m o v i e - l i s t
A Puzzle Of Flesh Video
Game Movie List
By performing the
following, you will be able to watch Phantasmagoria: A
Puzzle of Flesh's movie files, known as DUK files. To do
so, please follow the steps carefully.
1) First things first, open
Windows Explorer. Right Click (may be left) in Windows
Explorer away from any files or folders. Select new folder
or file and name it c:\movies
2) Now find out were you installed Phantasmagoria2. Open the
file up and look for the RESOURCE.WIN file. Open it. Now
look for "movieDir="
Change it from:
3) Select a DUK file from the lists that have been created.
Then copy it to c:\movies.
Example, look for 1300.DUK
(files are located in the \DUK directory of each CR-Rom
4) Rename 1300.DUK to 4.DUK
5) Start the game how you normally would. You will trick the
game to playing whatever you renamed to 4.DUK .
6) Exit the game and repeat steps 4-6 as often as you wish.
*** Make sure you name the .CLU and .DUK files the same.
(You might have problems running the CLU file unless your
viewing in a 256 color mode. )EXAMPLE: 1300.DUK and 1300.CLU
would be renamed 4.DUK and 4.CLU .
*** Instead of resetting the game to watch a movie again.
You can replace the games introduction (1.DUK on disk 1) DUK
to to your choice. Rename the file you want to play 1.DUK in
the c:\movies directory and choice "Watch Intro"
from the games main menu.
Follow any on screen instructions that may appear.
When ready to play a normal game get rid of c:\movies and
its contents and change the text in the RESOURCE.WIN that we
edited when we started.
DT = Dreaming Tree Restaurant.
1 DUK 30,256,590 - GAME INTRODUCTION - Curtis gets shock treatment
4 DUK 1,825,296 - TITLE - A Puzzle of Flesh
740 DUK 592,520 - Curtis opens bedside table drawer
741 DUK 436,630 - Curtis closes bedside table drawer
750 DUK 1,044,424 - Curtis looks at bedside table drawer - no wallet
800 DUK 442,876 - Curtis walks from bedroom to front door
850 DUK 1,403,822 - Curtis looks into mirror and comments about his
860 DUK 3,312,038 - Curtis sees vision of his hung mother in bedroom
1300 DUK 2,575,014 - Curtis picks up Blob
1333 DUK 2,371,826 - Curtis talks to Blob about his "stolen" wallet
1340 DUK 2,151,594 - Curtis picks up Blob. Talks about wallet
1350 DUK 1,633,042 - Curtis picks up Blob
1360 DUK 2,401,794 - Curtis puts Blob under the sofa
1370 DUK 2,869,482 - Curtis puts granola bar near sofa to get Blob
1420 DUK 1,898,678 - Curtis looks under sofa
1460 DUK 1,905,660 - Curtis reads through titles in bookshelf
1500 DUK 1,064,948 - Curtis collects mail
1501 DUK 346,406 - Curtis walks from living room to front door
1502 DUK 359,862 - Curtis walks from front door to living room
1503 DUK 629,530 - Curtis walks from front door to bedroom
1504 DUK 549,060 - Curtis walks from bed to living room
1505 DUK 438,762 - Curtis "walks" in a very odd way - EASTER EGG
1510 DUK 874,122 - Curtis drops mail back in door basket and leaves
1520 DUK 2,258,610 - Curtis reads his daily mail - sexy postcard
1525 DUK 2,809,468 - Curtis walks from bedroom to living room with
1530 DUK 2,502,660 - Curtis walks from door to living room with mail
1540 DUK 1,326,732 - Curtis tries to leave apartment but realises he
has no wallet
1550 DUK 1,091,108 - Curtis tries to leave again without wallet
1560 DUK 957,318 - Curtis leaves apartment
1561 DUK 843,402 - Curtis arrives home
1570 DUK 2,444,438 - Curtis tries to leave apartment with Blob on
1575 DUK 1,408,516 - Curtis puts Blob back in her cage
1580 DUK 397,288 - Curtis walks from living room to bedroom
1630 DUK 21,125,528 - Curtis/Jocilyn sex sequence - CLOSING MOVIE CD#1
1631 DUK 7,726,132 - Curtis/Jocilyn sequence "less intense"
version - CLOSING MOVIE CD#1
3321 DUK 832,490 - Curtis enters network room
3322 DUK 1,018,126 - Curtis tries to enter Warner's office from hallway
3327 DUK 1,338,888 - Curtis uses security card on glass door lock - no
3330 DUK 783,100 - Curtis tries to use office door without security
3340 DUK 989,128 - Curtis enters main office area after using
security card on door.
3370 DUK 415,282 - Curtis walks out of Wyntech
3390 DUK 2,216,498 - Curtis gets a drink from office water cooler
3411 DUK 780,314 - Curtis decides not to open Warner's door
3418 DUK 775,698 - Curtis leaves main office area via security door
3440 DUK 4,874,652 - Curtis/Trevor - Trevor suggests clubbing for the
3460 DUK 8,825,560 - Curtis/Trevor - Curtis' "punch" at workstation
3520 DUK 3,994,076 - Curtis/Trevor - Curtis complains about Bob
3550 DUK 4,543,968 - Curtis/Trevor - parents picture
3560 DUK 5,133,472 - Curtis/Trevor - Xmas party picture
3570 DUK 4,733,606 - Curtis/Trevor - secret admirer card
3610 DUK 5,174,872 - Curtis/Jocilyn - "secretly" talk
3650 DUK 6,022,436 - Curtis/Jocilyn - parents picture
3660 DUK 6,685,466 - Curtis/Jocilyn - Xmas party picture
3670 DUK 7,489,422 - Curtis/Jocilyn - secret admirer postcard
3690 DUK 3,318,134 - Curtis/Therese - asks Therese to return file
3750 DUK 6,598,150 - Curtis/Therese - secret admirer card
3760 DUK 3,318,736 - Curtis/Bob - asks Bob for data files
3780 DUK 1,102,566 - Curtis/Bob - gives Bob the finger
3790 DUK 3,420,646 - Curtis/Bob - asks about missing document
3800 DUK 3,731,556 - Curtis/Bob - threatens Bob
3810 DUK 2,228,248 - Curtis/Bob - makes Xmas party jibe
3820 DUK 4,309,642 - Curtis/Tom - asks for more work
3850 DUK 5,788,262 - Curtis/Tom - apologises for being late
3860 DUK 2,517,912 - Curtis/Tom - asks about clearance level on
security card
3884 DUK 1,539,190 - Curtis walks into Warner's office
3886 DUK 1,555,834 - Curtis walks into Warner's office
3920 DUK 7,095,146 - Curtis/Therese at office water cooler
3980 DUK 5,587,424 - Curtis/Trevor - mentions seeing things
4110 DUK 4,069,470 - Curtis/Trevor - clearance question
4160 DUK 8,255,022 - Curtis/Jocilyn - sneaks up on Jocilyn
4260 DUK 8,728,384 - Curtis/Therese - asks about things not seen
4280 DUK 5,936,642 - Curtis/Therese - Therese talks about "language
of the flesh"
4390 DUK 3,093,020 - Curtis enters Warner's office and looks around
5008 DUK 8,467,772 - Zombie Therese - "less intense" scene from CD#5
5010 DUK 10,869,376 - Curtis/Trevor - greeted by Trevor
5011 DUK 1,372,148 - Curtis walks into his cubicle and sits at
5020 DUK 2,449,952 - Curtis walks suspiciously back into his cubicle
5030 DUK 1,490,602 - Curtis at his PC realises he's changed his
5040 DUK 5,159,042 - Curtis gets "punched" at workstation
5050 DUK 419,724 - Curtis picks up phone
5070 DUK 2,320,302 - Curtis calls Jocilyn
5080 DUK 4,763,052 - Curtis calls Jocilyn again
5120 DUK 5,734,910 - Curtis calls Trevor - movies
5130 DUK 3,621,180 - Curtis calls Trevor - seeing things
5220 DUK 2,341,462 - Curtis calls Tom - leaves message on answering
5270 DUK 4,031,378 - Curtis calls Therese - forgets why he called
5290 DUK 4,288,106 - Curtis calls PA Warner
5300 DUK 3,553,878 - Curtis calls himself
5310 DUK 2,132,354 - Curtis calls himself again and gets answered
5360 DUK 1,936,614 - Curtis says it's time to stop working today
5365 DUK 393,526 - Curtis types at his PC
5370 DUK 9,881,564 - Curtis monitor plays up - vision of mother
5371 DUK 12,442,462 - Curtis at PC - grabbed by hand and subsequent
straightjacket vision
5420 DUK 3,733,246 - Curtis calls Jocilyn
5480 DUK 4,446,412 - Curtis calls Trevor - asks if he's going nuts
5490 DUK 4,123,232 - Curtis calls Trevor - asks if he'd take care of
6110 DUK 2,102,156 - Curtis moves boxes in network room
6120 DUK 1,035,572 - Curtis moves monitor in network room
6130 DUK 3,295,670 - Curtis moves monitor and boxes back in network
6140 DUK 2,126,538 - Curtis moves boxes back only in network room
6150 DUK 1,618,508 - Curtis tries to open panel in network room
6160 DUK 1,648,340 - Curtis looks at panel in network room - mentions
6180 DUK 976,140 - Curtis walks out of network room
6210 DUK 2,345,776 - Curtis tries to open network room panel with
6220 DUK 7,777,910 - Curtis/Therese in Network room
6230 DUK 6,707,576 - Curtis in Network room - moving cables vision
6710 DUK 5,943,326 - Curtis in Warner's office - caught when opening
6750 DUK 2,347,412 - Curtis in Warner's office - voices heard from
6760 DUK 1,589,796 - Curtis reads "Carpe Diem" plaque in Warner's
6802 DUK 755,344 - "Weasel-Cam" Easter Egg in Warner's office
6846 DUK 846,656 - Curtis leaves Warner's office - back to main
office area
8510 DUK 1,850,774 - Curtis walks into DT, slaps Max's hand
8530 DUK 3,647,324 - Curtis in DT talks to Max about work stress
8540 DUK 2,791,460 - Curtis/Max talk about Blob
8550 DUK 3,221,042 - Curtis/Jocilyn at DT talk to Max
8670 DUK 1,717,936 - Curtis reads menu in DT - another vision
8680 DUK 6,015,948 - Curtis/Jocilyn at DT talk about being there
8690 DUK 2,185,332 - Curtis/Trevor talk about his visions
8700 DUK 7,756,534 - Curtis/Jocilyn at DT - Jocilyn expresses her love
8710 DUK 11,550,912 - Curtis/Jocilyn at DT - ducks reference and "kill
slut" vision
8720 DUK 4,739,110 - Curtis/Jocilyn at DT - after vision
8740 DUK 10,719,388 - Curtis pays DT account. Dr. Harburg's card drops
out. Vision of Curtis/Marek outside asylum
8830 DUK 2,934,262 - Curtis/Trevor DT Max talk. Joke about "straight
8880 DUK 5,572,724 - Curtis walks into DT. Jocilyn is waiting for him
8900 DUK 5,401,062 - Curtis/Trevor in DT, mentions remembering mother's
8920 DUK 10,998,692 - Curtis/Trevor in DT. Trevor suggests therapy
DT = Dreaming Tree Restaurant.
4 DUK 1,825,296 - TITLE - A Puzzle of Flesh
740 DUK 592,520 - Curtis opens bedside table drawer
741 DUK 436,630 - Curtis closes bedside table drawer
800 DUK 442,876 - Curtis walks from bedroom to front door
940 DUK 1,041,466 - Curtis looks into mirror and messes up his hair
950 DUK 2,207,174 - Curtis says he didn't kill Bob while looking into
mirror. A voice replies
970 DUK 2,792,458 - Curtis on bed after Borderline incident, pulls
at bellybutton ring and faints
980 DUK 3,743,278 - Curtis faints and movie returns to little Curtis in
sick bed. An alien hand reaches over his face -
1500 DUK 1,064,948 - Curtis collects mail
1501 DUK 346,406 - Curtis walks from living room to front door
1502 DUK 359,862 - Curtis walks from front door to living room
1503 DUK 629,530 - Curtis walks from front door to bedroom
1504 DUK 549,060 - Curtis walks from bed to living room
1505 DUK 438,762 - Curtis "walking" in a very odd way - EASTER
1510 DUK 874,122 - Curtis drops mail back in door basket and leaves
1560 DUK 957,318 - Curtis leaves apartment
1561 DUK 843,402 - Curtis arrives home
1580 DUK 397,288 - Curtis walks from living room to bedroom
1780 DUK 6,300,424 - Curtis telephones Harburg's office and makes
1800 DUK 1,942,390 - Curtis tries to open toolbox using screwdriver
1801 DUK 1,438,958 - Curtis puts toolbox down at home and opens lid
1802 DUK 1,563,012 - Curtis takes Threshold file out of toolbox
1810 DUK 2,433,072 - Curtis tries to pull toolbox tray out by hand
1820 DUK 1,722,684 - Curtis talks to Blob - "prettiest rat in the
1850 DUK 2,197,768 - Curtis talks to Blob and Blob speaks - "psycho
1910 DUK 2,922,798 - Curtis looks at bookshelf titles at home and
has vision
1921 DUK 3,236,962 - Curtis reads his daily mail - Therese card
1925 DUK 3,717,788 - Curtis walks from bedroom to living room -
sits to read mail
1930 DUK 3,534,624 - Curtis walks from front door to living room -
sits to read mail
2144 DUK 1,068,942 - Curtis closes toolbox lid and takes toolbox with
3240 DUK 2,055,758 - Curtis removes lace garment from toolbox
3321 DUK 832,490 - Curtis enters network room
3327 DUK 1,338,888 - Curtis uses security card on glass door lock -
no success
3340 DUK 989,128 - Curtis enters main office area after using
security card on door.
3370 DUK 415,282 - Curtis walks out of Wyntech
3390 DUK 2,216,498 - Curtis gets a drink from office water cooler
3418 DUK 775,698 - Curtis leaves main office area via security door
3880 DUK 2,272,870 - Policeman talks to Trevor, Therese, and Jocilyn
in Wyntech hallway. Curtis walks up to them
3881 DUK 1,283,224 - Curtis tries to enter main office area but
policeman forbids entry.
3882 DUK 2,724,024 - Curtis sneaks into Warner's office behind policeman
3883 DUK 1,301,892 - Curtis walks up to Warner's corridor door and
overhears telephone conversation
3884 DUK 1,539,190 - Curtis walks into Warner's office
4172 DUK 1,162,576 - Curtis walks towards Warner's office door -
locked - walks away
4173 DUK 1,481,806 - Curtis walks towards Warner's office door - hears
keyboard - walks away
4371 DUK 1,066,304 - Curtis walks into Warner's office
4391 DUK 15,010,384 - Bob's Murder - Curtis walks around seeing visions
and meets Detective Allie Powell
4395 DUK 13,192,516 - "less intense" version of Bob's murder sequence
4420 DUK 2,952,714 - Curtis walks up to Jocilyn in hallway and asks
what's happening. She runs off
4430 DUK 2,247,652 - Curtis asks Therese in hallway what's happening -
"someone got really sick of Bob"
4440 DUK 3,643,090 - Curtis asks Trevor in hallway what's happening
4460 DUK 1,095,238 - Curtis walks into Tom's cubicle and picks up
4470 DUK 2,804,962 - Curtis pretends to be Tom over the phone to
5670 DUK 5,292,078 - Bob sits at Curtis' desk. Scene changes to mirror
at home
5730 DUK 2,486,626 - Curtis/Powell - asks Curtis about Bob while body
bag is being dragged away
5740 DUK 1,633,060 - Curtis/Powell - describes Bob as an "ass" and
a "sleaze"
5750 DUK 13,003,982 - Curtis/Powell - questioning continues and later
Tom announces the meeting at the DT - "less
intense" version of 5810.DUK
5770 DUK 2,037,358 - Curtis/Powell - asks what weapon was used in
the murder
5790 DUK 2,441,784 - Curtis/Powell - talks to flesh eating Curtis
behind Powell
5810 DUK 14,547,758 - Curtis/Powell - Curtis still sees cannibal Curtis
behind Powell. Questioning finishes and Tom
announces DT meeting
5830 DUK 3,896,784 - Curtis walks to his cubicle but Powell tells him to
go away
5850 DUK 4,814,216 - Curtis walks to his cubicle again but this time
Powell threatens arrest
5860 DUK 1,834,222 - Curtis walks towards his cubicle but leaves when
Powell starts walking out with her back to him
6110 DUK 2,102,156 - Curtis moves boxes out of the way in network room
6120 DUK 1,035,572 - Curtis moves monitor out of the way in network room
6130 DUK 3,295,670 - Curtis moves monitor and boxes back in network room
6150 DUK 1,618,508 - Curtis tries to open panel in network room
6160 DUK 1,648,340 - Curtis looks at panel in network room - mentions
6161 DUK 4,190,074 - Curtis opens locked door in network room with key
and looks around
6180 DUK 976,140 - Curtis walks out of network room.
6210 DUK 2,345,776 - Curtis tries to open network room panel with
6760 DUK 1,589,796 - Curtis reads "Carpe Diem" plaque in Warner's office
6772 DUK 908,036 - Curtis opens desk drawer in Warner's office
6773 DUK 538,694 - Curtis closes desk drawer in Warner's office
6800 DUK 6,020,970 - PA Warner catches Curtis in his office
6802 DUK 755,344 - "Weasel-Cam" Easter Egg in Warner's office
6830 DUK 4,427,332 - Curtis sees photograph in Warner's office bleeding
6847 DUK 927,784 - Curtis exits Warner's office into hallway
6922 DUK 1,297,186 - Bearded man sitting in lounge chair shaking his
right leg to James Brown music - EASTER EGG
6940 DUK 843,116 - Curtis finds toolbox in network room secret room
6950 DUK 777,542 - Curtis lifts up toolbox in network room secret room
and puts it down again
6960 DUK 4,569,946 - Curtis' vision in network room secret room with
flashing lights and voices
6965 DUK 1,044,114 - Curtis exits network room secret room
6980 DUK 8,361,032 - Curtis walks into Harburg's office. Exchange of
greetings precedes the start of psychiatric
7010 DUK 5,602,206 - Curtis/Harburg - discuss analysis
7040 DUK 7,613,632 - Curtis/Harburg - discus mother/snowstorm
7050 DUK 12,369,390 - Curtis/Harburg - shows parents picture - sequence
showing child Curtis walking around house
7070 DUK 11,661,140 - Curtis/Harburg - Xmas picture - discuss
7110 DUK 5,686,198 - Curtis/Harburg - accuses Wyntech of illegal
7130 DUK 8,588,488 - Curtis/Harburg - tells how his mother dressed him
as a girl
7140 DUK 2,069,822 - Curtis/Harburg - asks about how being dressed
like a girl is possibly affecting his sexuality
7160 DUK 5,468,326 - Curtis/Harburg - tells about Bob's murder
7180 DUK 6,305,834 - Curtis/Harburg - tells about date with Therese
7190 DUK 8,493,882 - Curtis/Harburg - bondage discussion
7200 DUK 9,294,352 - Curtis/Harburg - discuss Dr. Marek from the asylum
7250 DUK 3,000,350 - Curtis/Harburg - finish session and Curtis asked
back tomorrow
7680 DUK 3,069,386 - Curtis walks up to Borderline entrance for the
first time
7690 DUK 1,233,694 - Curtis tells bouncer he knows Therese. No good.
7691 DUK 327,508 - Curtis walks away from club
7720 DUK 1,517,760 - Curtis shows bouncer at Borderline the sexy
postcard. Still no good
7730 DUK 8,825,742 - Curtis shows bouncer signed paper and he's allowed
in. Walks into club and looks around
7735 DUK 1,277,654 - Curtis walks into Borderline club again
7736 DUK 998,052 - Curtis walks into Borderline club again later on
7740 DUK 4,546,566 - Curtis talks to long-haired transvestite at
Borderline bar
7780 DUK 3,468,914 - Curtis opens toilet door at Borderline and
sees threesome
7785 DUK 1,387,050 - Curtis tries to open toilet door again
7800 DUK 1,701,000 - Curtis tries to enter Borderline "Pit" but stopped
by guy
7810 DUK 2,680,474 - Curtis speaks to Therese at Borderline for
first time
7830 DUK 4,075,490 - Curtis/Therese - asks about Borderline club
7850 DUK 2,996,906 - Curtis/Therese - discuss Jocilyn and Therese
suggests Curtis should bring her along next time
7870 DUK 8,971,746 - Curtis/Therese - Therese orders a drink and
Curtis asks about pleasure/pain
7920 DUK 5,548,220 - Curtis/Therese - drinks brew and navel piercing
night is announced on stage
7930 DUK 1,493,824 - Curtis/Therese - responds to call for piercing
7940 DUK 1,436,902 - Curtis/Therese - Therese volunteers Curtis
for piercing
7960 DUK 29,121,410 - gets navel pierced, has vision of mother torturing
him. Intense sex with Therese in toilet
7965 DUK 21,744,468 - "less intense" version of 7960.DUK
8670 DUK 1,717,936 - Curtis reads menu in DT - has "coughing" vision
8970 DUK 2,803,924 - Curtis/Jocilyn/Therese at DT - Curtis comments
about Charles Manson
8990 DUK 2,762,254 - Curtis/Jocilyn at DT - Jocilyn storms out, angry
at Curtis
9000 DUK 2,067,980 - Curtis/Therese at DT - talk about Bob
9020 DUK 1,975,266 - Curtis/Therese at DT - talk about the "Bad
Karma Fairy"
9060 DUK 7,187,078 - Curtis/Therese at DT - Therese invites Curtis
to Borderline
9070 DUK 1,860,902 - Curtis/Jocilyn at DT- Curtis ignores Jocilyn so
she makes comment about being invisible and leaves
9080 DUK 5,671,994 - Curtis talking to Max at DT - describes Bob's
9110 DUK 4,843,526 - Curtis and Max at DT talk about Bob's death
DT= Dreaming Tree Restaurant.
4 DUK 1,825,296 - Phantasmagoria II intro sequence
150 DUK 2,068,422 - Curtis in Asylum - trying to reason with nurse
180 DUK 1,417,148 - Curtis in Asylum, watching two loons rolling ball, puts
his foot on the ball, but doesn't kick it
190 DUK 4,258,726 - Curtis in asylum, kicks ball to distract nurses attention
200 DUK 19,716,332 - Curtis doesn't move from asylum chair, ratwoman frees
him, he runs into Dr Marek and then wakes from fainting
240 DUK 1,637,392 - Curtis in Asylum, tries to undo chest belt, but nurse
threatens sedation!
250 DUK 1,480,646 - Curtis in Asylum, removes chest belt, looks around, stands up
260 DUK 1,592,534 - Curtis looks at man in white striped clothing in asylum
and he looks up and screeches at Curtis!
280 DUK 656,912 - Curtis looks at woman on floor in asylum and she says
"No! Sick! Sick and wrong"
340 DUK 1,764,560 - "barber" loon in asylum - muttering something or other
341 DUK 936,824 - "barber" loon in asylum - "I got you, I got you"
342 DUK 735,482 - "barber" loon in asylum - "That's my baby"
343 DUK 694,840 - "barber" loon in asylum says nothing, just moving around
344 DUK 1,170,230 - "barber" loon in asylum - "Everybody in the pool" (?)
345 DUK 810,626 - "barber" loon in asylum - "That's my barbie doll"
346 DUK 1,167,054 - "barber" loon in asylum - "Pizza, pizza, pizza, yeah"
347 DUK 1,467,800 - "barber" loon in asylum - "I love you baby"
348 DUK 1,038,152 - "barber" loon in asylum - "Quiet in the back of the room"
349 DUK 923,124 - "barber" loon in asylum - "There's my taco salad" (?)
350 DUK 1,923,144 - "barber" loon in asylum - "Tasty bits of oats, and chewey" (?)
351 DUK 1,158,794 - "barber" loon in asylum - "Where's my latex"
352 DUK 1,142,752 - "barber" loon in asylum - mutters something or other
353 DUK 1,279,550 - "barber" loon in asylum - "Fruit Loops and Cheerios"
354 DUK 1,238,370 - "barber" loon in Asylum talking about "disco dance"
370 DUK 1,603,144 - Ratwoman calling Curtis a freak in asylum
372 DUK 5,461,154 - In asylum and Ratwoman starts chewing on her own wrist!
380 DUK 14,681,392 - Curtis runs out of asylum room, caught by Dr Marek, gets
shock treatment and wakes from fainting spell
740 DUK 592,520 - Curtis opening bedside table drawer
741 DUK 436,630 - Curtis closing bedside table drawer
800 DUK 442,876 - Curtis walking from bedroom to lounge
990 DUK 3,312,352 - Curtis in bed with pillow on his face, waking from his
nightmare then alarm clock sounds
1010 DUK 1,104,996 - Curtis looking into mirror and pulling faces
1020 DUK 4,840,046 - Curtis looking into mirror and has bloodied eyes
1130 DUK 1,619,866 - Curtis/Therese at home in chains "This is getting intense"
1150 DUK 20,143,672 - Curtis in chains with Therese, father appears in vision,
Tom is murdered back at Wyntech (end of chapter)
1500 DUK 1,064,948 - Curtis walking to front door to collect mail
1501 DUK 346,406 - Curtis walking from lounge to front door
1502 DUK 359,862 - Curtis walking from front door to lounge
1503 DUK 629,530 - Curtis walking from front door to bedroom
1504 DUK 549,060 - Curtis walking from bedroom to lounge
1505 DUK 438,762 - Curtis "walking" in a very odd way, EASTER EGG!
1510 DUK 874,122 - Curtis dropping mail back in basket and leaving via door
1560 DUK 957,318 - Curtis leaving house via front door
1561 DUK 843,402 - Curtis opening front door to enter
1580 DUK 397,288 - Curtis walking from lounge to bedroom
1801 DUK 1,438,958 - Curtis sitting toolbox down at home and opening it
1970 DUK 1,339,404 - Curtis talking to Blob about his nightmare last night
2000 DUK 1,768,826 - Curtis talking to Blob about trust and Blob answers
"how touching, freak boy"!
2010 DUK 1,149,750 - Curtis walks up to Blob's cage and reassures himself
that it's only Blob, the only thing that loves him!
2060 DUK 1,988,130 - Curtis looking at bookshelf with new titles on shelf
2061 DUK 2,638,972 - Curtis reading daily mail - reads promo card about
Adrienne Delaney's new book signing "Coping With Loss"!
2065 DUK 3,109,222 - Curtis walking from bedroom to lounge to read mail
2070 DUK 2,935,224 - Curtis walking from front door to lounge to read mail
2090 DUK 3,493,612 - Curtis getting phone call at home from Warner to get to
2110 DUK 7,035,382 - Curtis arrives home and finds Therese has broken in
2140 DUK 5,468,120 - Curtis/Therese at apartment - Curtis ends up in chains
2143 DUK 2,553,794 - Curtis uses hammer and screwdriver to open toolbox at home
2144 DUK 1,068,942 - Curtis closes toolbox at home and picks it up
2145 DUK 3,650,980 - Curtis reads letter from father found in toolbox
3321 DUK 832,490 - Curtis walking into Network room
3322 DUK 1,018,126 - Curtis walks to Warner's office door (in hallway) and
finds door is locked
3327 DUK 1,338,888 - Curtis tries to open glass security doors with keycard
without success
3340 DUK 989,128 - Curtis entering Wyntech office door with keycard
3370 DUK 415,282 - Curtis walking out of Wyntech
3390 DUK 2,216,498 - Curtis getting drink from office water dispenser
3418 DUK 775,698 - Curtis exiting main office door at Wyntech
3950 DUK 5,113,084 - Curtis/Trevor - asks Trev about his date
4172 DUK 1,162,576 - Curtis tries to open Warner's door (via main office),
finds it locked and walks off
4520 DUK 3,094,844 - Curtis/Trevor - angry at Warner for making them come into
work after Bobs death, then laugh at Powell getting up
4530 DUK 5,525,106 - Curtis/Trevor - Talking about Bob's death
4560 DUK 4,436,028 - Curtis/Jocilyn - Curtis apologises for being rude yesterday
4570 DUK 7,372,446 - Curtis/Jocilyn - Jocilyn said she tried calling him all
night and Curtis lies about being home and taking sleeping
4600 DUK 4,968,494 - Curtis/Therese - talking about last night
4620 DUK 6,401,534 - Curtis/Therese - nightmare sequence with Therese ripping
his shirt
4640 DUK 4,305,868 - Curtis has vision of box in Bob's cubicle dripping blood
4720 DUK 1,629,620 - Curtis overhears argument between Powell and Warner
in his office "Rip him a new one detective"!
4730 DUK 10,886,004 - Curtis overhears Tom and Warner arguing in Warner's
office, faints and ends up an Asylum
5011 DUK 1,372,148 - Curtis walking into cubicle and sitting down in front of PC.
5031 DUK 500,460 - Curtis turning monitor screen on
5050 DUK 419,724 - Curtis picking up work phone and about to dial
5870 DUK 5,106,792 - Det Powell and Warner argue at Wyntech and Curtis
5890 DUK 2,666,894 - Curtis nervously walks into cubicle, feels along wall
and has a vision of blood splattering over his arm
5910 DUK 2,809,988 - Curtis phones Trevor and discusses being a productive
little worker in a murder site
5940 DUK 2,830,090 - Curtis phone Jocilyn, talks about Bob, and says he wishes
he could make it better for her.
5960 DUK 1,154,148 - Curtis picks up phone, has vision of Therese whipping him
and puts phone down
5970 DUK 3,700,156 - Curtis phones Therese talks about last night and the future
5990 DUK 1,310,494 - Curtis using phone and voice answers "your whore isn't
available right now.."
6010 DUK 984,642 - Curtis dials Bob's number and he answers "You murdered me"!
6020 DUK 1,767,140 - Curtis very nervously answers phone and "Bob" speaks
to him again!
6040 DUK 2,772,362 - Curtis phones himself and "Curtis" answers saying he can't
come to the phone right now as he's busy disemboweling
6180 DUK 976,140 - Curtis exits Network room door
6240 DUK 13,525,468 - Curtis has nightmare vision in Network room - monitors
move around and Hecatomb appears in monitor
6270 DUK 2,216,974 - Curtis in Network room, looks at secret entrance and
comments that it's been plastered over
6846 DUK 846,656 - Curtis leaving Warner's office back into his main
office area
7260 DUK 3,397,274 - Curtis/Harburg - Dr opens door, Curtis says he thinks
he's losing his mind and she tells him to take a seat
so they can talk
7270 DUK 3,512,330 - Curtis/Harburg - asks why Dr made a next day appt
7320 DUK 7,530,990 - Curtis/Harburg - discuss father and mother when a child
7340 DUK 3,491,196 - Curtis/Harburg - Curtis says he wishes he could live
with both Trevor and Joceclyn somewhere far away
7360 DUK 7,370,216 - Curtis/Harburg - discusses sex with Therese
7370 DUK 13,424,658 - Curtis/Harburg - talks about navel piercing and sex with
Therese at the Borderline
7420 DUK 5,846,334 - Curtis/Harburg - discussing Threshold project
7440 DUK 4,488,122 - Curtis/Harburg - talks about letter from father
7450 DUK 12,503,020 - Curtis/Harburg - asks about insanity and then remembers
that his father was gunned down
7470 DUK 10,123,998 - Curtis/Harburg - remembers how mother tortured him
7480 DUK 5,971,596 - Curtis/Harburg - Curtis says he might've killed Bob
and not remembered doing it
7510 DUK 6,256,408 - Curtis/Harburg - finish session and when Curtis leaves
Harburg makes tape note about potential for violence
7692 DUK 1,878,582 - Curtis walks out of Borderline club, puts glasses on,
and walks off
7961 DUK 1,340,326 - Curtis walks to Borderline, bouncer says Therese isn't
there but he wants to go in anyway
7990 DUK 2,097,772 - Curtis at Borderline, trades insults with bearded man
at bar and then woman next to him tugs on his dog chain
to get his attention again
8010 DUK 3,813,356 - Curtis in the Borderline, tries to walk to "Pit" but is
stopped by guy again
8670 DUK 1,717,936 - Curtis at DT - reading menu and has "coughing" vision
9180 DUK 5,849,308 - Curtis at DT - speaking to Max
9250 DUK 3,670,558 - Curtis at DT - speaking to Max, Max mentions his eyes
9260 DUK 3,576,372 - Curtis/Trevor at DT - asking about shake, discuss Bob death
9261 DUK 1,859,246 - Curtis walking into DT, sits down at table with Trevor
9270 DUK 10,401,314 - Curtis/Trevor at DT - Trevor tells story about aunt
potato and rabbit
9280 DUK 3,580,384 - Curtis/Trevor at DT - talking about killing someone
9310 DUK 4,015,764 - Curtis/Trevor at DT - Trevor talking about his new date
9320 DUK 2,005,696 - Curtis/Trevor at DT - Curtis says he's leaving and walks out
DT = Dreaming Tree Restaurant
4 DUK 1,825,296 - The Phantasmagoria 2 title screen.
740 DUK 592,520 - Curtis opening his bedside table drawer.
741 DUK 436,630 - Curtis closing his bedside table drawer.
800 DUK 442,876 - Curtis walking from bedroom to front door.
1160 DUK 11,254,466 - Curtis wakes up from nightmare, receives telephone
call about Tom's death, and lets Det. Allie into his
apartment. (opening movie)
1161 DUK 1,083,690 - Curtis "gives the finger" to his bedroom mirror.
1170 DUK 3,887,398 - Curtis looks in bedroom mirror and lightning shoots
from his eyes.
1500 DUK 1,064,948 - Curtis collects his daily mail.
1501 DUK 346,406 - Curtis walking from living room to front door.
1502 DUK 359,862 - Curtis walking from front door to living room.
1503 DUK 629,530 - Curtis walking from front door to bedroom.
1504 DUK 549,060 - Curtis walking from bedroom to living room.
1505 DUK 438,762 - Curtis "walking" in a very odd way, EASTER EGG!
1510 DUK 874,122 - Curtis dropping mail back into tray and leaving
1560 DUK 957,318 - Curtis leaves his apartment.
1561 DUK 843,402 - Curtis enters his apartment.
1580 DUK 397,288 - Curtis walking from living room to bedroom.
1801 DUK 1,438,958 - Curtis puts toolbox down at home and opens lid.
2144 DUK 1,068,942 - Curtis closes toolbox lid and and takes toolbox with
2145 DUK 3,650,980 - Curtis reads letter from his father found in toolbox.
2170 DUK 5,415,804 - Curtis makes appointment with Dr. Harburg.
2190 DUK 5,227,858 - Curtis answers knock at apartment door and invites
Jocilyn in. They sit down on living room couch.
2200 DUK 5,792,220 - Curtis/Allie: Talking about Therese. Curtis sees
ceiling bulge.
2210 DUK 1,591,942 - Curtis/Allie: Talking about Therese.
2220 DUK 2,824,222 - Curtis/Allie: Allie asks who hated Tom and Curtis
2240 DUK 5,687,238 - Curtis/Allie: Allie threatens Curtis and claw reaches
down at her.
2260 DUK 3,378,492 - Curtis/Jocilyn: Talk on living room couch.
2280 DUK 13,020,762 - Curtis/Jocilyn: Talk, Curtis takes his shirt off,
Jocilyn sees his scars from his night with Therese,
gets angry and leaves.
2330 DUK 1,624,536 - Curtis tells Blob that he wishes he knew what was
going on.
2340 DUK 1,456,418 - Curtis sees Blob chewing on entrails. Blob asks if
Curtis wants some.
2350 DUK 1,565,178 - Curtis yells at his unseen enemy to leave Blob alone.
2410 DUK 1,883,432 - Curtis reads new evil book titles from his bookcase.
2420 DUK 8,667,422 - Curtis sits down to read his mail. Therese's greeting
card plus horrific letter from his dead mother that
turns into an eyeball.
2425 DUK 9,148,334 - Same as 2420.DUK, but Curtis walks from bedroom first.
2430 DUK 8,953,940 - Same as 2420.DUK, but Curtis walks from hallway first.
3321 DUK 832,490 - Curtis enters network room.
3322 DUK 1,018,126 - Curtis tries to enter Warner's office from hallway.
3327 DUK 1,338,888 - Curtis uses security card on glass door lock with no
3328 DUK 1,397,352 - Curtis uses security card on glass door lock - SUCCESS!
3340 DUK 989,128 - Curtis entering main office via hallway door using
3370 DUK 415,282 - Curtis walking out of Wyntech.
3390 DUK 2,216,498 - Curtis getting a drink from office water cooler.
3418 DUK 775,698 - Curtis walks out of main office door into hallway.
4371 DUK 1,066,304 - Curtis enters Warner's office via hallway door.
4742 DUK 2,147,940 - Curtis tries unsuccessfully to force Warner's office's
hallway open using screwdriver.
4743 DUK 2,922,498 - Curtis successfully picks the lock on the hallway door
to Warner's office and then enters office.
4744 DUK 940,344 - Curtis walks towards Warner's office door (main office
area side) but Allie shouts at him to go away.
Curtis complies.
4745 DUK 1,074,842 - Curtis walks towards Warner's office door (main office
area side) but changes his mind before he gets there.
4770 DUK 1,701,940 - Curtis uses security card on elevator door lock and
looks around before entering elevator.
4771 DUK 1,077,132 - Curtis exits elevator at Wyntech basement level.
4772 DUK 1,029,046 - Curtis exits area behind glass doors and enters main
Wyntech hallway.
4773 DUK 1,270,492 - Same as 4770.DUK but no looking around.
4820 DUK 12,429,234 - Curtis tries to enter Tom's cubicle but is stopped by
argumentative Det. Allie. Vision of zombie Tom.
5356 DUK 5,374,078 - Curtis finds toy on basement floor. Vision of little
Curtis peering into the room his father had just left
in a hurry.
5970 DUK 3,700,156 - Curtis talks to Therese on office telephone. Therese
compliments Curtis on his performance and promises
further erotic adventures.
6180 DUK 976,140 - Curtis leaving the network room.
6270 DUK 2,216,974 - Curtis notices that the door to the secret room
adjoining the network room has been plastered over.
6340 DUK 5,773,190 - Curtis has vision of his father and Warner in the
Threshold room. Sees toy on floor.
6341 DUK 1,323,296 - Curtis enters corridor doors in Wyntech basement.
6342 DUK 1,086,660 - Curtis exits corridor doors in Wyntech basement.
6343 DUK 2,037,714 - Curtis uses basement elevator and exits at main level.
6350 DUK 9,369,118 - Curtis picks up straightjacket in Wyntech basement and
has vision of his father, Warner, and other workers who
cast a mental hospital patient in a straightjacket
(played by P2 director Andy Hoyos) into the Threshold.
6370 DUK 7,391,722 - Vision of young Curtis wandering into the Threshold
room. Warner grabs him.
6420 DUK 1,203,536 - Curtis tries to enter the Threshold room but finds it
6441 DUK 5,043,912 - Curtis enters Threshold room for the first time and
looks around.
6442 DUK 2,519,914 - Curtis enters Threshold room - subsequent times. No
looking around.
6475 DUK 3,759,660 - Curtis picks up a blanket in Wyntech's basement and
has vision of Warner cradling a slimy child in a
6500 DUK 4,899,252 - Curtis sits down and operates the Threshold room's
control panel for the first time.
6501 DUK 960,284 - Curtis exits Threshold room via corridor door.
6510 DUK 1,362,542 - Curtis sits down and operates Threshold room's
control panel - subsequent times.
6511 DUK 894,968 - Curtis notices that the Threshold gate indicator
just has flashed on.
6520 DUK 2,365,540 - Curtis tries to open Threshold gate with his bare
6530 DUK 4,412,952 - Curtis tries his security card on the Threshold
gate but an alarm sounds, he runs, and is
captured by Dr. Marek. END GAME - FAILURE.
6550 DUK 2,613,190 - Curtis runs from door to Threshold room after
he inputs an incorrect code. He is captured by
6772 DUK 908,036 - Curtis opens desk drawer in Warner's office.
6773 DUK 538,694 - Curtis closes desk drawer in Warner's office.
6774 DUK 608,494 - Curtis closes desk drawer in Warner's office.
6776 DUK 903,552 - Curtis opens desk drawer in Warner's office.
6802 DUK 755,344 - "Weasel-Cam" Easter Egg in Warner's office.
6846 DUK 846,656 - Curtis leaves Warner's office via main office area.
6847 DUK 927,784 - Curtis leaves Warners office via hallway.
6850 DUK 908,206 - Curtis sits down at Warner's computer.
6860 DUK 2,254,652 - Vision of Hetacomb in Warner's computer.
6875 DUK 1,068,016 - Curtis tries to open Warner's locked desk drawer.
6895 DUK 2,028,918 - Curtis pries open Warner's locked desk drawer with
6930 DUK 1,321,826 - Curtis goes to open door that leads from Warner's
office to the main office area but changes his mind.
7450 DUK 12,503,020 - Curtis/Harburg. Curtis asks if mental illness is
genetic and then has a vision of witnessing his
father's murder.
7520 DUK 1,171,436 - Curtis/Harburg. Harburg opens her office door and
Curtis walks in.
7530 DUK 3,541,028 - Curtis/Harburg. Discuss Tom's murder. Allie has
been checking up on him.
7560 DUK 4,610,972 - Curtis/Harburg. Curtis is paranoid that he will be
sent back to the asylum.
7570 DUK 8,177,504 - Curtis/Harburg. Harburg wants to check Curtis into
a mental hospital for observation. Curtis gets very
angry and leaves. Harburg says into her pocket tape
recorder that Curtis has just had a psychotic episode
marked by irrational anger and paranoia.
7572 DUK 10,089,028 - Same as 7570.DUK + BATMAN EASTER EGG!
7600 DUK 3,611,894 - Curtis/Harburg. Depression talk. Curtis says
something is messing with his mind. 7600.AVI
is also on cd #4 but is no different to 7600.DUK.
7610 DUK 4,169,764 - Curtis/Harburg. Curtis won't elaborate on his
problems until he understands them for himself.
8020 DUK 1,340,474 - Curtis enters front door of Borderline.
8040 DUK 3,683,126 - Pit guardian refuses entry to Curtis. Curtis protests.
8050 DUK 3,405,994 - Curtis shows something other than Therese's special
invitation to the Pit guardian. Curtis refused entry.
8070 DUK 2,886,120 - Pit guardian allows Curtis into the Pit after he
shows him his special invitation from Therese.
8100 DUK 2,677,142 - Curtis is propositioned by a S&M woman at the bar.
8110 DUK 2,097,862 - Curtis meets Therese at the Borderline and sits down.
8130 DUK 3,790,896 - Therese mentions the implications of Curtis' navel
piercing and Curtis asks her what they're going to do.
8150 DUK 943,954 - Therese says she will show Curtis rather than tell him.
8180 DUK 1,384,156 - Curtis is about to enter Borderline toilet but he
hears sexual noises from within and decides not to.
8185 DUK 5,250,360 - Curtis drinks with Therese then follows her.
8190 DUK 2,114,676 - Borderline Pit guard turns Curtis away but Curtis makes
no protest.
8195 DUK 1,336,108 - Curtis walks past Borderline pit guard unchallenged
and arrives at Pit door.
8196 DUK 2,099,984 - Curtis opens pit door, walks in, and starts looking
for Therese.
8197 DUK 213,514 - Curtis walks away from Pit door.
8198 DUK 728,826 - Curtis fails to open Pit door.
8199 DUK 522,898 - Curtis walks out of the main Pit area.
8205 DUK 2,913,816 - Curtis examines S&M gear in main Pit area.
8215 DUK 31,253,514 - Curtis encounters Therese in Pit. Sex. Spectators.
Curtis goes home and examines S&M mask in bed.
Therese is brutally murdered. (closing movie -
"more intense" version)
8216 DUK 22,436,660 - As per 8215.DUK but without the sex and the gore
and slowness of Therese's murder. (closing movie -
"less intense" version)
8670 DUK 1,717,936 - Curtis alone at DT. Looks at menu and has vision
of himself having a fit at the asylum.
9330 DUK 4,501,712 - Curtis alone at DT. Talk with Max about Tom's murder.
9350 DUK 1,964,292 - Curtis greets Trevor at DT and sits down at his table.
9400 DUK 6,411,872 - Curtis/Trevor at DT. They both liked Tom. Trevor
tells Curtis to get out of town.
9420 DUK 4,706,632 - Curtis/Trevor at DT. Curtis wants to find out about
the Threshold project and Trevor promises to help by
doing some computer hacking.
9460 DUK 4,207,558 - Curtis/Trevor at DT. Trevor talks about his date
with "Mike".
9470 DUK 7,381,190 - Curtis/Trevor at DT. Trevor says he will remain
friends with Curtis no matter what. Trevor leaves.
Curtis stays.
9480 DUK 3,087,480 - Curtis/Trevor at DT. Curtis leaves Trevor after
telling him that he is going to poke around Wyntech.
AW = Alien World
4 DUK 1,825,296 - Phantasmagoria II intro sequence
5 DUK 18,044,358 - Phantasmagoria II closing credits and song
650 DUK 2,388,494 - Curtis on Marek's operating table, tries to attack with
another instrument, Marek stops him and then stabs him
with scalpel and jet of blood hits lights
680 DUK 5,434,738 - Curtis sticks needle into Marek's head and scene changes
to DT with Jocilyn and she puts gun under his chin
690 DUK 1,209,536 - Curtis pleads with Dr Marek that he hasn't done anything
700 DUK 819,386 - Curtis hasn't moved from Marek's operating table
and Marek stabs him with scalpel and jet of blood
shoots up
740 DUK 592,520 - Curtis opening bedside table drawer
741 DUK 436,630 - Curtis closing bedside table drawer
800 DUK 442,876 - Curtis walking from bedroom to front door
1230 DUK 5,951,144 - Start of chapter, Powell knocks on door while Curtis is
still in bed, Powell asks him where he was and then
tells him of Therese's murder
1240 DUK 876,702 - Curtis looks in mirror, sees vision of axe wielding Curtis
1250 DUK 1,608,282 - Curtis looks in mirror, sees vision of Therese screaming
1290 DUK 3,305,572 - Curtis throws hammer at mirror, but creature absorbs it,
then mirror returns to normal
1500 DUK 1,064,948 - Curtis walking to front door to collect mail
1501 DUK 346,406 - Curtis walking from lounge to front door
1502 DUK 359,862 - Curtis walking from front door to lounge
1503 DUK 629,530 - Curtis walking from front door to bedroom
1504 DUK 549,060 - Curtis walking from bedroom to lounge
1505 DUK 438,762 - Curtis "walking" in a very odd way, EASTER EGG!
1510 DUK 874,122 - Curtis dropping mail into basket and leaving via front door
1550 DUK 1,091,108 - Curtis trying to leave his house but realises he doesn't
have his wallet
1560 DUK 957,318 - Curtis leaving house via front door
1561 DUK 843,402 - Curtis entering house via front door
1580 DUK 397,288 - Curtis walking from lounge to bedroom
1801 DUK 1,438,958 - Curtis putting toolbox down in his house and opening it
2144 DUK 1,068,942 - Curtis closing and picking up the toolbox at home
2145 DUK 3,650,980 - Curtis opening and reading letter from father from toolbox
2440 DUK 2,026,716 - Curtis/Powell at home - Curtis angrily denies murder
and Powell accuses him
2450 DUK 4,609,294 - Curtis/Powell at home - Powell describes how Therese
was murdered - electrocuted in her own blood
2470 DUK 3,592,862 - Curtis/Powell at home - Curtis asks why Warner hasn't
been arrested and then tells Det Powell to get out
2480 DUK 1,189,080 - Curtis/Powell at home - Powell says she's going to arrest
Curtis one way or another
2700 DUK 4,342,486 - Curtis/Powell at home - Curtis looking for Blob and
then sees huge shadow of her but Powell points to Blob
near light
2720 DUK 1,817,104 - Curtis walks up to Blob's cage and talks about Blob
looking like the "Jurassic Rat"
2740 DUK 1,544,648 - Curtis walks up to Blob's cage, says he loves Blob and
no matter what happens someone will take care of her
2790 DUK 946,826 - Curtis looking for mail at house and when he walks away
a letter is dropped into the tray
2810 DUK 22,422,126 - Curtis phones Harburg, she says she'll see him straight
away, she then calls for security to be on alert,
finds bug in phone mouthpiece, room darkens and Hecatomb
speaks,scene changes to Curtis knocking on her door, he
walks in and looks around
2880 DUK 4,560,636 - Curtis picks up letter in mailbox, the Wyntech symbol
changes to "SOON" on the letter, Curtis tears up the
letter, throws it on the floor and then it disappears
3321 DUK 832,490 - Curtis walking into Network room
3322 DUK 1,018,126 - Curtis tries to open Warner's office door from hallway
but finds it locked
3327 DUK 1,338,888 - Curtis tries to open glass security doors with keycard
without success
3328 DUK 1,397,352 - Curtis finally gains access past the glass security doors
with his upgraded security card
3340 DUK 989,128 - Curtis enters Wyntech main office door with keycard
3370 DUK 415,282 - Curtis walking out of Wyntech
3418 DUK 775,698 - Curtis exiting his Wyntech main office door
3884 DUK 1,539,190 - Curtis walking into Warner's office from main office door
4371 DUK 1,066,304 - Curtis walking into Warner's office via hallway
4390 DUK 3,093,020 - Curtis walking into Warner's office via main office and
looks slowly around room
4770 DUK 1,701,940 - Curtis using keycard to gain access to Wyntech lift
4771 DUK 1,077,132 - Curtis walking out of lift at lower level
4772 DUK 1,029,046 - Curtis walking from lift, through glass doors at main
4773 DUK 1,270,492 - Curtis uses keycard to gain access to lift on main level
4890 DUK 3,514,730 - Curtis gets a drink from the water dispenser but drops
cup in shock when some monstrosity is moving in the
dispenser bottle
4910 DUK 4,306,974 - Curtis walks into Bob's cubicle, picks up magnifying
glass, and sees vision of Bob's murder on monitor
4920 DUK 4,962,266 - Curtis walks into Tom's cubicle, gets splattered with
blood and jumps out of cubicle and blood disappears
4930 DUK 1,629,094 - Curtis very reluctantly walks back into Network Room
4940 DUK 1,937,920 - Curtis walks towards Network Room, bows head and walks
4950 DUK 16,439,480 - Curtis grabs gun off Jocilyn, scene changes back to
Wyntech and he confronts zombie Trevor, Bob and Tom
4960 DUK 2,491,980 - Curtis pleading with zombie Trevor not to hurt him
and Trevor says all he wants is that kiss
4970 DUK 1,966,978 - Curtis telling zombie Bob to keep away from him
4980 DUK 1,675,360 - Curtis telling zombie Tom it wasn't his fault, zombie
Tom just dribbles blood
4981 DUK 3,208,758 - Curtis doesn't move fast enough and zombies close in on
him and zombie Tom raises hammer
4986 DUK 2,496,812 - Curtis moves in time, Tom splatters Bobs head, but
he forgot to get keycard and Trevor/Bob close in on him
4987 DUK 2,476,592 - "less intense" version of 4986.duk, only difference is
camera cuts away before Bob's head gets mashed
4990 DUK 755,932 - Curtis/zombies - finds keycard on floor and grabs it
5000 DUK 8,649,262 - Curtis escapes from zombie workmates with keycard, scene
changes to Therese sitting on him at Borderline who
projects some sort of electrical charge at Curtis
5001 DUK 2,435,028 - Curtis/zombie Therese - Curtis doesn't move in time and
Therese rips his heart out
5002 DUK 3,174,588 - Curtis/zombie Therese - Curtis punches Therese to no
avail and she rips his heart out
5003 DUK 5,130,306 - Curtis/zombie Therese - Curtis pulls lever near couch
and tips Therese off, scene changes to child Curtis
and mom
5004 DUK 1,587,820 - Child Curtis doesn't move and mom moves towards him with
large clippers
5005 DUK 3,764,758 - Child Curtis throws a rock at mom and hits her in the face
and she moves towards him with the large clippers
5006 DUK 10,965,240 - Child Curtis hugs mom, she drops clippers and scene
changes back to Curtis facing Hecatomb who is quickly
losing strength
5007 DUK 2,736,906 - Child Curtis tries to run away from mom and she catches
up to him with the large clippers
5011 DUK 1,372,148 - Curtis walks into cubicle at Wyntech and sits at PC
5356 DUK 5,374,078 - Curtis walking down towards Threshold, finds toy and
has vision of child Curtis walking into Threshold area
and Warner
6060 DUK 5,983,920 - Curtis in front of PC in cubicle, monitor plays up and
then Hecatomb appears
6080 DUK 4,762,874 - Curtis/Hecatomb/PC - Tells Curtis just to give in to him
and Curtis nearly throws thermus (?) at monitor
6180 DUK 976,140 - Curtis walking out of Network room
6300 DUK 19,438,566 - Curtis and Trevor in Network room, Trevor tells what
he knows about company, they embrace and then Trevor
is grabbed by cabling and killed
6310 DUK 8,559,664 - Curtis in Network room, looks down at dead Trev, Hecatomb
appears, throws monitor at it and it disappears
6320 DUK 4,268,298 - Curtis takes dead Trev's keycard, closes his eyes and
walks out of Network room
6340 DUK 5,773,190 - Curtis walking down corridor to Threshold room has vision
of himself playing as a child while his father and
Warner at at the Threshold
6341 DUK 1,323,296 - Curtis walking down path to Threshold looks through
glass in door before proceeding
6342 DUK 1,086,660 - Curtis walking down path to Threshold and looks through
glass in another door before continuing
6343 DUK 2,037,714 - Curtis walks into Wyntech lift and returns to main level
6350 DUK 9,369,118 - Curtis walking down corridor to Threshold area picks up
asylum jacket and has vision of man about to be thrown
into the Threshold but dies of fright
6441 DUK 5,043,912 - Curtis opens lower level security door, walking into
Threshold computer room and looks around room
6442 DUK 2,519,914 - Curtis opens lower level security door, walks into
Threshold computer room
6450 DUK 6,291,296 - Curtis walking down corridor to Threshold, touches door
and then has vision of father turning around to find
slime covered son
6475 DUK 3,759,660 - Curtis walking down corridor to Threshold, picks up
blanket on floor, has vision of father nursing slime
covered son in blanket
6500 DUK 4,899,252 - Curtis walks up to computer in Threshold and tries a
few switches
6510 DUK 1,362,542 - Curtis sitting down at computer in Threshold and switches
something on
6511 DUK 894,968 - Curtis sees card reader in Threshold computer room light
6520 DUK 2,365,540 - Curtis walks up to Threshold area door and finds it
shut tight
6530 DUK 4,412,952 - Curtis puts wrong keycard into reader in Threshold computer
room, alarm sounds and Curtis is captured by Dr Marek
and is told his room in the Asylum is waiting for him
6535 DUK 3,926,842 - Alarm sounds in Threshold computer room and losing
sequence with Dr Marek capturing Curtis
6570 DUK 1,009,980 - Curtis puts keycard through Threshold card reader
6580 DUK 3,513,628 - Curtis walking further into Threshold area itself and
looks at energy field in the middle of the room
6581 DUK 698,960 - Curtis walking into Threshold area itself via door
6582 DUK 616,948 - Curtis walking out of Threshold area door
6610 DUK 4,040,116 - Curtis operates Threshold room computer and Warner enters
door behind him and pulls a gun on him
6611 DUK 2,444,778 - Curtis nervously looks at button in Threshold area and
almost presses it, but stops
6620 DUK 3,337,810 - Curtis/Warner at Threshold - talking about killing
6630 DUK 12,775,006 - Curtis/Warner at Threshold - Warner tells Curtis that
he's only a replica and the human Curtis is in the
alien world. Hecatomb appears and strikes down Warner
6640 DUK 12,198,456 - Hecatomb/Curtis at Threshold - Tells Curtis about his
nightmare existence for the last 20 years
6650 DUK 6,566,362 - Curtis/Hecatomb in Threshold - Hecatomb send energy blast
from head of mother towards Curtis
6660 DUK 2,523,164 - Curtis/Hecatomb in Threshold - Curtis hasn't moved and
finally collapses from energy blast and Hecatomb moves
down on him
6670 DUK 5,621,988 - Curtis/Hecatomb in Threshold - Curtis presses button
and jumps into energy field and ends up in AW
6690 DUK 7,443,132 - Ending #2 Curtis hugs Jocilyn after deciding to return
to the alien world
6715 DUK 1,952,000 - Curtis in Warner's office printing out document graphic
6750 DUK 2,347,412 - Curtis picks up photo in Warner's office and hears voices
of Warner and father
6772 DUK 908,036 - Curtis opening drawer in Warner's office
6773 DUK 538,694 - Curtis closing drawer in Warner's office
6802 DUK 755,344 - "Weasel-Cam" Easter Egg in Warner's office.
6846 DUK 846,656 - Curtis exiting Warner's office back into main work area
6847 DUK 927,784 - Curtis exiting Warner's office back into Wyntech hallway
6850 DUK 908,206 - Curtis sitting down at PC in Warner's office
7640 DUK 2,246,456 - Curtis in Harburgs office, picks up dangling phone and
hears screams
7650 DUK 10,817,948 - Curtis sees melted Dr Harburg, Hecatomb appears, so does
security guard and points gun at Curtis and motions him
7660 DUK 1,856,246 - Curtis/Guard at Harburg - pushes guard over and runs off
7670 DUK 2,637,088 - Curtis/Guard at Harburg - tries to grab gun and guard
shoots him dead
8670 DUK 1,717,936 - Curtis reading menu at DT - has the coughing vision
9490 DUK 7,662,480 - Ending #1 Curtis/Jocilyn at DT - Jocilyn talks about
her tiny bikini and their holiday, Curtis' hand
briefly (under the table) morphs back into alien form
9530 DUK 2,368,982 - Curtis/Jocilyn/gun - Curtis grabs Jocilyn and she shoots him
9540 DUK 3,437,224 - Curtis/Jocilyn/gun - Curtis tries to run away and Jocilyn
shoots him in the back and then stands over him and shoots
10010 DUK 905,724 - Curtis walking through one of the wall openings on the AW
10120 DUK 2,297,364 - Curtis walks through tunnel towards huge electrical
10180 DUK 521,744 - Curtis walking towards circuit board in AW and looks
down at it
10190 DUK 284,628 - Alien creatures running away when Curtis is nearby
10200 DUK 552,528 - Curtis walking down blue "steps" near entry to AW
10210 DUK 717,796 - Curtis walking up to AW area with circuit board and
looks around
10310 DUK 16,172,180 - Curtis after solving circuit board puzzle returns
through threshold back to earth, talks to Jocilyn
and then aliens send message requesting return of "twin"
10320 DUK 2,067,196 - Some of the alien creatures touching the centre of the
electrical field and being tranported up
10330 DUK 1,675,794 - Shot of pulsating electrical field
10340 DUK 1,924,928 - Curtis walks into sealed electrical field and gets
10350 DUK 3,494,604 - Curtis walking into the open electrical field
10370 DUK 5,939,358 - Curtis touches centre of electrical field and is
transported up to new level and walks through another
10375 DUK 1,108,520 - Curtis trying to walk out of sealed electrical field
and gets electrocuted
10380 DUK 607,964 - More alien creatures running away when Curtis moves near
10400 DUK 2,385,754 - Curtis laying down some alien food on the ground to
attract some of the creatures
10405 DUK 1,049,028 - Curtis walking through one of the AW tunnels
10500 DUK 839,900 - Curtis walking up to AW Curtis monstrosity
10505 DUK 6,992,822 - Curtis walks towards AW Curtis, Hecatomb appears and
zaps him, scene changes to Curtis on operating table
with Dr Marek about to open him up
10510 DUK 591,536 - Curtis being attacked by many alien creatures
10511 DUK 590,788 - Curtis being attacked by many alien creatures
10512 DUK 605,060 - Curtis being attacked by many alien creatures
10520 DUK 5,753,418 - Curtis AW - walks through Hecatomb image and kills
trapped AW Curtis. New escape path is revealed by falling
10600 DUK 756,142 - Final game scene of Warner's head hanging in the air
supported by only a few veins/tubes
10605 DUK 1,291,856 - Curtis walking through new exit tunnel back to AW area
where he started