American Staffordshire Terrier |
The AST is a very close cusion to the American Pit Bull Terrier, is smaller in height and a little more stocky in build. It's head is a little more square in shape, with a slitely smaller muzzle. It has a very musculer body. The American Kennel Club first granted recognition of the American Staff as a seperate breed form the Pit Bull in 1936. |
American Pit Bull Terrier/Pit Bull |
This Page is Currently Under Constrution!! |
Argentinean Dogos/Dogo Argentino |
It looks very much like a Pit Bull or an AST, but it is a whole other breed. It's always white (sometimes with dark spots on the skin). This breed isn't very popular in the US however. It has a strong, square head, and powerful body and jaws. It is notorious for its aggressive(toward other animals), fearless nature, but can nevertheless be trustworthy with people and exceptionally loyal to it's master. |
~Bulldog Type Breeds~ |
The Pit Bull has a broad, slab-like head and strong jaws(NOT "locking" as some believe) and is wide between the cheeks. Its neck and body is thickly muscled and the dog has a very broad chest. This breed was bred specifically for dog fighing. This "sport" is illegal today. The breed can however be a very loyal, friendly, and gentle family pet. It can also be used for herding, therapy, and weight pulling. The word Pit Bull refers to many bully breeds such as AST's(above), Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Bull Terriers, etc. |
Origin: USA (1800's) |
First use: Baiting bulls |
Height: 17-19 in (43-48 cm) Weight: 40-50 lb (18-23 kg) |
Origin: USA (1800's) |
First use: Dog fighting, Bull baiting |
Height: 18-22 in (46-56 cm) Weight: 50-80 lb (23-36 kg) |
Origin: Argentina (1920's) |
First use: Hunting pumas and jaguars |
Height: 24-27 in (61-69 cm) Weight: 80-100 lb (36-45 kg) |
Coat Color: Brindle, cream, blue, fawn, black and tan, tricolor, black, white, red, brownish, and any of these colors with white. |
Coat Color: Brindle, cream, blue, fawn, black and tan, tricolor, black, white, red, brownish, and any of these colors with white. |
Coat color: White |
~All information on this page comes form my knowledge and experiance, it is only intended for a rough example of the breeds~ |