---------------------------------------February 28, 2005-----------------------------------

Look at that -- seven months of no updates, thus assuring that everyone would see my JpMD typo.  Terrible.

Alright, as stated above, this site's gonna get the shinola renovated out of it.  This came about for various reasons -- a) I got a new monitor, making me realize that my background, while looking dark and cool for the last four years, is actually large and tacky.  This includes most of the other backgrounds and buttons, too.  So the entire look is gone.  b)  Geocities has developed an incredibly annoying sidebar.  For now, I'll have to deal with it, 'cause I can't afford to get my own site.  And the bandwidth available on Angelfire would kill me in a matter of weeks (I often end up using my 3 gig/month allotment here -- admittedly it's an hourly rate..)  Finally c) I know stuff about html now.  I could make a bad-aff site if I really wanted to.  Well, okay, a semi-decent site....at least.

Right now, no major updates.  Everything's at home on my computer.  In the coming weeks, though, expect that 1957 Anthony Quinn synopsis, with pictures.  Hopefully pictures from the other movies well (maybe even video clips? -- not enough space, not enough bandwidth).  AND ONE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT:
I managed to find the cached remains of one of the greatest HoND sites out there that became defunct about three years ago.  I managed to grab quite a few goodies off the site.  I'll have them posted as soon as I figure out how the heck to get ahold of the former webmaster (I actually don't think we're on good terms, but I'll brave her wrath just for y'all).

Other news:  after five years, I finally realized that my webcounter is a big fat liar.  If my estimates are correct, I've topped 15,000 visitors in the last five years.  And that, my friends, is a scary yet impressive number.  Hopefully I got something to give everyone here real soon.  And apologies to everyone who has sent me essays over the years -- the e-mail address I use on this site makes it very cumbersome to save e-mails, meaning that if I don't post it here immediately, it's destroyed before I get another opportunity.  At any rate, feel free to send any essays again, if you still got them.  Just send them to this address:  Misty.D.Woodard-1@DONTSPAMYOUFRIGGINAHOLESou.edu  Leave off the threat...of course...-free".

------------------------------------------July 6, 2004---------------------------------------

Hum....I suddenly feel the need to remove that 'constantly' from 'constantly being updated.'  False advertising will get you sued, y'know.  Geocities e-mailed me out of nowhere and informed me if I didn't update my site in thirty days, everything on it would be deleted.  Now, while I have nothing new to add, I do feel slightly obliged to preserve that which has been here for years.

I got an e-mail also out of the blue the other day from a really nice woman who volunteered some information and corrections.  Hopefully, after I get permission for them, I'll post that info in the proper areas.  Wow!  This site is actually going to contain stuff that doesn't come from my brain!  This is a happy day, 'cause it makes me feel so much more legitimate.

The 1957 Notre Dame de Paris movie is next on my list for synopsizing.  Everyone will absolutely adore it -- I certainly did.  And depending on my schedule this coming semester, I may try to re-read the novel and rediscover all those things I wanted to do four years ago.  Such as a timeline.  And maybe some commentary on symbolism.

I'm posting relatively regularly on the JpMD sparknotes message board (but since it's been a while since I read the book, who knows how accurately?), so if you have any specifics questions about the novel, head over there and tell me I sent you.

Oh, by the way:  I officially now have a degree in French!  I'm still completely unqualified to talk about NDDP!  Yay!

----------------------------------------March 27, 2004------------------------------------

No serious updates in the ways of adding stuff...I guess.  I finally linked the Second Act summary of Notre-Dame de Paris the musical (hosted by my dear friend Erin), plus the general lyrics to the first act.  No screen caps or lyrics for the second act yet, sorry.  You can find that in the Adaptations section.

Secondly, I updated name research information on Frollo's section, so go there to check that out.

Thirdly, I inserted a link to sparknotes' HoND "cliff notes" into my disclaimers page.

Also, if no one has noticed yet, I took off all those annoying right-click blockers.  I put them on a long time ago because I was paranoid of people trying to use anything on my site for their own websites.  Plus I wanted to respect the rights of certain people out there by not propagating the use of their own material.  Well, the blocks are off.  Someone a long time ago told me that the internet is meant to be used for the free dissemination of knowledge.  And so I figure as long as you aren't using it to make money, knock yourself out.  I still seriously encourage you *not* to use anything on this site without permission, but I won't be a hard-a$$ about it.

Coming soon: ratings per page, so you know if you should expect violence, strong language, or sexual content.  Also, I'm going to renovate this entire site.  Mainly because I'm bored with the design and can do better...

--------------------------------------September 14, 2003----------------------------------

Geez, that was the longest hiatus of all.  Nearly a year now.  Well, I'm sorry, guys, but I've been off in France studying.  And as much fun as France is, their internet technology's not quite as advanced as the US.  So no updates till now.  To add onto all that, I'm superbly lazy.  Anyway, I started to update this page the other day, and I realized I hadn't heard from my guestbook in a while.  So I went to check the entries, and guess what!  Geocities hasn't been telling me when new entries are added.  New entries are what I use as incentive to do stuff.  So sorry I was ignoring you guys.  Wasn't doing it on purpose.

Alright, new updates.  I've put up the Rinky Dinky cartoon Hunchback of Notre Dame, complete with screen caps.  That's under Adaptations.  Since that's a complete pain in the butt, as well as school, that's the only update I have for now.  Fun.

I do occasionally get the desire to work on something book related.  Y'know, like a map or a timeline or analyses of parts of the book that don't deal with the characters.  Maybe sometime this semester I'll finish it.

I'll also start in on the Links section again. If any of you have suggestions of what else you wanna see on here, or have a link you want put up, please give me an e-mail.  Apparently I have no way of knowing if you put an entry in my guestbook, so e-mail's definitely most efficient.

Alright, back to work on the rinky dink cartoon.

-----------------------------------------October 12, '02--------------------------------------

Yeah, yeah, another delayed update.  Anyway, fun stuff.  I just found out The Hunchback of Notre Dame is now on sparknotes (actually has been for a long while).  I direct any cheatin' student to go there.  I just got done taking the review quiz they have at the end of the cheat notes.  Got 22 out of 23.  While this number is depressing to me, I think I'm justified in missing the question (that question being "Who killed Phoebus?")  I didn't read it, is all.   I know...well...can't say.  That'd be spoiling.
No new lyrics up or anything.  Updates are short in coming, but, hey, creative genius like mine requires a few....several....months' rest.  Thought I really, really, really, really need to get a map of Paris up.  I know that those three descriptive chapters are the bane of all casual readers' existences.  And reading the message board at sparknotes, I feel a renewed sense of responsibility to make this book easier for everyone to understand.  So we'll see...

Anyway, Halloween coming up.  I'm wondering whether I should dress up ala Quasimodo, which would be a rather typical Halloween costume, Pierre Gringoire, which would be my favorite-character Halloween costume, or Esmeralda, which would actually fit my gender.

Something tells me I'm going to be an insipid gypsy for Halloween.

Now only if I can find a Halloween party to be invited to.  *sniffle*

-------------------------------------------July 23 '02-----------------------------------------

Welp, back from my temporary hiatus -- went off to a field school in the desert, where laptops were about as proliferous as running water.  Anyway, special for all of you, I actually put up the links to the French lyrics of Notre-Dame de Paris (...the...French musical...if you didn't catch that).  It's under the Adaptations section.  Unfortunately, I can't get the link colors to kick in, so for now, they're the same color as the text -- just underlined.  I lied last time -- I didn't get up the second act synopsis, but I should probably do that sometime this week.  It'll be a while before I get up those lyrics, though.
I'm thinking of doing something special with the French and English lyrics of Notre Dame de Paris.  In the French section, I'll link up the French lyrics, but I'll also do a translation of each song -- literal English -- and link those up to the English names in the French section.  In the Las Vegas/London section, I'll just link up the actual English lyrics as written by Will Jennings.  Sound confusing?  Yeah, I'm a bit muddled, too.  Other than that, no big updates.  I really do intend to start working on this site again. I really need to finish up the adaptations section, but more importantly, I need to start working on the map again.  Which I had working there for a little while.  Ah, well...

Now I'm just wasting space so I don't have to reorganize everything below this.

Ah, what the crap?

-------------------------------------------May 21 '02-----------------------------------------

Wow....it's been a *long* time since my last update.  Sorry about that, folks, but I came down with a violent case of Life.  Unfortunately, I haven't gotten rid of it yet.
Anyhow, as of right now, there are no updates, despite the fact I have things on hold, ready to put them up.  I'm just writing a note to say that the site is not yet dead!  There will be more!
But this site has become reknowned, now!  I got an e-mail from the head choreographer of the musical Notre-Dame de Paris.  Yup, my one brush with fame.  Never mind the fact that his e-mail was a rather terse, irate letter, telling me I'm lacking in creativity, writing skill, and I'm "stupid." 
Listen, if you aren't warned enough when you visit the adaptations page, then here's another warning:  I'm not a nice critiquer.  I bash *everything*.  So if it's your favorite such-and-such, if you're particularly fond of such-and-such, or if you freaking choreographed the dancing of such-and-such, then don't read it.  I'm telling you now.  Save your feelings, 'cause they will get hurt.  Actually, I think I'm a lot nicer than most critics, but hell, I apparently hurt a 36-year-old professional whose work is constantly berated in many public newspapers and magazines.
Anyway, in honor of my friend the choreographer, I'm going to put up Act II of the French Notre-Dame de Paris synopsis.  It's not written by me, but by a friend.  Plus, if I can get the HTML code working, I'll have up both French and English lyrics, too.  Whoo-hoo!
Quickly, I want to say thanks to all the nice people who've e-mailed me over the past six months.  My life's probably prevented me from answering, but I appreciate them.  Even the mean ones.

----------------------------------------November 30 '01---------------------------------------

The person who had dropped by my website over 60 times in an hour e-mailed me, and we got it cleared up.

Well, no, she just highly flattered me, but that's about all the clearing-up I require.  Let's see, in the last two days?  No new updates.  I fixed some of the unlinked navigations, I stared at the adaptations page, then proceeded to add a friend's link to my links page.  Which is rather odd of me to do -- to this date, she has yet to even glance at my site.  Op (a word expressing surprise and sudden awareness), the tornado sirens just went off.  Must be lunch time.  And since I'm starving, this is a good thing.  I'm going to head off and get a bite to eat.

Christmas vacation coming up!  Which means I can do the same absolutely-nothing I did last year at this time.  I really, really should write up some stuff on the culture to clear some things up.  Such as a chart for the currency in the book.  But that's really hard to do, since when translated to English, the translator uses any random form of old British denomination that he can get his hands on to.  So instead of just sol parisis, I'll also be doing conversion tables for gold pieces and eagles.
Yes....you heard me right...eagles.  And florins!  For some reason, Denmark has an essential currency in the English version.  Okie running out of room, which is good, 'cause that was the intention of my rant.  Lemme repeat, no real, new updates.  Though I think I might've inserted some more stuff on Pierre a month or so ago.  And I found out some interesting stuff on Frollo, which I must needs get up.  Okie, food time!

---------------------------------------November 28 '01--------------------------------------

So, anyhow, the other day, I was kinda bored in my anthro comp class, and I decided to check my mail.  What to my surprise, I got a pseudo-laudatory letter from Yahoo, telling me that my site is pretty dern popular now.  However, it regretted to inform me, that meant that I was using more than my alotted 3-gig-a-month bandwidth, which means they were shutting me down for the day.
Sooo, amazed that my average 40-visitors-a-month managed to exceed a 3 gig bandwidth limitation, I looked up my site stats.  I bet 15 people must've looked at my index page one day, that must be it...
Well, much to my utter, utter shock, apparently
60 people decided to check out one page on one given day.  That's not counting the 60 people who proceeded to go through as many spoilerific pages as they could get their hands on.  My total hits jumped by 400 (not on the index page -- whoever it was didn't feel it was important to start with it, but with my story page).
Am I upset about this?  Ehh..no.  If it were 60 actual people visiting my page, then that's great!  But I figured out pretty quickly from looking at the times that it was just one person who managed to visit many of my pages over 60 times in an hour.  Either that or a 8th grade class of 60 kids were looking at my page at once.  Anyhoo, I apologize for any inconvenience with the site going down and all.  It should be up now.  And as long as whoever it is doesn't decide to visit again and put his comp on automatic refresh for an entire hour, it should be cool.

---------------------------------------September 18 '01-------------------------------------

An hour updating everything.  Ohhh, my back.  And I still have a report to do.  Anyhow, I dunno.  Random updates to the characters pages.  Made them spifier.  I got up the Medieval Times section.  Redid the design of some of the pages.  The adaptations page...is still unfinished.  I'll get to it!  No one knows how dauntingly boring it is writing out every one of those summaries.  Not to mention that I've forgotten some scenes, and I have to go back and rewatch the movies (have to take horribly pictures, too).  But...I don't have a VCR and I don't have time.  What do you people want from me??  Well, two things I can think of.  A detailed, well-thought-out synopsis (which I took away) and pictures from the '39 movie.  The first isn't coming back until I get over my extreme hypocricy (yes, even your favorite webmaster can be hypocritical), and the second...I'll try, I'll try, I swear!  I got a hundred of the pics, but they're sooo poor quality...I would like to take them off the internet, but that whole hypocricy thing.  So you'll get them when I can get permission for the pictures.
Anyhow, now I'm just wasting space.  Thanks for your patience, and hopeful cooperation.  I really do appreciate the e-mails and guestbook entries (ignore the questions -- at the time I wrote those, I was testing it out, but some answers were amusing enough that I kept them).  As for the e-mails I haven't answered...I will!  Soon!

----------------------------------------September 5 '01--------------------------------------

The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things.  Well, I redid the format for the Clopin section.  Hope you like!  I'll eventually get the last two, but it's hard to do, and I don't have too much time on my hands (was up all last night writing a French report -- that should give you an idea).  The major update, and one several of you have probably already noticed, I took down the in-depth synopsis of the book.  I've been considering it for a long while now, and I figure it's wise.  If you're here for the purposes that I hope you're here for, then you already know the book.  You might do for a refresher, but you don't really need every detail spelled out.  However, if you do need it, then e-mail me.  I'd like to start up a rapport with some of my visitors, anyhow, and what better way to get to know who you are?  This was started after I saw a lot of people visiting here just for the book synopses.  And not one of them visited my disclaimers page.  Now I'm quite happy that I inserted a lot of erroneous information into the synopses last time I worked on this.  And since I know a lot of you visited the pages between then and now, I give you the fun job of reading through the book to figure out what I really screwed up on.
I know, a lot of you are probably thinking I'm the equivalent of a female canine right about now, but if you read my Disclaimers page, you would know my intentions for this site.  Anyhoo, e-mail me if you want the correct one.  I'll talk to you then.

-------------------------------------------August 29 '01-------------------------------------

It's that time again!  Yessiree, all over the country, millions of children have gone back to school.  So what, you ask?  Well, of those million, several thousands have just discovered that they are being forced to read The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  And they're now scouring the internet for a cheat sheet.  I've already gotten a couple of hits over the past few days by people looking for book spoilers.  Anyhoo, this is just a note of warning for those few out there who've stumbled on this site (if you're a regular, you've heard this routine a hundred times, so just skip on -- no new updates).  First of all, this site is composed primarily of my views.  Meaning none of this is professional!!  There are very few things on here that I borrow from other people, hence my lack of bibliographies (though I do need some).  I am a kid not much older than you, I would wager, and I ain't nowhere close to a literary genius.  You take all of this cum grano salis, as they would say.  Also, if you *do* decide to risk it and use my webpage, especially for info in an essay, cite your work!!!  This is hard work, kids, and I don't want you ripping off my time and patience.  I don't like the idea that some use my story section as a sort of Cliff Notes deal.  But I've seen the alternatives out there (cf PinkMonkey.com).  And if you kids are going to cheat, I want you to at least get it right.  I know you won't get excellent quality from my page, but you'll get the best.
Please see my new disclaimer page for more info.

--------------------------------------------August 19 '01--------------------------------------

Ugh...allergies are kicking in.  So is allergy medication.  Anyhow, I have up..oh, I updated a lot of the character pages.  A lot of the information, and I started to add new pics to the java applets from the '56 movie.  A new link on the links page, and I have up a whole heap of links in the Notre Dame section.  Going back to college, though, tomorrow.  Yaaaay.
Anyhoo, nothing other than that.  I'd like to thank all the people who write me e-mails, telling me how good this site is.  It's a lot of hard work trying to make it look good, and writing things, etc, etc.  And I feared, still fear, it's just going to be used by high school students as a means of avoiding book reports or not reading the novel itself.  Which is entirely opposite of what I believe in (though not necessarily condemning it..heh heh..)  But those e-mails and guestbook entries really encourage me to try much harder to make this a site worthy of visiting.  I also feel, though, that while very appreciative of those compliments, I should put the disclaimer that I am in all honesty a French junior undergraduate.  Though I can say that I have been highly commended as having a good head for literature on more than one occasion, that's still about 8 years of education short of a degree of any sort.  So just be wary of what you read.  It's the analyses of a 20-year-old, two years out of high school..

--------------------------------------------August 6 '01----------------------------------------

Good news is, my computer crashed again and so I could reinstall IE 5.5, thus allowing me to use Pagebuilder on this computer once more.  Bad news....that same crash wiped out all the terrible screenshots of the different HoND movies I had.  And I just saw that at least one of you, oh, 6 people out there who have visited this page were looking for pics from the 1982 movie featuring Anthony Hopkins and Derek Jacobi.  All I can say is that I do have them.  Just not on this comp.  Check back, and I should have shots up on all the character pages, plus the adaptations page (plus a summary for that movie).
But, folks, one thing I've come to realize -- of all the obsessive HoND/NDDP fans out there who have a webpage up, I'm the least obsessive of them all.  Which is majorly encouraging me to actually check the data on my pages.  I know there's a lot of inaccurate info (sometimes I even read some of those pages and wince, wondering what the h*ll was I thinking to write that) so I'm relying on you fine, horribly over-obsessive and over-picky folks to e-mail me/IM me and tell me what's wrong.  If you actually tell me, I'll actually get off my lazy rear and change it.  Well.....probably.  There was one person who informed me of a typo which I never got around to changing, 'cause I couldn't find the word...but, ah well.  No major updates!

---------------------------------------------June 28 '01-----------------------------------------

Welp, obviously one of the major things I've changed is the format of the index page.  Alas, the flashng Notre Dame Cathedral is gone.  E-mail me if you want to see it back, though.  Oh, btw, e-mail me with any suggestions or ideas you might have.  I've still yet to make that massive, most comprehensive list of NDDP links that I wanted to make, but ah well.  The characters sections still aren't all updated yet.  Heck, I haven't even finished backgrounds for the last few characters.  I'm planning to put up a lot of links on the Notre Dame page, though, until I can actually write some info myself.  And the Paris page is almost ready to be put up, though not entirely finished.  My main problem is that PageBuilder doesn't work with IE 6.0, and somehow, for some mysterious reason, my computer decided to download and install 6.0.  Geocities thinks the best solution for this is to install an older browser.  Unfortunately, MS doesn't agree and won't let you.  But...anyhow..

--------------------------------------------May 6 '01--------------------------------------------

Oh, there's so much I've changed in the last few months....itty bitty things, but if you look around, you'll find them.  I added a few links to some really good sites.  I put up the Chaney version on the adaptations page -- finished and everything!  I put pictures up on the Notre-Dame de Paris page, though not all of the musical's up yet.  I updated the author page, though no real info -- just links to real info.  The characters page...well...I've been mainly concerned with it and trying to prevent it from being ripped off, as you can tell if you've been there.  If only my other pages had half so much traffic!  Aaanyhow, in the characters section, I updated an awful lot of profiles.  You can't find it unless you read them again, I'm afraid....

------------------------------------------February 3 '01-----------------------------------------

Alright, I updated the format of the links section and added a lot more links.  Probably nothing very useful right now, but I'll get it up eventually.  No new information through the buttons below except for the adaptations section, which is completely under construction.  Whenever I get bored enough to write lengthy plot summaries, I work on one version or another until I get bored even with that.  So far, I got parts of the '97 version, French musical version, and Disney version up.  I think that's it, but there might be more.  Go there and see for yourself.

-----------------------------------------January 3 '01-------------------------------------------

As you can see, there's a lot of updates I haven't put down.  I made an adaptations page, which addresses all the adaptations that I have any knowledge about.  Sometimes, a lot of the time, it's shoddy at best, but I remember once when I searched desperately for the information I'm gonna try to provide.  Also, I'll bring to your attention the ZILLIONS of new buttons below.  Most of the new ones aren't up yet.  I never much cared for the cathedral or the author, so I'm having to research both.  I've done so much on Paris, I just don't feel like writing it all down.  As for Medieval Times, well....that's so much information, it's daunting.  But I'll get it up as soon as possible...

----------------------------------------November 22 '00------------------------------------------

Turkey Day tomorrow!  Yay!  But, really, I've got no updates.  Just come to wish everyone merry Christmas, Happy New Year, yadda yadda.  Remember to watch out for the Millenium Bu-- oh, wait, that was last year.  Eh, well, watch out for election ballots!

But, wait!  There's more!  I recently had a very involved conversation with the Jolly One, and I wish to relate to you the matters discussed:

SANTA:   Hey!  You're not a 9-year-old!
ME:  Yeah, I'm big for my age.  Now, listen, Santa, I really, really want this--!
SANTA:   Kid....I'm just a mall employee, getting paid minimum wage...
ME:  And I'm a college student getting paid nothing.  Hence why I'm here.  Now, I'd like an mp3 player, and a CD burner, and a DVD player, and a webcam, and will on earth, good peace toward Len...
SANTA:  ....peace on earth, good will toward men?
ME:  Whatever.  But what I really, really, really want is a sequel to Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame that's good.
SANTA:  Hey, now, even Santa has his limits...
ME:  No, listen!  I want a good sequel that features Pierre Gringoire as its main character, and I want him to be accurate.  To h*ll with all the others, just my Pierre.  And I want Pierre musical numbers, and I want Pierre plushies!!!  They made a hunchback into one, and I certainly wouldn't mind snuggling up to my favorite poet every night...
SANTA:  Good God...
ME:  ..and I want Mel Gibson to do his voice!  Only a real good-looking guy should do the voice of my Pierre!
SANTA:  But if it's a cartoon, then what does it matter if he's good-loo--?
ME:  I WANT MEL!!!!!  Now, you can forget the other stuff I said earlier, as long as you grant me this wish...
SANTA:  .......are you sure you don't want a pony?
ME:  Will it have Pierre riding on back with a big bow wrapped around him?
SANTA:   ...........this is a fictional character, right?
ME:  He's not fictional!!!  He's just substantially-challenged!!
SANTA:  Listen, kid, here's a deal.  I get you all the Hunchback movies you don't have yet, and you leave before security gets here.
ME:  ......okie, cool!

And there you have it! If Santa keeps his word, I'll be getting the other versions soon...

-----------------------------------------Novermber 19 '00---------------------------------------
Wow, I am almost completely done with the characters section.  I mean, sure occassional changes and updates....but I'm essentially done!  Whoo-hoo!

I've discovered another Hunchback page out there, and as soon as I talk to the author, I'll ask to link his page.  I checked it out, and it looks real good!  It has a lot of background information on the book that I don't have (I love the book -- not the author *sheepish grin*).  His page also really gave me some ideas on the type of disclaimers I should have on my page.  So I'm going to change some stuff around.  I'll be putting up bigger, brighter signs warning about spoilers (nearly all content on this site is spoiler-ific), and I want to point out some rules about plaigarism.

Folks, as long as I can prove that these writings here are my own (and I can), I have (if I'm not mistaken) intellectual property rights to them.  In other words, if I wrote it, it's mine.  And if you quote what I write without giving credit, it's plaigarism.  I'm not going to be naive enough to think kids out there doing this book as a book report won't use my site heavily, but I want to express that MOST OF THIS IS MY VIEWS AND MY VIEWS ALONE.  While I can claim that most of the information is accurate, I can't swear on it, and you can't know for sure unless you've read the book.  I've already caught more than a fair share of mistakes.  Heck, when I first read the novel, I thought the Great Hall was outside, a mill was a type of wagon, and Montfaucon was some sort of grove.  I've even been wrong on spellings, 'cause I spell the words off the top of my head.  To summarize, don't plaigarize without giving credit, and don't rely on this page as a primary source for your research.  The book is always the best and most important source.  This is only to help those who have trouble understanding to understand...

--------------------------------------------November 12 '00----------------------------------------

I've finished Clopin and Jehan's sections, and I've got up some stuff on Fleur-de-Lys.  Also, be sure to check the other characters again.  I've added some things to Quasi, Esme, and Frollo's pages.

Also, I'm putting up a link to an incredible webpage editting tool that I have used heavily.  It's called The Banner Generator and is what I think an amazing tool.  Check the bottom of the pages for the link.

Back to college.  I'll work on this more, I swear...

--------------------------------------------October 15 '00------------------------------------------

Well, I haven't updated the updates section in a long time, but I got around to actually updating the site!  I changed the format and links of the characters page, plus I got two more sections up;  Clopin and Jehan.  Unfortunately, Clopin's site, for the most part, isn't complete.  But all the characters that come before him on the list are.

I'm considering getting up a section on Notre Dame (the focus of the novel) and I'll do that when time permits.

This may be paranoid of me to say, and I know I'm not exactly without sin in this regard (do as I say, not as I do), but please, please don't take any graphics used in the characters' names, on the characters page, without my permission.  I had to do the glowy stuff by hand, which is a painful three hour process for each one.  ; )

-------------------------------------------September 8 '00------------------------------------------
Ugh, after much struggling, I've finished the last two sections on Esme and Frollo.  Moving on to....what's my next one?  Phoebus?  Ohh, fun........

A friend of mine (who said he doesn't want his name revealed;  I'm not sure if it's from shame of being connected to my page or if it's that terrorist attack on a Mr Icy's ice cream stand not three weeks ago) made a rather humerous shockwave...presentation, for the purposes of this page.  It features the characters of the Disney movie  {(c) Disney Corporation, since I can't put it on the page} and the character Gringoire, from Eyewitness Classics: Hunchback of Notre Dame {I'll get the artist name up}.  Yet another friend of mine has put it on her website, and has allowed me to link it from there (thank God she did, or it wouldn't be there;  I do NOT do HTML code).  Until I can make a nicer link for it, you can find it at Hunchback Shockwave.  My friend's page is AOL HoND RPG Characters Page.  (or something to that effect)

The newest stuff is the synospis section.  Unfortunately, I couldn't write it short.  So, about 5 am, I decided to throw all caution to the wind and write like I was a five-year-old.  So I have two different synopses;  one short for those who don't want the details, and one long for those who are probably trying to cheat their way through an English assignment (the question is....how are you so sure I'm getting all the details right?  Be smart and read the book)

I put up a new section on Quasi's page.  Yup, going back and doing more sections for the other characters, but not working on the ones missing.  Oddly enough, I really like Jehan.  He's annoying, but you gotta love him....

And now my Eyewitness Classics book has come in!  True, it's directed at 8-year-olds, and the drawings aren't horribly accurate (My God, Pierre's about 40.....yes, that's my sorest point), but it has a lot of useful info and a nice little map of the Island.  True....the map isn't very accurate, either, but I'll get up my own copy of the map eventually, with all the places pointed out, and such.

Links, links, links....no new links.  But I will get some up!

And coming soon....a 10 page essay on why Gringoire does not love that goat!!  Yes, you heard me.  You mocked and jeered Gringoire long enough!  I shall show you that my little Pierre does not have a fetish of the hooved kind...
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