Hannah Feldberg
Hannah was the co-prez at our highschool, and what a smart cookie she is! She's now at Acadia and having fun. We had some fun times together at leadership camp and various cottages. She's one of my favorite Jewish people. Oi!
Hannah tends to get involved in everything, including the club for teamsters with mono, which doesn't make too much sense. Anyways, she is a darlin'. She did every sport in highschool adn was on every committy. Good for you, Hannah!
Hannah has an awsome sister, Sarah, who is in England studying for her Masters in English. Her mom is a cool and i don't think that i have met her Pappy. I believe that she also has a big bro.

Hannah has too many friends. And that is final. I think the Canadian government should do something about it. Like giving some of her friends to me. That sounds good.

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