<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/playful_24_7/paparoachlastresort.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Rants 'N' Raves
K....lemme just say that...while most of you think this part would be just about me bitching about pointless shit or me praising even more pointless shit...you are exactly right =). SO...if ya don't wanna hear me then either get off your ass and get me a bottle, call the whaaambulance, or sit back and learn a few things =) Enjoy hehehe....

My Peeves
This list is gonna be unbelievably long...so let's see how it goes...lol (maybe i should make it a weekly thing?? hehe)

-Feeling like shit constantly <--i bet ya knew that would be first huh lol
-People who go thru life always wanting a pity party.
-People that don't understand that in order to face the good you must also deal with the bad..wussies
-Tight Asse
-Asking someone a question and them answering with..."what?". then they don't even wait for you to repeat, they just go ahead and answer it...not even needing to ask what in the first place..WTF
-People who drive the speed limit in the fast lane
-People who stay in your blind spot so you can't pass them
-People who yell and flip you off when they are obviously in the wrong.
-Cops who are only cops because they got bullied in school and feel they need to be the bully now.
-Being bored and restless
-When people make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and don't wipe off the knife before they dip it into the second one used...and mix the pb&j UGH
-Dirty hands
-FEET <--blahhhhh
-People who act like they can't smell their own body odor (you stink!!)
-Morning Breath
-Alarm Clocks
-BEING everyones alarm clock
-Having my alarm clock be shut off by someone other than me and me being late to work *growl*
-Sharing a bathroom with three guys
-Having all three guys decide to get up and take a shower before me (hello, cold water)
-Running out of toilet paper
-No one getting toilet paper
-No one buying sodas
-Greedy motherfuckers
-People who think they are better than everyone else
-People who talk more shit than their frail lil bodies can back up
-People who think if they don't get their way it's the end of the world (GROW UP!)
-Nightmares when i finally do get to sleep
-Those nightmares recurring
-Nightmares while still awake
-People who jump during movies and make me jump *GRR*
-Doctors charging an arm and a leg to poke and prod and violate someone just to tell them a week later that 'they can't find nothing wrong'.
~*~*~*~*~* K i'm gonna stop on this list or it's gonna take up the whole page...lol will put more up as time goes by hehe ~*~*~*~*~*