Easter Egg Quick Jump
Easter Egg One
Easter Egg Two
Easter Egg Three
Easter Egg Four
Easter Egg Five
Easter Egg Six
Easter Egg Seven
Easter Egg Eight


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Anthony Larme had the first Easter Egg list ever made for Phantasmagoria. His list was built by viewers and inside sources. The one contained here is very similar to Anthony Larme's and is set as general knowledge throughout other Phantasmagoria sites.

This Easter Egg list wasn't released till late 1996. Afterwards, this list was found on many Phantasmagoria fan sites during early 1997. 

Although there are many Easter Egg list for Phantasmagoria, there are only two originals. The first list was made by Anthony Larme, and the second was from Beyond-Dreams. Both list use chronological order.


e a s t e r - e g g s

The World Of Phantasmagoria
What The Heck Are Easter Eggs?

Before we go on, you might be trying to figure out what exactly an Easter Eggs is. The first impression people get of an Easter Egg is an egg that is painted for Easter, this might lead to the delusion that you can actually find Easter eggs in Phantasmagoria. This delusion is just what it is, a delusion. Easter Eggs are actually programming jokes within video games. These eggs are not suppose to be found, but when they are, they mainly provide a sense of humor, or bonuses to the game. Phantasmagoria contains eight known Easter Eggs, and they are listed accordingly.



Easter Egg One

The first time Adrienne uses the facilities in any chapter, you normally can click the toilet once. Clicking the toilet seven more times will change the camera angle facing a closed bathroom door. You will then hear Adrienne relieve herself and make comments. These comments change each time you perform this Easter Egg. It is also noted that Adrienne's comment of "how odd" is that of Princess Rosella from Sierra's King's Quest 7. The groans and moans are also noted to be from Harriet, an old lady you find later during chapter three.

Easter Egg Two

On the third floor nursery you can click on the baby picture hanging on the wall four times to make the child's eye's glow. This is accompanies by an evil laugh and the satisfaction you can do this on any chapter besides the last.

Easter Egg Three

If you travel to town and visit the realtor's office you can see some pictures of some females. These pictures are from Sierra's Leisure Suit Larry 6.

Easter Egg Four

Also from Sierra's Leisure Suit Larry series is the background music of the Nipawomsett General Store located in town.

Easter Egg Five

Randomly entering the antique store in town you can see a women pass outside. The women has short brown hair and wears black pants. This women is Roberta Williams, Phantasmagoria's designer.

Easter Egg Six

When Adrienne removes the bricks in the library's fireplace to reach the chapel, she carves out the Sierra Mountain Logo.

Easter Egg Seven

The drain cleaner Adrienne picks of for Don can be used to see an Easter Egg in two occasions. One: use the cleaner on the manacles in the cellar to see blood appear on Adrienne's head and shoes. Two: use the cleaner when Adrienne is in the pantry with the light turned on to see blood appear on her shoes.



Easter Egg Eight

During the chapter three conversation with Malcolm you can notice a photograph of an alien on the top shelves above the fireplace.