Episode 17 - Timeless
ACT FOUR EXT. BUFFY'S HOUSE - NIGHT to establish. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/BUFFY'S ROOM - NIGHT Where we see Tara in bed asleep. She wakes up. Her hand slowly touches her lips.. as if still feeling Willow's kiss. She suddenly straightens in bed and looks around the room. Willow nowhere to be seen. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT where Buffy, Giles, Xander and Dawn are gathered.. going through the books. Tara comes bounding in.. flustered. TARA She's gone. BUFFY What? TARA She's gone. She's not in the room. Everyone stands. DAWN She didn't come down here. We would have heard. BUFFY Oh God. We lost her? TARA No, she went out. I'm sure of it. XANDER Why would she leave? I mean, she knows we're working on a solution. TARA She said something before about looking at the positives of her situation.. something about easy vampire slayings. Buffy.. the weapons chest was open. Buffy thinks for a moment.. then, a realisation. BUFFY (to Giles) The warehouse. Giles looks at Buffy for a beat, then.. GILES We'll take my car. Buffy sprints out towards the front door. Everyone else begin to follow her. GILES (turning to the rest) The rest of you stay here. We still have a spell to prepare for. Dawn, Xander, Anya and Tara stop at the edge of the living room.. just helplessly watching as Giles exits. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT where we see Flix, Trix and Sasha surrounded by six or seven of the big, beefy leather-claded bodyguards. The dealer vamp, resplendent with his fur coat draped around his shoulder, comes up to the trio with an air of menace. Flix and Trix stand side by side, slightly in front of Sasha. Surrounding this inner circle, we see the remaining Sunnydale vamps nervously watching Flix, Trix and Sasha with great unease. Some are beginnning to back away. DEALER VAMP (appraising the twins) Well, look at what we got here. (to his bodyguards) Deal me in boys, cause I'm sitting here on a pair of tens. General laughter from his lackeys. The dealer vamp turns his attention back to the twins. DEALER VAMP I don't normally like them young, but for you two, I think I can make an exception. The twins smile in unison. With this, the town vamps scatter.. running for their lives. DEALER VAMP (noticing; yelling at the scattering vamps) Hey! Where do you think you're going? We still have business to conduct. The town vamps dissapear out a door into the night. DEALER VAMP Idiots. The dealer vamp turns back to the twins and comes closer. DEALER VAMP Well, I guess we can still make the most of this trip. No reason this has to be a complete bust. Now.. who to start with? The twins snuggle closer, smiling at the dealer vamp.. ever so subtly posing for him. The dealer vamp takes a close look at Trix, then moves over to Flix. DEALER VAMP (to Flix) Yes.. yes.. I think you win my sweet birdy. You look like you'll enjoy it more. Flix turns to look at Trix and smiles triumphantly. Trix shoots her sister a dirty look.. second again. The dealer vamp grabs Flix's arm and jerks her violently forward towards him, making her face him. He takes out a large curved knife and lightly runs it across her cheek. Flix smiles, tingling with delight as the blade runs across her skin. She closes her eyes to savour the moment. The dealer vamp takes the blade away but keeps it up in a striking position. FLIX (opening her eyes; seductively) More please. SASHA (to the dealer vamp) You're making a mistake. DEALER VAMP Don't worry grandma. Plenty of me to go around. In the meantime, I'm sure the boys here need some kind of distraction. A few grins and salacious looks towards Sasha by the bodyguards. Sasha is not at all flustered, just silently watching. The dealer vamp turns back to Flix, getting right close to her. DEALER VAMP Now, my little bird.. He smells her.. touches her on her shoulders, her hips. DEALER VAMP What do you have to say to Daddy? Mmm? Flix slowly looks up at him, all doe-eyed and innocent, ever-smiling. FLIX I like your coat. EXT. SUNNYDALE STREET - NIGHT where we see a determined looking Willow marching down a street.. the world is currently unfrozen but she pays no notice to anyone or anything. Absolutely focused. She turns a corner and sees something off in the distance. She looks up at it and takes a deep breath. She takes out a stake from her pocket and takes a look at it.. then heads off off-screen. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT as we see the large warehouse door roll up to reveal.. a bunch of the General's vamps.. patiently waiting outside. Sasha enters the frame to address them. SASHA Get the blood off the trucks and take it back to the General. The vamps dutifully obey. ANGLE : FLIX dancing slowly around in her brand new fur coat, arms held wide and slowly spinning around. Trix watches in the background. FLIX You know what I like about killing vampires? No mess. They turn to dust and you just.. (kicks away some dust on the ground) sweep them away. TRIX (re the coat) That's mine. FLIX Is not. I called it. TRIX You can't call it until you kill the person wearing it. FLIX Yeah? Well, I dusted that slob.. so this? (tugs the coat) ..is mine. TRIX So, If I dust you, that would mean the coat will belong to me. Flix cocks her head and smiles at her sister. FLIX You think you can take me.. shrimp? TRIX Shut up. FLIX Shrimp.. shrimp.. shrimp. Trix growls angrily and takes a step towards Flix. SASHA Grow up you two. FLIX She started it. (to Trix) You're just jealous because he picked me. TRIX No, he didn't. The General loves me just as much. FLIX Don't you remember? He chose to turn me before he turned you. TRIX Only by a minute. FLIX Which technically makes me older than you. TRIX Only by a minute. FLIX So, as the older sister, I get to do what I want, say what I want and keep what I want. SASHA Enough! The both of you! You two need to focus. TRIX (contrite) We're just playing. SASHA Play on your own time. We are here to serve the General. (turns away from the twins) Honestly, I don't know why someone thought it was funny to make two of you. She looks up and notices something.. REVERSE ANGLE : A SILHOUETTED FIGURE standing at the entrance to the warehouse, backlit by some light from the outside. SASHA You! Don't just stand there. The General needs the blood back at the mansion by tonight. ANGLE : SILHOUETTED FIGURE as it steps into the light, walking slowly and steadily towards Sasha and the twins. It is Buffy. BUFFY Sorry.. I don't speak evil. Flix and Trix immediately focus on the slayer, instinctively spreading out into an attack formation. Flix discards the fur coat. BUFFY Well, maybe on Monday mornings but that's like.. cranky evil. ANGLE : FLIX, TRIX AND SASHA with Sasha in the centre and Flix and Trix spread out on either side of her. The warehouse is now practically empty save for the four combatants. SASHA Buffy.. I've heard you've been unwell. Nothing serious I hope. She smiles, ignoring Sasha's comments. Buffy continues to walk slowly towards the trio, never wavering. BUFFY You know what girls? Maybe we should start thinking about updating our wardrobes. (to Flix and Trix) I mean, you two.. the full-body spandex? Not making a come-back. (to Sasha) And you.. mid-eighties leather S&M ensembles are just struggling to cut it these days. Sasha raises an eyebrow and takes a quick look at her outfit. SASHA You don't like it? Maybe you should try one on before you pass judgment. BUFFY Slutty isn't my colour. SASHA Enough talk? BUFFY Enough talk. Buffy stops and takes out her stake, facing off against the three vamps. Flix and Trix vamp out. ANGLE : BUFFY AND THE VAMPS from above, somewhere on a gantry near the ceiling looking down on the four. Flix and Trix begin to close in. SASHA Wait. The twins stop and look back at Sasha. SASHA I have a better idea. She turns slowly around to look back towards one of the trucks. The twins turn to see and then smile. SASHA Go back to the General. We'll take care of the slayer. The twins give Buffy one last evil smile, then turn to leave. Trix reaches out for the fur coat on the floor but Flix grabs it before she can do so. An angry snarl between the sisters.. they depart. Sasha backtracks calmly towards the truck, all the while looking at Buffy. Buffy warily starts to step towards Sasha. Sasha's foot kicks into a chain.. a metal leash. She picks it up and tugs on it. We PAN the length of the chain as it leads into the back of the truck. Inside we hear the sounds of something feeding. ANGLE : BUFFY stopping and looking concerned. ANGLE : SASHA smiling, looking straight at Buffy as she gives the chain another tug. This time, we hear a loud, inhuman growl come from within. BUFFY What, you're gonna let me play with your doggie? We hear loud footsteps as the creature exits the truck.. The large, soldier vamp turns around the corner to greet Buffy.. its eyes burning red. BUFFY That's not a doggie. Sasha casually lets go of the chain.. the soldier vamp growls and leaps at Buffy. Cue : fighty music Buffy drops to her back and kicks up with her feet at the leaping soldier vamp. She kicks him away, catapulting him over her head. The soldier vamp slams into a wall but recovers almost immediately.. as if feeling no pain. It rushes at Buffy again, like a wild animal. Buffy dodges and ducks as the vamp swings at her - fast, powerful swings. Buffy raises her stake to stake him but the vamp knocks the stake away in the blink of an eye.. the stake flying clear across the warehouse. He knocks Buffy away.. flinging her into some crates in the corner. It rushes at her again. Buffy pops up and grabs a metal pipe by her side. She slams it into the soldier's vamp head.. hard. The soldier vamp just stands in front of Buffy, sneering at her. Buffy swings again, and again.. hitting the vamp on its head harder each time. Finally, after a beat.. the soldier vamp falls over and down to the floor. Buffy looks down at the figure at her feet.. then holds the metal pipe up to look at it. It is now very bent. She stares at it in bewilderment for a beat, then throws it away. She looks quickly around.. then smashes a cupboard shelf to fashion a makeshift stake. She turns around to stake the vamp only to find a large hand grabbing her arm as she raises the stake. We see the soldier vamp, with a hold on Buffy's right arm, slowly getting to his feet. As he does so, he begins to lift Buffy up in the air by her arm. Buffy winces in pain. We see blood starting to seep through her top on the right side, just above her waist.. her old wound reopening. ANGLE : SASHA noticing.. smiling. With her free hand, Buffy hits the vamp's face with all her might. The vamp releases Buffy, emitting a grunt and clutching at his face. Buffy falls in a heap to the floor. She clutces at her wound, grimacing in pain. SASHA Oh Soldier Boy.. The soldier vamp turns around to look at Sasha. Sasha makes a motion with her fist, hitting the right side of her body. The soldier vamp turns back to look at Buffy. Buffy gets to her feet and charges the vamp, knocking him slowly back with a flurry of punches and kicks. The vamp lashes out and strikes Buffy at her right side, causing her to yell out in pain and double over. He picks her up and throws her across the room, into a wall. Buffy, very much favouring her side now, winces in pain and looks up angrily at Sasha, who now stands by the soldier vamp's side. SASHA It's the gift that keeps on giving. Suddenly, we hear a whistling through the air. Sasha spins around and catches a crossbow bolt as it speeds towards the back of the soldier vamp. Sasha looks up.. REVERSE ANGLE : GILES up on the gantry near the ceiling, a crossbow held aloft. SASHA (smiling) Rupert. Giles quickly tries to reload. Sasha picks up an oil barrel and flings it towards Giles. The barrel misses a ducking Giles but smashes hard into the metal gantry.. knocking it loose from its supports. The gantry collapses where Giles stands. Giles falls through the hole but manages to catch hold of a piece of the gantry.. hanging on for dear life. Sasha looks up at Giles, smiling. She walks calmly towards Giles. SASHA Oh baby.. Sasha nonchalantly pulls out a metal pole buried in the concrete floor and continues to close in on Giles. SASHA Let me help you down. ANGLE : BUFFY AND THE SOLDIER VAMP The soldier vamp swinging away at Buffy who struggles to avoid the blows.. still protecting her wound. As the vamp swings, Buffy hears.. then notices the loose end of the long chain attached to the vamp, scraping along the floor. Sasha closes in on Giles, who dangles helplessly metres from the floor. Buffy ducks under a blow, then rolls past the vamp and grabs hold of the end of the chain. Staying low, she rolls and somersaults to avoid the vamp's fists, all the while circling him.. wrapping the chain around his legs. Buffy tugs at the chain and the giant vamp falls to the ground. Sasha hears this and spins around to look. Buffy leaps on top of the soldier vamp with stake in hand. Just as she is about to stake the vamp, Sasha throws the metal pole in her hand towards Buffy. We TRACK the pole as it flies through the air and strikes Buffy's back. Buffy is knocked off the soldier vamp, falling forwards. Sasha rushes towards the soldier vamp and unentangles it as Buffy groggily recovers. She helps him up to his feet just as Buffy begins to stagger to her feet. The vamp attempts to lunge at Buffy but Sasha holds him in check. SASHA That's enough for now. The General is expecting us. (yelling to Giles) Another time my sweet. She blows him a kiss, then leads the soldier vamp away by the chain.. sprinting off. Buffy thinks about following her for a minute, then sees Giles struggling to hold on to the gantry. She rushes over. She pushes a large crate underneath Giles. Giles drops down to the crate and then climbs back down to the floor, standing next to Buffy. He brushes some dust off his coat. GILES Well, obviously I had her precisely where I wanted her. BUFFY Sure. Buffy bends over a little and touches her wound gingerly. GILES Are you alright? BUFFY (straightening) I'm fine. What the hell was that? GILES I suspect that's a sneak preview of what's to come.. if the General raises his army. BUFFY Well, if that's the sneak preview, I sure don't wanna catch the feature. Giles and Buffy, both looking exhausted, share a small laugh.. comrades in arms. Buffy then looks around the warehouse.. a look of concern crossing her face. BUFFY Giles.. Where's Willow? EXT. BUFFY'S HOUSE - NIGHT to establish. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT where we see Tara sitting on the couch by herself, looking very worried. She stands up, then starts to head towards the kitchen. She accidentally kicks a book lying on the floor. She sighs and picks it up.. It flips open to a page. ANGLE ON : THE BOOK on the open page, we see a partly-torn page.. underneath, a caption reads : 'Illustration : The Amulet of Magas'. ANGLE : TARA looking horrified. TARA Willow. EXT. SUNNYDALE STREET - NIGHT ANGLE ON : THE CAT LADY'S HOUSE all dark and quiet. We PAN away from the house, across the street, to Willow, waiting in the darkness. She looks up and off to her side at something.. REVERSE ANGLE : SOME BRANCHES of a tree, being blown by the wind. After a beat.. it freezes, as does the rest of the world. Willow takes a deep breath in, then walks forward.. heading towards the house. INT. CAT LADY'S HOUSE - NIGHT as Willow enters a dark house. She switches on a flashlight in her hands. She shines the light to and fro, searching in the darkness. She stops outside one darkened room and shines her light in. The beam reveals a neat, tidy room.. quiet and still. The beam moves to the right and we see the back of a chair. The chair faces a blank, empty wall. On closer inspection, Willow notices someone in the chair. She sees an old, withered hand on the armrest.. the cat lady's hand. A creeped out Willow quickly shines the light away.. not wanting to stir the still body. She moves on. She shines the light on a green door, set in a wall. Willow slowly moves towards it.. then opens it. She shines a light down; a dark and wide stone staircase leading down. She nervously descends the staircase. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/STAIRCASE - NIGHT as Willow shines the light on the steps.. slowly making her way down. She spots a light at the end of the staircase. She focuses on that point of light as she continues to descend. She bumps into something big at the side of the staircase. She points her flashlight at it to reveal.. a vamped out face a mere few inches away from hers. Willow, startled, trips and tumbles down the remaining steps and out onto.. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/UPSTAIRS BALCONY - NIGHT at the bottom of the staircase. As she hits the floor, her small bottle of holy water comes tumbling out of her jacket and smashes onto the stone floor.. spilling its contents. Willow, still flat on the floor, quickly shines the light on the vamp again. It stands frozen at the staircase. Willow sighs.. switches off the flashlight, then takes a look at the broken bottle of holy water in front of her. She crawls up towards it. WILLOW (to herself) Sure, glass is traditional but plastic? Way more sensible. She then notices something beyond the broken shards of glass. She slowly crawls further up, looking down at something. REVERSE ANGLE : BALCONY from Willow's POV, we crawl up to the edge of the balcony looking down to reveal.. the vast expanse of the General's mansion underneath.. various large, open areas, populated by many frozen vamps. ANGLE : WILLOW staring in amazement for a beat. She switches off her flashlight. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/STAIRCASE - NIGHT We see Willow descending one of the many staircases leading from the second floor to the ground floor. She reaches the bottom and begins to nervously wander through this house of stone. Everywhere she looks, she sees a frozen world filled with vamps. She passes a couple along a hallway.. always keeping a watchful eye on them. WILLOW (nervously to herself) Big, scary place.. big, scary place. Maybe this wasn't quite the plan I thought it was. More nervous glances as she passes more vamps. WILLOW Don't be such a baby. It's no big.. just get the amulet and go. Willow takes a look around, looking a little lost. WILLOW Now, if I was an amulet, where would I be? (answering herself) Well, for starters, in a big, scary place filled with vamps. Willow shakes her head, then enters.. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/TRAINING ROOM - NIGHT a wide, open area filled with training implements, weapons and a few frozen vamps. Willow begins to cross it. Suddenly, we hear a loud, groaning noise. Willow stops, a look of terror filling her face. She looks up and all around. The noise comes from all around, seeming to bounce off the walls of the large cavernous mansion. She starts to see movement.. the world beginning to unfreeze. Willow starts to run towards the other end of the training room. She realises she won't be able to make it before time unfreezes. She spots a weapons table and scoots underneath it, making herself as small as possible. Time unfreezes. From her perspective, she sees the legs of a vamp walking towards the table. She inches away from the intruder. The legs come right up to the table as the vamp picks a weapon. A large axe swings into view, right in front of Willow, her eyes bulging. The vamp carries the axe away for more training. Willow scampers away from under the table and quickly heads towards the exit. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/HALLWAY - NIGHT as Willow bolts into the hallway, she sees more vamps heading towards her.. all heavily armed. She hides behind a column and waits for them to pass. She hears footsteps coming from the opposite direction. She looks frantically for a place to hide. She scampers quickly but silently into.. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/A ROOM - NIGHT as she hides behind the open door. She peeks through the crack between the door and the wall.. spotting two vamps as they pass. She breathes a sigh of relief, then turns to face the room. Her expression changes immediately.. her breathing stops. We hold on Willow's face for a beat. We slowly PAN around to Solomon, sitting at his desk, his back to Willow. His head is down, buried in his hands. He seems deep in contemplation. ANGLE : WILLOW We TILT down from her face, to her right hand which slowly enters her coat pocket. She begins to take out a stake from her pocket, then stops.. hesitating. Solomon rises. Willow slowly puts the stake back into her pocket, then ducks back behind the door, hiding in the shadows. Solomon leaves the room. Willow creeps out from behind the door, then follows him. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/HALLWAY - NIGHT as Willow follows Solomon from a distance, keeping to the shadows. She seems less wary of her surroundings now, her eyes focused on Solomon. Solomon turns around a corner and dissapears. Willow follows into.. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/THRONE ROOM - NIGHT as Willow hides behind a wall, peering into the throne room. From behind, she can see Solomon standing next to a large throne. The back of the throne hides the occupant but she can see the white, spindly fingers of the General, gesticulating to Solomon. Willow hears footsteps coming towards her. With nowhere else to go, she slips quietly into the throne room, hiding behind a pillar which stands next to a table carrying various glass ornaments, all standing in a row. She takes another peek at Solomon and the General. ANGLE : SOLOMON AND THE GENERAL still talking. Solomon suddenly looks over in Willow's direction. Willow darts back quickly behind the pillar, accidentally bumping lightly into the table behind her in the process. ANGLE ON : AN ORNAMENTAL VASE adorned with various fierce looking creatures, standing at the end of the row of ornaments. The bump causes it to shift to the right, teetering on the edge of the table.. looking like it is about to fall. It wobbles. ANGLE : SOLOMON not noticing any of this and turning back to the General. ANGLE ON : AN ORNAMENTAL VASE wobbling on the edge.. then suddenly freezing. ANGLE : WILLOW staying still behind the pillar for a beat, then slowly peeking her head out again to look. REVERSE ANGLE : SOLOMON AND THE GENERAL frozen. Willow steps out from behind the pillar and cautiously approaches the pair, her stake out at the ready. She steps up to take a look at Solomon.. a glowering intensity even in a frozen state. She turns towards the General and her eyes widen. REVERSE ANGLE : THE GENERAL sitting still on his throne, a red amulet on a chain around his neck. Willow takes a deep breath in, her eyes focused on the amulet. She puts the stake down onto the floor and steps up to the General. She takes out a scrap of paper from her pocket and examines the illustration of the amulet she tore from the book. She compares it with the amulet in front of her, then replaces the paper in her pocket. She stands in front of the General. She carefully leans in and reaches around the General's neck to lift the chain. Her face is now a mere few inches away from his. Willow stares straight into the General's eyes which regard her with a frozen glare. She proceeds slowly, for fear of waking the dead. She tries to lift the chain off the General but it is stuck, the chain clasped onto the General's vest. She tugs again, harder, but the clasp does not give way. She hears a loud, groaning noise around her. WILLOW No. Willow keeps pulling on the chain but it doesn't come loose. The General stares with his frozen eyes.. observing Willow. Willow looks around, the sound getting louder.. vamps beginning to move. Willow releases the chain and rushes behind the throne, taking cover as time unfreezes. Solomon notices the stake on the ground by his feet. He starts to look around.. THE GENERAL What is it? Willow, still hiding behind the throne, spots some vamps heading towards the throne room from one of the side entrances.. leading directly to her. She peeks around the corner of the throne. REVERSE ANGLE : SOLOMON looking in the other direction, away from her. Willow takes the opportunity to sneak towards the exit behind the throne. She moves, half-crouching. ANGLE ON : AN ORNAMENTAL VASE Now unfrozen, we see it wobbling.. wobbling.. off the table. It smashes to the ground in front of Willow causing an almighty noise. Willow, startled, stands up straight and spins around in horror. REVERSE ANGLE : SOLOMON standing right in front of her, rage burning in his eyes. Willow tries to run but, in an instant, Solomon grabs her wrist.. hard, the sharp nails burying into her skin. Willow lets out a cry of pain, her entire body seeming to collapse. She looks up at Solomon. Solomon reaches with his other hand to his side and unsheaths his sword. He swings it up into the air and, in his moment of triumph, begins to swing it down at Willow. Willow closes her eyes and waits.. and waits. She nervously opens her eyes again. REVERSE ANGLE : SOLOMON frozen in mid-swing. Time has stopped. Willow stares at Solomon for a breathless moment, not believing her eyes.. then jumps into action. She tries with all her might to pull free from Solomon's grasp but she cannot break loose. She pulls and pulls. We see blood beginning to drip down from her wrist as some of her skin peels away. She stops, then tries to reach for Solomon's sword.. raised high above his head. She twists and turns, trying to stretch for the sword but it is out of reach. She looks around the throne room.. nothing within grasp. She spots a knife on a table some distance away. She concentrates on the knife. ANGLE ON : THE KNIFE as nothing happens for a beat.. then starts to slide across the table. ANGLE : WILLOW deep in concentration. ANGLE ON : THE KNIFE as it slides off the table and drops to the stone floor with a clang. It then begins to slide along the floor, heading towards Willow. It reaches the three steps leading up to the General's throne. It bumps into the first step, unable to go any further. ANGLE : WILLOW looking frustrated.. trying again. The knife begins to stand up shakily on one end. After a valiant effort to levitate, it gives up and drops back to the floor, lifeless. Willow, all worn out, crouches over and rests her free hand on her knee. She looks defeated.. unable to give any more. She looks down at the floor, trying to think of something.. anything. Trying to figure a way to.. A loud, groaning noise breaks her train of thought. WILLOW (looking up, shouting; almost in tears) No.. No. ANGLE ON : HER WRIST as she tries one last time to pull free, more blood spilling to the floor. Suddenly, a hand strikes into view, grabbing Willow's arm. We TILT up to see Tara, looking hard at Willow. WILLOW Tara! Tara looks quickly around, summing up the situation. She looks at Willow, then at Solomon for a moment, slightly unnerved by him. She shakes it off and goes over and prises his sword loose from his grasp. She positions the blade of the sword over the tiny striking zone.. a small piece of exposed flesh at Solomon's wrist, between Willow's hand and the part of Solomon's arm protected by the body armour. All around, the groaning noise becomes louder. We begin to detect some movement. Time beginning to unfreeze. ANGLE : TARA hesitating, staring at the tiny target. WILLOW Tara.. Do it! Tara looks at Willow. WILLOW I trust you. Tara nods and raises the sword high above her head with both hands. Time unfreezes. Tara turns to look at Solomon. Solomon looks at Tara.. shocked.. then produces something almost like a warm smile. Tara turns back to her target, and swings down hard.. chopping Solomon's hand clean off at the wrist. Willow pulls her arm away with Solomon's clenched hand still attached to her wrist. They both look at Solomon. ANGLE : SOLOMON still with that smile.. frozen again. TARA (dropping the sword) Quick! We have to go! The pair run away, exiting the throne room as we focus on Solomon in the foreground.. still and silent. After a beat, we hear a loud, groaning noise in the air. Time slowly unfreezes. Solomon, still with a smile on his face, now stares at blank air. He senses something. He looks down at his hand, and we CUT away just as he opens his mouth to.. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/HALLWAY - NIGHT A loud, inhuman scream echoes through the hallways and chambers of the mansion. Willow and Tara race down the hallway, searching for the exit. They reach a crossroads. WILLOW (dragging Tara by the arm) This way! She leads Tara down another hallway, only to be greeted by three vamps at the end of it. The vamps take chase. Willow and Tara quickly duck into a side room. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/A ROOM - NIGHT as they slam the door shut behind them, locking it with a slide-lock. The vamps begin to pound on the door. WILLOW Okay, you lead. Tara spots the door at the other end of the room. TARA Come on. They rush off towards the door, open it and run off into another hallway. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/THRONE ROOM - NIGHT The General, standing next to his throne, addresses Tarwin and some of his troops gathered below him. THE GENERAL (furious) How did they get in? TARWIN We don't know. We have guards posted at every entrance. THE GENERAL That is not good enough. I want the two of them found NOW. TARWIN Yes Master. THE GENERAL There are children running loose in my house Mr Tarwin. Take as many men as you need and go fetch them. Tarwin nods, then looks at something behind the General. TARWIN What about him? The General turns around to look. We see Solomon crouched on a knee, head down, holding his arm which is now missing a hand. He makes no sound.. just holds that pose quietly. THE GENERAL (with disgust) Let him bleed. (turning back to Tarwin) Round them up. I'll wait for them upstairs.. if they happen to make it that far. Tarwin bows and leaves, taking the other vamps with him. The General turns and walks by the hunched figure of Solomon and exits. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/HALLWAY - NIGHT ANGLE : TARA hunched in the shadows. TARA We should be heading up. We have to find a way upstairs. We PULL OUT to reveal Willow hunched down next to Tara, both hiding behind a boulder while vamps pass by. Willow tries to pry Solomon's hand loose from her wrist. TARA Can't you get it off? WILLOW Believe me. It's not like I want this as a handy reminder of today's events. TARA Come on. I think there's a staircase just up here. They head off down yet another hallway, doors set in the walls on either side. As they pass one of them, it flings open and a vamp jumps out at them. They both duck. The vamp flies over them and smashes into the opposite wall, knocking himself out. A VAMP (O.S.) There they are! The girls turn back to see a group of vamps far behind them, now giving chase. The pair start to run, wildly and without any real direction.. completely lost in the General's maze. Every turn they seem to run into more vamps, chasing them down hallways. They eventually seem to lose their pursuers and stop to catch their breath. WILLOW (hands on knees, out of breath) We are so in the wrong place. Tara looks up and sees something in front of her. TARA (tugging Willow's arm) Look. Willow looks up. REVERSE ANGLE : A STAIRCASE LEADING UP off in the distance within a room in front of them. The two look at each other, smiles, then heads into.. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/WEAPONS ROOM - NIGHT A large open area with a staircase leading up at the centre of the room. Weapons of all descriptions are stored here, placed in racks or on tables. We also see several full-body, strange and menacing-looking, antique suits of armours on display.. all standing erect with a weapon in hand, lined against the walls. Willow and Tara begin to rush towards the staircase. Suddenly, from in front of them, we see Tarwin and a group of vamps emerge from the far entrance of the room. They walk in menacingly, blocking access to the staircase. Willow and Tara stop in their tracks. The vamps slowly approach them We see Willow reach out with her hand. Tara takes it as they both concentrate on something. ANGLE ON : A FEARSOME-LOOKING SUIT OF ARMOUR carrying an axe. It comes to life, stepping out clunkily towards the vamps, each metallic step echoing loudly through the mansion. It raises its axe and approaches the vamps. ANGLE : WILLOW AND TARA still focusing.. deep in concentration. The vamps halt their advance, carefully regarding the walking suit of armour.. unsure of what to do. One of the vamps rushes it. The suit of armour swings its axe and beheads the vamp.. dust. The remaining vamps inch backwards. ANGLE : WILLOW AND TARA still concentrating on the suit of armour. We see Willow make a tiny little gesture with her free hand. ANGLE ON : A FEARSOME-LOOKING SUIT OF ARMOUR as it starts spinning on one leg with its axe held out with both hands.. like a mad hammer-thrower spinning in his circle. It spins faster and faster, backing the vamps away with its spinning axe. Willow and Tara release their hands and speed off towards the staircase, speeding by the spinning suit of armour which is keeping the vamps at bay. They sprint up the staircase. ANGLE : TARWIN watching the pair speed away. He growls menacingly at the suit of armour, concentrating on it. He waits for the right moment, then crouches low and swings his axe at its legs. It strikes the metal with a loud clang. The suit of armour immediately breaks apart with bits and pieces of the armour flying in all directions. The vamps cower for a beat, shielding themselves from the flying debris. Tarwin straightens. TARWIN Get them! The vamps sprint up the staircase. Tarwin follows. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/UPSTAIRS BALCONY - NIGHT We TRACK Willow and Tara running at full pelt from right to left. Tara looks behind her. ANGLE : TARWIN AND VAMPS as we TRACK them chasing Willow and Tara, again running from right to left. ANGLE : WILLOW AND TARA still TRACKING them as they run and then turn a corner and runs straight into.. the General. The force of the two girls slams the General, who was caught by surprise, onto his back, with both Willow and Tara falling on top of him. The General hits his head on the stone floor hard. The General seems dazed. Tara gets up and starts to pull Willow off the General. She seems to be a little stuck, lingering a little longer on top of the General than Tara. TARA Come on. What are you doing? Let's go! Tara pulls Willow off and they stumble down the balcony. They spot the staircase up to the house ahead of them. They rush up the stairs. ANGLE : THE GENERAL slowly sitting up. Tarwin and the rest of the vamps arrive. They stop, checking on the General. THE GENERAL (angrily) Go! The vamps rush off. INT. CAT LADY'S HOUSE - NIGHT as we see Willow and Tara burst through the green door, sprinting out towards the front door. We see Tarwin and the vamps emerge close behind them, chasing them through the house. Willow and Tara reach the front door. Tara fiddles with the lock for a second, trying to get the door open. Precious moments wasted. Willow turns back anxiously. REVERSE ANGLE : TARWIN charging down the hallway towards them with his axe raised. Tara fiddles with the door for a beat longer, then finally gets the door open and the two rush out. EXT. OUTSIDE THE CAT LADY'S HOUSE - DAY (DAWN) - DAY THREE as we see Willow and Tara speed down the walkway and out into the street. It is the first open area we have seen for a long time. It is dawn, with the sun just rising. The two sprint down the road, not looking back. INT. CAT LADY'S HOUSE - DAY (DAWN) ANGLE ON : TARWIN'S FEET as they stand silently just at the open door. The sunlight outside barring him from going any further. We TILT up to see Tarwin's angry face, staring off into the distance. REVERSE ANGLE : WILLOW AND TARA from Tarwin's POV, dissapearing out of view as they turn off the street. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/THRONE ROOM - DAY as we slowly TRACK IN on a lonely figure crouched on the floor with his back to us. In one fluid motion we TRACK IN, then PAN around to the front to see Solomon with his head still bowed.. still cradling his injured left arm. He slowly looks up and we CLOSE IN on his face. It is the face of pure rage. EXT. SUNNYDALE STREET - DAY as Willow and Tara finally pull to a stop, both out of breath. TARA I think.. I think we're okay. They breathlessly look at each other for a beat. Willow looks at Tara intently. TARA What is it? Willow casts her eyes downwards, looking at something. ANGLE : TARA looking at Willow's face, then also looking down. REVERSE ANGLE : WILLOW from Tara's POV as we TILT down from Willow's face to her clenched hand as she holds it out to Tara. She slowly opens her hand to reveal.. the Amulet of Magas.. ripped off the General's chain. Tara looks shocked. The two exchange a knowing look, both understanding the magnitude of this development. EXT. XANDER AND ANYA'S APARTMENT - DAY to establish. INT. XANDER AND ANYA'S APARTMENT/LIVING ROOM - DAY where we see the whole gang gathered around the table. Giles is carefully prying Solomon's severed hand off Willow's arm with a letter opener. Willow sits patiently, her arm laid out on the table. GILES Now, just relax. Giles pries the hand off. It flops onto the table. Buffy and Dawn, sitting the closest, jerks back a little in their chairs as the hand bounces around on the table in front of them. We see Anya hurry off off- screen. Giles begins to clean Willow's wound and bandage it. Tara watches on.. standing next to Willow. Buffy grabs a pencil and pokes Solomon's hand carefully.. checking for life. Anya returns with a jar filled with formaldehyde. She sees Buffy. ANYA What are you doing? Buffy stops her inspection. BUFFY Oh.. you know, just applying the standard 'Let's make sure this thing won't come alive and strangle you while you sleep' test for severed appendages.. (off looks) Really, they're pictures and everything. ANYA Well, I would appreciate if you'd stop poking the merchandise. Anya carefully picks up the hand and drops it into the jar, then caps it. XANDER Wait.. merchandise? DAWN You think there's a big market for.. um.. used hands? ANYA You'll never know what people want these days. You have to keep ahead of market demand. That's how you succeed in business. Anya holds up the jar and takes a close look at the specimen inside. ANYA Besides, I think it's interesting. BUFFY (slightly creeped out) Okay, should we be checking your freezer. Anya ignores Buffy and leaves with her prized possession. XANDER (to Anya) Don't store that with the pickles. ANGLE : WILLOW AND GILES Giles carefully applying the bandage to Willow's arm. GILES (gently) Hold still. A silent tension in the air between the two. Willow, too ashamed to look at Giles for any extended period of time. Giles takes great care in applying the bandage.. making sure everything is clean. He finishes. GILES There. Willow nods appreciatively to Giles. Giles takes the first-aid kit and walks away to replace it. More silence in the room. BUFFY (to Tara) So... You guys headed back to your dorm room to work that unfreeze spell? TARA Yeah.. we figured that's where our powers would be most effective.. that's where we're strongest. Willow takes a quick look up to Tara. XANDER You guys want us to come along? WILLOW Best if we kept it small. DAWN But, what if.. TARA Don't worry. I'm sure the spell will work. We'll be okay. WILLOW (to Tara) We should be going. Tara nods. Willow gets ups from the chair. Buffy comes up to her and hugs her. Willow hugs back. They break from the hug. Willow smiles appreciatively at Buffy. Giles and Anya return to stand next to Xander and Dawn. Willow and Tara head to the front door. As Tara opens the door, Willow turns back one last time. WILLOW (to everyone) Thank you. REVERSE ANGLE : BUFFY, XANDER, DAWN AND ANYA in a tight group.. being supportive. ANGLE : WILLOW looking over to Giles. ANGLE : GILES looking at Willow.. then nodding. Willow smiles a little, then follows Tara out. Xander picks up the Amulet of Magas from the table and throws it around playfully in the palm of his hand. XANDER So, this little stone is what everyone's been squabbling over? Giles grabs the amulet in mid-air off Xander. GILES (a little look to Xander) Yes. But don't let its size fool you. It holds enormous power. BUFFY So, what now? We FedEx it somewhere safe? Out of the General's reach? GILES Unfortunately, we can't take the risk of sending this back to England. Who knows how many allies the General still has within the Council? Besides, I doubt if the General would ever let this amulet out of Sunnydale. I'm sure he already has his eyes and ears all over town.. just in case we try to leave with it. ANYA We can't leave with it? Where does that leave us? GILES Since we cannot destroy it, I feel the safest place for it is with us.. where we can protect it. ANYA Wait a minute.. They know we have it.. GILES Yes. ANYA And we know they want it back.. GILES Yes. Anya looks nervously around at the rest of the group. DAWN But.. if it's so important to them, they'll try to get it back. GILES (portentiously) Yes.. they will. Giles holds up the amulet to the light to look at it. We CLOSE IN on the amulet as it fills the screen. MATCH CUT : THE AMULET on a chain around the General's neck. The amulet fades to reveal the empty space where the amulet used to be. We PULL BACK to reveal we are in.. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION/THRONE ROOM - DAY with an angry General ranting away, pacing to and fro. THE GENERAL (with fury) If this is how they want to play it.. so be it. We will burn them to the ground and recover the amulet from their ashes. We see Tarwin, Sasha, Flix, Trix and Solomon lined up.. dutifully listening to the General. THE GENERAL Who do they think they are?.. Children. They don't know the meaning of a war. But they will learn.. They will learn. The General stops and turns to look at someone. THE GENERAL Make them pay. REVERSE ANGLE : SOLOMON with a bandage on his left arm.. a calm but murderous look on his face. INT. WILLOW AND TARA'S ROOM - DAY ANGLE ON : TWO PAIRS OF HANDS.. JOINED in a darkened, frozen room. We WIDEN to reveal Willow and Tara standing in an empty space in front of their bed with their hands joined. On the floor between them sits the Crystal of Kanis.. glowing green. Both girls' eyes are closed as they chant something in Latin. ANGLE ON : A SMALL ANALOG CLOCK sitting on top of the bed's headboard.. near the centre. The second hand is frozen. Willow and Tara finish chanting. A bright green flash emanates from the crystal, enveloping Willow and Tara for a second.. then dissapears. ANGLE : TARA eyes opening, looking at Willow. ANGLE : WILLOW eyes opening, looking at Tara, then to the side. ANGLE : TARA following Willow's gaze to the side, both looking at something. REVERSE ANGLE : A SMALL ANALOG CLOCK The second hand ticks away merrily, counting off the seconds. Time unfrozen. Willow smiles to Tara, then rushes off to the window. She draws open the curtains to look outside. Everything is alive and moving. WILLOW It worked! Tara smiles for a beat, then stops.. as if remembering something. She turns away from Willow and starts packing away the stuff on the floor. Willow watches Tara.. her joy subdued. She nervously navigates in the spaces around Tara, trying to build up her courage. WILLOW (softly) So.. Willow doesn't finish her thought. Tara turns to look at Willow. TARA What? Willow, standing by the bureau, fiddles nervously with her hands. WILLOW Are you gonna stay? Tara looks at Willow earnestly, then turns away from her.. too pained to continue. From the back, we see her head drop slightly. TARA Do you want me to? Willow, on the verge of tears, stares dolefully at Tara. She begins to shake her head slowly.. No. She then stops. WILLOW (softly and pained; like a guilty admission) Yes. Tara turns to look at Willow. She sees the pain in Willow's face and comes up to her.. gently caressing her face with her hand.. comforting her. She drops her hand, then breaks away from Willow. TARA How can I? I mean, things haven't changed here Will. Nothing's changed. Willow drops her head. TARA You're still reckless with your magic, and I'm still a big part of the reason why. Don't you see? As long as I'm here, I'm not going to make things easier for you. I have to leave. I have to. Willow, looking down at the ground, nods.. sadly agreeing. TARA But the thing is. I can't. Willow looks up at Tara. TARA (struggling to hold it together) I can't leave you.. not again. I just don't have the strength anymore. (pained) I've missed you Will. I don't want to lose you again. Willow rushes up to Tara and they kiss and hug. Both very emotional. WILLOW (over Tara's shoulder.. in a hug) You'll never lose me.. never. If I ever got lost? If I ever got into trouble? I know you'll find me. Always. They break from the hug and look at each other. TARA I'll always find you. WILLOW You will.. And this magic thing, I promise I'll slow down. I'll stop even. Anything you want. (takes a deep breath) It's just that, with all this evil around, I wanted to protect the gang.. I wanted to protect you. I need to be able do that. Willow turns away from Tara to look out the window. Bright, sunny day. WILLOW (as if seeing something else) It's just so dark out there. Sometimes, I think you'd been better off if we hadn't met. TARA What? Will.. WILLOW I mean.. before, you were this nice, normal person in this nice, normal world. And now everything's changed. There's all this new evil goodness flying about, what with vampire armies and evil stalker guy.. Tara grabs Willow by the arm and gently turns her around to face her. TARA Listen.. There will always be things in this world that are evil and hurtful.. not just in Sunnydale.. not just vampires and demons. It can't be helped. It doesn't matter how powerful a witch you become.. it's nothing you can control. What gets me through it is us. What we are.. what we have. Will, because I met you, I've found a place where I belong. I've found a family. And I've found you. Willow smiles. TARA This world.. it's confusing sometimes. I don't get everything that happens. Why some things are the way they are. It's all muddled, you know? But Will.. you're the one clear thing in my world. (a little smile) Do you get it at all? WILLOW (recognising the reference) I do. They come to each other and hug again.. for a long beat. Two merging into one. They finally break and look at each other with hands still held.. smiling. Nothing breaking into their little world. Their bond forever rekindl.. Willow yawns. WILLOW Oh God! I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to. I mean, right after what you just said.. TARA (laughs) That's okay. I'm sleepy too. WILLOW What time is it now? My whole cycle has gone screwy. I don't know if I should be waking up or going to sleep. TARA I know. I think we should probably just go to bed.. you know, catch up with the rest of the world. WILLOW (smiles) I'm with you there. Willow goes over and draws the curtain.. darkening the room a little. They stand on opposite sides of the bed, clearing the books that are on it so that they can get in. WILLOW It was so weird wasn't it. Time just freezing like that.. like with everyone and everything just stopping, you know, except for you and me. TARA Not really. It's nothing new. Nothing I haven't felt before. Willow gives Tara a quizzical look. Tara leans in across the bed and kisses Willow. They kiss for a long beat.. then slowly separate. They both smile, then slowly turn to look at something to their right. ANGLE ON : A SMALL ANALOG CLOCK sitting on top of the bed's headboard, near the centre. A beat as the second hand seems to be frozen.. then.. ticks over. BLACKOUT END OF SHOW BACK TO MAIN PAGE