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He was born in Picardie around 1600.In around 1625  he got married in Estrée
( Today Couvre , in the district of L'Aisne ) in Soissonais with Anne Convent the daughter of Guillaume Convent and Antoinette de Longval .We don't know much about the life of Philippe and Anne Convent in France .We have found a act of sale from Antoine Courand notary .
In this act of sale of the
Notary Courand 20th january 1626 , we find out that Philippe Amyot bought
the house of Antoinette Longeuval in Espiré . Must a been a big house .
In the act , the house have 14 rooms and  (32  arpents de terre )

In the spring of 1635 Philippe Amyot and his wife their two sons , Mathieu and Jean boarded a ship in
Dieppe destination New France .In the beginning of the summer they arrived in Kébec .It was during th time of M.Champlain .I was not there , but I presume that M.Champlain was on the roads whit his straw hat ,
his whip and his wagon , and his pair of bulls to greet these new arrivals , the minute they arrived .In those days it's was not often that a contingent of new arrivals landed .Usually it occurred only once a year .

What did philippe Amyot do in Kébec ? We don't know .When he died we still don't know ? However its certain that he died in the year 1639 . The burial act was not registered in the record of Quebec .
Certain alledge that he died by drowning , and because his body was never found , they never registered his death . Other presumed that they just simply forgot to re-enter his burial act when they reconstructed that
the parish register after the fire in the chapel Notre-Dame de la Recouvrance  , in 1640 .
Notary Audouart 7th September 1639 inventoried of the possesion of Philippe Amyot

In September 1639 , Anne Convent , the widow of Philippe Amyot , married Jacques Maheu ;
they had two sons and one daughter .

She became widow once again in July 1663 , she married for a third time a man by the name of Etienne Balnchon dit Larose .( Notary contract Bequet the 5th may , 1666 ) She was 65 and Etienne 35 .
Though scandal was not in vogue in Québec at that time , it must have made good gossip ;
just the age different alone was enough .
Notary Duquet 10th January 1676 inventoried of Etienne Blanchon & Anne convent )
The 5th January , 1674 she gives to the children of her son Mathieu an estate located in the bases ville of Québec . ( Act of Bequet ) Unfortunately this property will later be dispute between Marie Minville and her Children . Anne convent died in 1674
Notary Becquet 23th Febuary 1674 Testament of Anne Convent )