Welcome to...


"To know what you are laughing at and why you laugh is wisdom." -Opie Read, Sketches and Humor, 1903

Altered-State Writings

The Katie Saga

The Good, the Bad, and the Katie

College Orientation

Feminae Molestae

The SOCOM Saga




Fundamentalist Backlash

SDSU Girls

Admirable Honesty


Short Works That Happen to Rhyme on Occasion

My Christian Friend


Still Shot Cam Whore, v. 2

Food Court Review

Still Shot Cam Whore

The Ever-Winning Ticket

I Left My Sunroof Open in the Middle of January


Chipotle Burrito

Without Category

Exceptionally Stupid Commercials

Helpful Major Choosing Guide

Middle Ground

Africa's Got Nothing on Us

Attention Martyrs: You're Dead

A Story for Children... Seriously

Fun on the Incubus Forums

Frickin' sweet! New body fragrance product for men!

Another Story for Children... Sorta

A Story for Children... Sorta

The Power of Context: You Are Not Special

Crime at SDSU

To Poop or Not to Poop

The Tragedy of Isabella


© 2004-2008 Pflanzenfaser
