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First Name :   cheryl
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Comments :   Great Site :D
Favorite Quote :   Minds are like parachutes; they only function when open.
Favorite Page(s) :   all of them
First Name :   Gary
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Comments :   Very Beautiful Pics Hun Very Special.
Favorite Quote :   It Cant Rain All The Time
Favorite Page(s) :   Your Page and
First Name :   Ray
URL :   xviper80x
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Comments :   cool page darlin
Favorite Quote :   an answer is always a from of death john fowles
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First Name :   Tom
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Comments :   cool site i like it. thats all deal with it...
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Comments :   where are the boxes for least favorite?,and sort that music out
Favorite Quote :   the best way to get to know someone is to piss them off,and see how they react.
Favorite Page(s) :   i only looked at your pics ;).
First Name :   Sunny
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Comments :   By what i read you are a very bright woman. I liked your page alot and dont be shy to put pictures up you are a very beautiful woman. I wish you and your man the most happiness in your life. Good luck with everything.
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Favorite Page(s) :   I liked them all. They were all very nice.
First Name :   Gary (social)
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Comments :   hi babe..just checkin to see what condition your condition is in.. *hugs n kisses* I love you
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Favorite Page(s) :   all of them..of course :D
First Name :   paul
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Comments :   very interesting....only explored a small part of the page....what i saw was excellent....keep up the great work.....peace to you
Favorite Quote :   DEAL WITH ME !!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Page(s) :   not sure
First Name :   jonathan
URL :   jdburns127
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Comments :   I really like the fact that you have the peanuts theam song on your page
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First Name :   Jeff
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Comments :   You are one of THE most special people ive ever met on this crazy place we call the internet. I hope i know you forever.
Favorite Quote :   Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics...even if you win, youre still a retard.
Favorite Page(s) : -
First Name :   Kryssy
URL :   
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Comments :   *poke*
Favorite Quote :   The world is full of kings and Queens who blind your eyes and steal your dreams....Its heaven and hell
Favorite Page(s) :   Loved the rants girl
First Name :   Alex
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Comments :   Im the one who was harassing you in the yahoo pool chat. hahaha... youre hot, jen!! :-)
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First Name :   Natalie
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Comments :   Your page kicks ass sis, but if youre going to call yourself THE Bitch, I think you should be a lot meaner to
Favorite Quote :   The dumber people think you are, the more surprised theyre going to be when you kill them..
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First Name :   todd
URL :   
E-Mail :   none
Comments :   this is skotchless, got cut off, sorry it was nice playing with yoiu never seen your pics though, leaving work now
Favorite Quote :   party!!!!!!!!
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First Name :   Tammz
URL :   
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Comments :   Hey girl, Nice site :) I know how these things take time, keep up the good work .
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First Name :   David
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Comments :   hey sweetie :))
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First Name :   Philly
URL :   
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Comments :   Hey bout postin some of those online friends pics!? Otherwise, very cute page. You rockkk! :P
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First Name :   Mike
URL :   
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Comments :   nice web page the charlie brown music kicks ass LOL
Favorite Quote :   
Favorite Page(s) :   all of them
First Name :   clayton
URL :   
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Comments :   ur not fat or big at all enjoy life luv ya home page
Favorite Quote :   life is wat u make it
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First Name :   Laura
URL :   
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Comments :   hey Jen My god I had no idea. Great Page now I know why u are always online lol
Favorite Quote :   If a cluttered Desk is the sign of a cluttered mind then what is an empty desk the sign of?
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First Name :   kevin
URL :   
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First Name :   Xavier
URL :   
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Comments :   ummm *hugz and kisses*
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Favorite Page(s) :   i thought the pictures of your parents were very cute.....and you too
First Name :   Devin
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Comments :   Coooooliesnessness ^_^
Favorite Quote :   Mess with the best die like the rest
Favorite Page(s) :   ummmmmmmmm, dunno?
First Name :   Jenn
URL :   
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Comments :   Awesome page Jen!! Since Ive known ya Ive known you to be a great friend I also know NOT to get on your bad side. Dont forget JENS RULE!!! Catch ya on messenger soon till then HUUUUUGE HUGGGGGGSSSSSS. luv ya, jenbear aka the canadian_b_itch
Favorite Quote :   You have to learn to crawl before you can grovel
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First Name :   Dan
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Comments :   VERY cool site! I like what you did with the place lol
Favorite Quote :   No need to run cause youll only die tired!
Favorite Page(s) :   What I could know, Im still only on level two on hukked on fonics Muuuuuaaaaaahhhhhs!!!
First Name :   Nathan (Nay Nay)
URL :   
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Comments :   Hi babe I know how u like a good quote so I thought I would give u one and a quote lol!
Favorite Quote :   Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cant change, courage to change things I cant accept & the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they pissed me off
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