Welcome to Amandaland!
Amandaland is a wonderful virtual
amusement park built to. . .
you guessed it. . .
amuse YOU!
For the story behind these pictures
click here.
Let the amusement begin!
Park Map
Here's a time warp for ya. These are pictures from the late seventies and early eighties, when I was a little girl.
Who do I love today? is my newest feature. Until now I have only had 3 of the boys I love featured here. Now I will be adding a new famous hot boys periodically.
Who am I? This is my bio.
My babies are pics of my niece and nephew, and a couple other babies.
My favorites are links to the websites I visit most frequently.
My quotes are some of my favorite quotes, some funny, some not, but I enjoy them.
Funny facts are some little known tidbits of information that are always good for a smile.