Dave Giffen
Dave is one of Joel's friends from Markham. He hasn't yet decided whether or not he is going to live with Joel and i and Big Ian, but i know one thing, if he decides not to, this page will be renamed "Evil People I Know Named Dave".
Watch your back, Giffen! This is a picture of Dave on the Turkey Dump Ceilie. For more info, go see
Dave's hobbies include sitting in his room for the majority of his life because he is too damn lazy to get his ass out, as well as waking people up at 4am because he is drunk and desires company.  He commits statuatory rape every few weekends when his girlfriend visits, and they don't come out of his room. I suspect that he is just in there choking the chicken, but others have assured me that his girlfriend actually does exist.
Dave has Joel, Lauren, myself, Erica and countless others.

I have never met Dave's family, but i assume that they are just as weird and twisted as my own. Right guys? Right? Come on, i need some reasurance here...ahh, nuts to all of ya1

This is Giffen after slamming that 26er of rum...MODERATION, DAMNIT, MODERATION!
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