GUIMET Pierre Home page

Hi there! 


Maintenant, je suis pres de Grenoble, dans le Sud Est de la France:
Now, I am near Grenoble, in the French Alps:

Two years in California!
J'ai habite pendant 2 ans a Santa Clara, dans la Silicon Valley.
I lived 2 years in Santa Clara in the San Francisco bay:

Cool stuff:
J'aime bien les vaches, animaux paisibles...
I like cows. For example this one seems to be especially cool...

Je suis fan de certaines series TV, notamment de "Chapeau Melon & Bottes de cuir".
Aren't you interested by TV series? For me "The Avengers" is THE serie:

Le kitch de "Cosmos 1999" est aussi impayable!
"Space 1999" is also very amusing...

Et pour finir, "Gaston Lagaffe" est mon anti-heros prefere...
And I'm sure that many french guys also love "Gaston Lagaffe", the well known 'anti-hero'...

Personal Info:
Je viens juste de commencer cette page, mais j'ai deja mis mon CV!
I just started to write this page. But you can already find my resume!
- Cliquez ici pour la version Francaise.
- Click here for the English version.
- Télécharger la version Word / Download the Word version

Voici un lien vers les produits sur lesquels j’ai travaille.

Here is a link that shows the products I used to work on.

Products I worked on


Technical stuff:
Pour ceux qui cherchent des infos technique sur l'electronique ou l'informatique voila quelques liens:
For those of you who are interested by electronic or computing, here are some cool links:

Ralf Brown's Interrupt List - HTML Version
The PC Interrupt list from Ralph Brown
Electronics info page
Tom's Hardware Guide
HwB: The Hardware Book (Offline)


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