Frank Amyot was born in september 14 , 1901 in Toronto .
He died in novembre 21 , 1962

Frank Amyot was the only Canadian to win a gold medal at the 1936
Olympic Games in Berlin .
Amyot had to pay his own way to get to Berlin for the games because the Canadian Olympics Committee refused to sponsor him .
In the 1.000 meters canoes singles ,  it looked as if Amyot would loose after Bohuslav Karlik passed him at the 750 meter marks . But Frank Amyot put on a brillant sprint to retake the lead just 50 meters from the finish line an he held to win .
Frank Amyot was the winner of six national canoe  titles  and one kayak championship .
Frank Amyot also coached , and managed Canadian Olympic canoeing team .

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Frank Amyot est né le 14 septembre 1901 a Toronto et décédé le 21 novembre 1962 .

Frank Amyot fut le seul Canadien a remporté une médaille d'or au
Jeux Olympique de 1936 qui a Berlin .
Frank Amyot a dû par ses propres moyens se rendre lui même a Berlin .
Car le commité Olympique du Canada lui avait refusé toute aide finacière de leur part .
Durant sa carrière sportive Frank Amyot a remporter entout  ;
6 grand prix national de canoe et un grand prix de Kayak .
Il a aussi été instructeur et membre de l'équipe Canadienne Olympique de Canoe .