I've been sketching stuff for years.  And I keep a notebook or two handy when ideas hit.  Soemtimes they are well formed and I have a clear "vision" of what I'd like to do.  Sometimes, like the sketch at left, they have gelled enough to to be somrt of accurate.  Click the sketch for a larger size image...
Nov. 8th 98 I was watching Hotrod TV and saw a cool intake and blower for the 4.6 liter V8 Mustang.  I sketched this from that idea.  Not well formed and won't pass for an engineering thesis, but you get the idea...
Again, I revisited this idea of the blower.  And as you can tell, this is a little clearer.  How's it feel to be inside my head?  I even sketched belt routing...
Here are some Pinto sketches (I remembered you Billy...).
  Ranging from speed demon to off road.  I've been thinking of Pintos since my little sister crashed mine almost 20 years ago.  Funny thing, I still want a Pinto.
  Pintos and minivans.  What a combination...
  Click any image for a larger view...
Why are all my sketches in notebooks?  They are really cheap.  Besides, a computer in the bathroom is something my wife would never allow...  I can take the notebook and pencil anywhere I go.  It doesn't run on batteries, so it will never die before saving, and I never have to worry about upgrades.  Easier to rease with and besides, if I really had something good enough, I could always scan it and send it to someone that CAN draw it on the computer...
Yahoo/Geocities has new counters.  Cool huh?
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