Amateur Radio - Page 1
Not really to do with Amateur Radio,  this shocking coil, made by Great Grandfather McClelland, does actually behave like a spark transmitter of the early 1920's. (It creates a line pattern on TV)
Family heirloom : Morse Key  assembled from Hobbies Magazine kit by Gt. Grandfather William McClelland
John's Amateur Radio station, when first licensed as GM7CIP (August/September 1988). The large communications receiver to the left is a B40 receiver, built post-war for the Admiralty by Murphy Radio.
In the centre is an Icom IC22A transceiver for 2m FM. Below is  the 12V D.C. power supply from a Pye Cambridge PMR transceiver.
On the far right is a home-built morse practice oscillator.
more about john
Amateur Radio - Page 2