We are interested in talking to anyone that has a similar interest in representational oil painting in a traditional classical style and paintings of narrative still life.
.All Paintings are © by the artist. For availability and prices, we can be contacted via
All these paintings done by Brian are oil on canvas.
"Remembering Conception Kennedy."
"Floating Into Consciousness"
"The King Of Fools"
NFS (In the private collection of PJMcDaniel)
"After LaVille"
"Metaphysics 101"
"Remembering You-Know-Who
NFS (In a private collection)Done for the Dia De Los Muertos show
NFS (In a private collection)"Come Back to Love"
NFS (In a private collection)
"The Truffle Hunter"
NFS (In a private collection)This was done for the Virgin De Guadalupe 2000 show.
NFS (In a private collection)
"Religion in the New Millenium"
"Bananas & Red Onion"
"Chasing The Muse"
Additional photos will be added as they occur.
These works are all © by the artists.
© Copyright 2005 Patrick J. McDaniel