Background documents and connections to Genealogical Research about the Fischer and Gänsler Families Readers may notice a change in the documentation available from this web site. I have removed the files that were probably the most sought after and/or read - namely the HTML pages dealing with the Fischer Family descendants. I am afraid that some errors were found in the documentation. What seems to have happened is that in importing GEDCOM files from various sources different conventions were used by the suppliers of the data resulting in some unfortunate duplication of names and hence links that were inaccurate. Rather than leave misleading information on the web I have taken the drastic step of removing all the documents and thus if you search at present for Fischer Descendants you will get an error. Work is currently taking place to try and ensure that flaws in the data are found and corrected before the pages are once again posted to the web. Those who have contributed their hard work will get an opportunity to check the new version of reality for accuracy and appropriateness before the material is once again posted. It will also provide family members the opportunity to update any of the data with new additions to the family tree and of course, more sadly any losses that have taken place. My apologies to extended family members and researchers for this outage. I need to thank one researcher who in asking questions about his family's relationship with what was on the web has actually found what he was looking for AND added considerable value by also helping to identify some of the errors. Thanks Lary!
17/11/2007 |