Alex Clark
Canada Rowing
Well here i am. I'm on the far left and beside me are Dave and Thomas. I am originally from Ottawa, but now i'm at Trent University in the happening town of Peterborough. Anyway, yeah. I also have an older sister and my parents are back in Ottawa.
I used to row, but then i tore all the muscles in my back, so now i complain about not being able to row. I am a huge fan of the hit metal band Danzig, headlined by Misfits legend Glenn Danzig. I have also become heavily addicted to the Finnish speed metal band Children of Bodom. For this, i thank Ross and for the Danzig addiction, i thank Al. My favorite beer is keiths and i don't drink enough of it. Here i am chillin'.
i'm not buddist, but it's a cool picture...
Like i said, in case you weren't paying attention, i have a sister at Queens and my parents live at home. Oh yeah, and we have a dog called Roxy. And my parents just got a new car. Yay parents.

My best friend here is Joel. My girlfriend is Lauren. They are both a lot of fun. Yeah,  Holly is ok too, i guess. Melissa and Carissa and Allison are me and joel's floormates.
ps iam a huge gaylord this is my favorie website
its full of gay men like my self

This is a picture that i put up because i am a conceited bastard. I'm on the far right and i think my arms look pretty cool and big and ripped. Anyways, that was from my first year rowing. This is Cameron Diaz. I love her.
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