Jane Maxwell
Jane is one of my good friends from Ottawa. She was also my coxy for highschool rowing crew, so she got to have me sitting directly in front of her with my legs open every morning. It's Andrew's dream!
Jane and Andrew have pretty much the same hobbies, namely rowing and sex with each other. Jane is a damn no-good brainer, and she is doing way better than any of her friends put together. I figure that i'll be living out of her basement one day. Jane also throws kick-ass New Years Eve parties. Even though stupid people show up, they are still prime.
Jane's closest friends developped the flattering nickname "Flatty McSnatch-Queen" and it has stuck ever since. She is friends with all the Ottawa people that i don't feel like mentioning again. Go check another page if you really care who her friends are.

Jane has an older brother who is friends with my sisiter. She also has a very sweet mother and her dad is really nice, and has a cool car. I don't know what happened to Jane.

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