Ing balen Apalit telacad de ding Castila quetang banuang 1582. Pepalaguiuan deng Apalit uli ning maragul a dutung a apalit a disnan da.
Caibat deng telacad ing capamajalan civil, pigmulan de ing pisamban lalam dang capangasiuan ding PP. Agustinos. Qñg banuang 1590 atin nong gagamitan a pisamban. Iti mesira ya qñg ayun quetzng banuang 1863. Pigmalasaquitan neng pepalitaling pasibayu ning G. Mariano Santos ning Guagua qutang 1876 ila ning Rev. P. Antonio Redondo, parroco canita, at meyari ya caibat ning limang banua. Iti ya ing salucuyan a pisamban ngeñi.
Taken from : "Qñg Tula Ra" by the Archdiocese of San Fernando, 1956.
Dates from 1590. The former church, built of brick, was destroyed by the earthquake of 1863. The present church was constructed by Mariano Santos, of Guagua, under the supervision of the Rev. Antonio Redondo, O.S.A., between 1876 and 1880. Its towers were finished in 1896 by the Rev. Toribio Fanjul, who purposely made them low to minimize the effects of earthquakes.
Bells are six all rotary except the center stationary. All Fundicion de Hilario Sunico Jaboneros 50 except the center.
Left northeastern tower Smallest bell--AÑO 1895-5 @ (ARROBAS) 1/2 Lb. Front, cracked--SAGRADO CORAZON DE MARIA-SIENDO CURA PARROCO EL M.R.P. FR. TORIBIO FANJUL AÑO 1896 31 @ 3 Lbs. Second largest bell center stationary--S. PEDRO Y S. PABLO-FVNDIOSE ESTA CAMPANA EL AÑO DE 1821 SIENDO CVRA DE APALIT EL R.P.DIF.r F. JOSEPH POMETA AL TRIDECIMO AÑO DE CURA DE DICHO PUEBLO-FECIT BENITVS a REGIBUS-44 @ 8 Lb. Right southeastern tower second smallest bell clapperless--SAN PEDRO DONACION DE D.a SABINA SIOCO-SIENDO CURA PARROCO EL REV. P. ANDRES BITUIN-APALIT, PAMPANGA. AÑO 1931-61 kilos. Big very old clapperless bell made outside of wrought metal bearing hardly legible inscription--25 @ 6 Lbs. Front biggest bell chipped--SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS-SIENDO CURA PARROCO EL M.R.P.F. TORIBIO FANJUL AÑO 1896-44 @ 10 Lbs.
Note: Bell inscriptions were taken from "Pampanga and its Towns" by Mariano A. Henson.
The ceiling of the Church of St. Peter in Apalit. The trompe l'oeil murals were done by Caesare Alberoni, an Italian free-lance painter.
A view of the main altar of the Church of St. Peter. The gravestone of Don Joaquin Arnedo Cruz of Sulipan can be found at the bottom of the left side altar.
The façade of the Church of St. Peter
The cupola of the Church of St. Peter, a "folksy" rendition of the Apocalypse.