Visit the new shop! It has lots of goodies- and I'm not gonna say the rest
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Welcome to My Charity Case. Here you can send money for good, worthwhile causes. Join us in our mission of good virtues. So help us save the life of a dead chicken, help out a lonely scissors, and help me feel better about my my own self (or not)!
My sad charity case
To make donations and buying from the shop, I use Paypal. Paypal now has over 71 million accounts and is the official money transfer system of eBay. Plus your donation information is encrypted so I never see any details about you, it just goes directly into Paypal which funds my account.
The charity for the lonely scissors
Save the dead chicken!
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I will not eat this dead chicken unless I get $2000
You can also help out my lonely scissors by giving him money in compensation of his loneliness
As you can see, I contribute to great things! Fred the scissors needs a friend and has a lonely life, help him out. Or Jessica the dead chicken who will be eaten unless I get $2000. Don't let her life go completely down the drain! Help out!
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