mean.. XANDER Either that or Superman's not far behind. Giles takes the crystal from Anya and studies it. Tara comes over to stand besides Giles to take a closer look at the crystal herself. BUFFY Wait.. they're selling these things at Barney's now? ANYA Well, if Barney's was a high-priced black-market operation run by demons. BUFFY I'm waiting for more conclusive studies. GILES You got this from the black-market? Why didn't you tell us? ANYA Let's just say the guy I got this from has a little thing about humans. Besides, I wasn't sure it would even be there. XANDER An. How could you go there by yourself? It's too dangerous. ANYA Oh no.. we're all kin down there. I mean, sure some of them would like nothing better than to eviscerate any human that crosses their path but everybody has their dark side. Anyway, you'll be meeting most of them at our wedding. BUFFY Okay, I'm fairly sure there was a breakdown in logic somewhere back there. Tara looks at the crystal, then up to Anya. She smiles broadly. She comes up to Anya and hugs her gratefully. TARA Thank you. Tara breaks from the hug but continues to smile. TARA (earnest) Thank you. Anya, moved, beams happily. TARA (to the rest of the group) I'll go get Will. Anya, with the widest smile ever, watches Tara head towards the living room, then slowly turns back to the rest of the group. She fidgets and bounces ever so slightly, hardly able to contain herself. She looks like she's waiting for something but no one reacts. After a beat, she holds her arm aloft.. ready for her next hug. Before anyone can do so, Tara returns.. TARA Dawnie, have you seen Willow? DAWN No. I thought she was in the living room. TARA She was. At least, she was when I left her a minute ago. XANDER She's dissapeared? Buffy and Giles share a concerned look. BUFFY I'm sure she's around somewhere. A beat as the group stare at each other, then en masse, spread out in all directions to look for Willow. EXT. BUFFY'S HOUSE - NIGHT as we see Giles and Xander head out into the street, calling her name. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/KITCHEN - NIGHT where we see Dawn and Anya looking around, then heading to the dining room. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT where we see Tara and Buffy, opening the doors.. checking the rooms within. Tara comes to Buffy's room - the door closed. She opens it. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/BUFFY'S ROOM - NIGHT as light enters the room from the hallway, we see a still, silent figure sitting in a chair, looking out the window. TARA Will? No response. Tara switches on the light. ANGLE : WILLOW from the front, Tara, and now Buffy, in the background. We see Willow's face.. emotionless, her eyes wide open.. almost as if catatonic. Tara walks slowly closer. She kneels down next to Willow, looking up at her. TARA (softly) Willow. Willow finally hears Tara. She blinks, then slowly turns to face Tara. She smiles weakly, then slowly puts her arms around her and hugs her without saying a word. Tara, confused, hugs her back and gently strokes Willow's hair. She looks up to Buffy who is now standing besides her. Buffy looks similarly confused. Tara looks back down and notices something. TARA (to Buffy) Her watch. Buffy looks. REVERSE ANGLE : ON WILLOW'S WATCH. which reads 10:30 pm. Buffy quickly looks down at her watch and then back to Tara. BUFFY (concerned) She was frozen for four hours? TARA Buffy.. the date. Buffy takes a second look at Willow's watch. She looks horrified.. looks back at Tara. TARA Four days. Tara turns back and continues to comfort Willow. EXT. WAREHOUSES BY THE DOCKS - NIGHT as we see two pairs of headlights, one following the other, approaching one particular warehouse. The lead truck stops in front of the warehouse. After a beat, the doors roll open. The trucks drive in. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT As we see a large group of scraggy vampires waiting impatiently as the two trucks enter the building. The drivers of the first truck dismount. Two big, burly vamps in black leather. They go round to the back of the truck. The assembled vamps all gather around accordingly. The two leather-cladded vamps open the back doors of the truck. Inside, we see two further vamps in black guarding a well-dressed vamp sitting behind a table, a cash-box by his side and ready to do business. Behind them, we see hundreds of blood packets in the refrigerated truck, ready to be distributed. One of the vamp guards puts a nice, thick winter fur coat on the shoulders of the vamp at the table. The dealer vamp, with a scar across his cheek, looks up at the gathered mass of customers and smiles. DEALER VAMP Who's first? EXT. BUFFY'S HOUSE - NIGHT to establish. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT where we see Buffy, Xander and Anya sitting down. We see the crystal on the table in the centre. No one speaks. Buffy hears someone coming down the stairs. She turns to see Tara and Giles coming into the living room. Everyone stands. BUFFY Is she okay? TARA She's sleeping. Dawn stayed in the room to keep an eye on her. BUFFY So, how do we get her out of this? XANDER Cast the spell. I mean, we've got all the ingredients right? Or are we out of cilantro again. ANYA Just hold on there Iron Chef. Daegus said the crystal would only be effective when the spell was in effect. BUFFY What.. you mean, during a freeze? How is this going to work? That would mean only Willow could cast the spell to get herself out of the freeze. XANDER And she's practically all tapped out magic-wise. TARA I can help her. A beat as the thought sinks in to the group, then.. BUFFY (realising) Whoa! Back up there. TARA No. It's the only way. We can do it if we cast the spell together. ANYA You want to join her in a freeze? XANDER Can you even do that? I mean, I may not be the biggest expert on magic but.. freezing time? Not something I caught on 'Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed'. TARA (animated) No, see.. all I have to do is to cast a simple conjoining spell.. joining me to her. I'll end up wherever she is. If she happens to be in freeze time when the spell is in effect, I'll enter it with her. You see, the freezing spell Willow cast will be doing all the work. The conjoning spell will just be like piggybacking on top of it. (not waiting for a response from the group) We can do it now. Tara reaches out and grabs the crystal from the table. Giles reaches out and grabs hold of Tara's arm before she can go anywhere. GILES Hold on. TARA But.. GILES Now listen. We're not going to rush into anything. Let's take a little time to make sure we do everything right. TARA But you saw what happened to her. Every second that passes here could mean a lifetime for her. She could go into another long freeze anytime now, but this time she won't be able to come back. GILES I don't believe so. BUFFY How's that? GILES Before she went to sleep, she mentioned she had experienced several short time freezes since we found her. The type of anomalies she was experiencing before. That leads me to believe that these things are happening in cycles. In my estimation, she won't experience another extended, dangerous freeze for a while yet. TARA How can you be sure? GILES I can't. But I am sure that we're not going to just jump into this without ensuring we do everything right. If you rush into this, we could very well lose both you and Willow.. and that is simply unacceptable. Tara's intensity softens.. Giles starting to make sense. GILES Besides, we need both of you to be focused and alert when you cast the spell, something neither of you are at the moment. I suggest you calm yourself down and go get some rest while we get everything ready in preparation for the spells. We'll get you both in a few hours. Tara is reluctant to go. Giles comes up to her and puts a comforting hand on her shoulder. GILES (much gentler tone) Go on. Everything will be fine. Tara nods, puts the crystal back on the table, then heads slowly up the stairs. Giles, Buffy, Xander and Anya watch silently for a beat, then.. GILES We have work to do. Giles and Buffy head back to the table to prepare for the spell. Anya grabs some empty cups off the table and heads to the kitchen. Xander follows. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/KITCHEN - NIGHT as we see Anya place the cups in the sink. She sees the tap still running, so she turns it off. Xander comes up behind her. XANDER So.. one thing still kinda confuses me.. this Daegus guy? He just gave you the crystal? ANYA (thinks for a beat) Yes. XANDER Just like that. ANYA Yes. XANDER Of course. After all, that's the whole basis of how the black market operates.. people giving away rare, hard-to-find and possibly illegal items for free. Anya nervously fidgets.. then puts her hands in her coat pockets. XANDER (noticing) What? Are you cold? Anya nervously looks away from Xander. Xander picks up the strange vibe from Anya and gently grabs hold of her arms. XANDER (quietly) Hey. They stare at each other for a beat. Then, Xander slowly removes Anya's hands from her pockets.. then looks down at them. He looks back up to Anya, surprised.. then down again. REVERSE ANGLE : ANYA'S HAND as we see Xander remove a ring from her finger. He holds it up and we see it's a toy ring.. bright purple in colour. Xander just looks at it. Anya looks nervously at Xander, at the ring, then back to Xander. ANYA (nervous) She wanted two dollars for it. Xander looks at Anya, seeking clarification. ANYA The kid I bought it from.. she wanted two dollars.. but I talked her down to one. Xander smiles, slowly puts the ring back onto her finger, then kisses her hand. The two hug. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/BUFFY'S ROOM - NIGHT where we see Dawn sitting in a chair in a corner, watching over a sleeping Willow. Tara enters the room, quietly. She and Dawn exchange a smile. Dawn gets up and comes up to Tara for a hug. She then leaves. Tara watches Willow who is sleeping on her side. Tara walks over to the other side of the bed, then gets in slowly. She lies down beside her, holding Willow from behind as she closes her eyes.. never letting go. EXT. WAREHOUSES BY THE DOCKS - NIGHT to establish. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT where we see a strung-out vamp hand some cash over to the dealer vamp. The dealer vamp takes the cash and counts it, then holds up his hand behind him. One of his guards places a blood packet in it. He hands it over to the strung-out vamp with a big smile. DEALER VAMP Enjoy. The strung-out vamp grabs the packet and makes his way through the throng waiting their turn. We TRACK him as he starts to bite hungrily into his packet.. his eyes down as he focuses on his meal. Nearing the exit, he suddenly stops short as he sees something on the ground. REVERSE ANGLE: THREE PAIRS OF FEET from his POV, we slowly TILT UP to reveal Sasha, Trix and Flix.. all looking at him. ANGLE : STRUNG-OUT VAMP his fangs still embedded in his meal.. in shock and frozen in his spot. Flix smiles and takes one step towards him. She leans in closer. FLIX (whispering) Run. The strung-out vamp does so, as Flix giggles.. enjoying her power. She takes a look up at the throng of bodies in front of her. FLIX Come on girls. She turns back towards Sasha and Trix. FLIX Party time. Flix heads off merrily towards the crowd. Trix gives her a dirty look.. jealous of her confidence. Sasha impassively follows. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/BUFFY'S ROOM - NIGHT CLOSE ON : WILLOW'S FACE as her eyes suddenly open.. waking up with a start. We slowly WIDEN to reveal Willow, still in bed, Tara's arms loosely around her. Willow notices, and turns towards Tara.. her face next to hers. She studies Tara's face.. her eyes closed. WILLOW (softly) Tara? No response. Willow looks up and around the room. Completely still and silent. She turns towards the bedside clock.. time has frozen. She falls back into bed, looking up at the ceiling. She turns back towards Tara and just gazes at her. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/STAIRCASE - NIGHT as we see Willow slowly descend the stairs into the foyer and then heads into.. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT where she sees Buffy, Xander, Giles, Anya and Dawn.. all gathered around the table.. all going through a stack of books on the table. Everyone is frozen. Willow walks around, then spots a pile of books set aside on the ground in a corner. She wanders over and takes a closer look. Books on Ascension, Reanimation, Suspended Animation.. all research material on the General's ritual to raise his army.. all now set aside in a corner. Willow looks aghast. Willow turns slowly back to look at the group, her face filled with guilt. Her expression then changes.. determined.. resolved. Music increases in tempo and urgency INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/BUFFY'S ROOM - NIGHT ANGLE ON : BUFFY'S WEAPON CHEST as Willow opens it and grabs a stake and a bottle of holy water. She then heads over to the chair where her jacket is. She grabs it and puts it on, then turns and faces Tara.. frozen in slumber. She walks up to the bed, gently strokes Tara's face and then kisses her lightly on the lips. She leaves. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/FOYER - NIGHT just as Willow comes down the stairs. She places the stake and bottle of holy water in her jacket.. then turns to take a last look at the group in the living room. She turns back towards the door, opens it, and exits. The door closes. BLACKOUT END OF ACT THREE CONTINUE TO ACT FOUR