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January 2003
Published on Sunday, January 26, 2003 by the lndependent/UK
The Human Cost 'Does Tony Have Any Idea What the Flies are Like That Feed Off the Dead?'
by Robert Fisk
And we had 100+ people in an anti-war march in LONGMONT on Saturday the 25th.

November 2002
After the elections. There are glimmers of hope: go Nancy Pelosi!
"It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable." - Eric Hoffer, The Passionate State of Mind, 1954
I am going to stop collecting things. Not because they no longer need collecting, but because I am doing other things.
Read Common Dreams and Indymedia. Listen to BBC radio. Don't give up the struggle for peace.

September 2002
From http://www.oocities.org/pierremal/LCJD/events.htm

Longmont Citizens for Justice and Democracy will hosted a peaceful demonstration at 6th and Main in Longmont starting at 5 pm on the evening of September 11, 2002. We feel the correct response to the tragedy that occurred last year, claiming the lives of American and later Afghani civilians, should be one of peace and self-reflection as a nation. We oppose a war against Iraq. Like minded people are invited to join us. At 6:30 pm we marched peacefully to Small Circle Imports at 1139 Francis Street for an evening of silence, meditation, and prayer for peace for all people.

JUly 2002
Yes, Virginia there are liberals in Longmont : Longmont Citzens for Justice and Democracy

May 2002
A sinus infection and other things kept me from doing this month - but the world went on without me.

I moved earlier notes to a separate page: click on 2002, Jan-Apr: notes on the War for early 2002. click on 2001 notes on the War to go there.

Links for September, 2002:

Links for August, 2002:

Links for July, 2002: