Welcome to the Phallometer web site
To participate in the phallometry project please follow these directions.
1. Download the phallometer gauge from the link below


2. To view and print the phallometer gauge you will need Adobe Acrobat
    Reader. You can download Acrobat Reader for free here:

3. Print the gauge in black and white or grey scale on 8.5 x 11 paper.
     *Make sure "shrink oversized pages to paper size" and
      "expand small pages to paper size" are
NOT checked.

4. Fold page along the bottom edge of the gauge marked 00

5. Place the gauge on a table positioned with the "00" edge against the
    edge of the table.

6. Position the subject penis on the gauge to the left of the scale so that the
    numbers can be read.

7. Photograph the penis from above. Try to keep the whole gauge in the

6. Send the photo in jpeg format as an email attachment to:

some examples