Colby Donaldson

Why do I love Colby?

Let me preface this by saying that Colby is the standard by which I will judge all men, TV or real life, in the future.  He is the one, the only, the PERFECT MAN.

Those eyes.  Those lips.  That hair.  That heart.

Colby is probably the greatest all-around Survivor players I've ever seen.  His only real error was choosing Tina instead of Keith to face the jury against, which, in itself, was noble.  

He loves his momma, and he's not ashamed of it.  He has a heart the size of his home state of Texas, which I usually loath, but he loves deeply.  

In all actuality, I can't really explain why I love Colby, I just do.  Deal with it.

DOB:  4/1/1974
Sign:  Aries
Luxury item:  Texas state flag
Occupation:  Custom auto designer


"I am a leader and I enjoy that, and I have no problem with taking control. However, every good chief has to know when to be an Indian."

Colby pics (click on thumbnail to view larger pic)

Posted on April 15, 2003.