An On-line Index of


PLB at a Glance
    The Pakistan Library Bulletin (PLB) is the only journal which is being published regularly and timely from Pakistan since 1968. In the begining was started  in mimeograph form in 1966. After getting the declaration from the government PLB is being published as quarterly since 1968.
    A group of serious, sincere and like minded librarians established an organization viz Library Promotion Bureau  in the later part of 1965 in Karachi. The prime objective of this organization was to creat conductive atmosphere for producing library literature in Pakistan which was the need of the hour. By this time library science was accepted as an academic discipline  in the country and classes on postgraduate level had been started since 1956 in various universities  of Pakistan. Library training schools had also come into being as early as 1952 under the local library associations which were providing library education and training at undergraduate level. This had created a demand for library books and journals. Being conscious of all these facts it was on the top of the agenda of Bureau's publications programme to bring out a library journal beside other publications. Therefore, the Bureau soon after establishment  published Pakistan Library Bulletin (PLB).
    To bring out a professional journal in Pakistan without any financial support is a very difficult task. Besides financial problems there was a great dearth of writers. The editors motivated fellow librarians to pick up pen  and start writing. They approached people in different fields also to express their views about the usefulness of libraries and their role in the pursuit of knowledge and research. Speeches, messages, reports, reviews and articles of promoninent persons were published in the journal. Similarly processdings of Pakistan Library Association (PLA), Society for the Promotion and improvement of Libraries (SPIL) and other organizations were covered and published. Foreign librarians and educationists were also approached who contributed their articles and views in the journal.
    The Pakistan Library Bulletin was first published under the editorship of  Dr.Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari between September 1968 to 1975 and then under the penmanship of Muhammad Adil Usmani since September 1977 to December 2000 and now once again PLB  is being published from January 2001 under the Chief Editorship of  Dr.Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari. It has become the most consistent and reliable journal for information professionals in Pakistan and the Gulf region.


    Distinguished and senior professional writers from all over the world have written in it. The PLB is basically a Pakistani journal, the maximum number of contributors  were naturally from within the country. Names of some prominent writers are worth mentioning such as: Prof. Dr. Abdul Moid, Prof. Dr. Anis Khurshid, Begum Mariam Hashimuddin Ahmed, G. Ahmed, Kazi Anwarul Haq, Farhatullah Baig, Dr. Jamil Jalibi, Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan, Prof. Khurshid Ahmed, Hakim Muhammad Said, Prof. Dr. Mahmud Hussain, Mrs. Gool K. Minwala, Dr. A. R. Butt, Dr. A. R. Mohajir, M. Nurus Safa, Dr. Abdus Sabuh Qasmi, Dr. Muhammad Ali Kazi, Dr. Mumtaz A. Anwar, Dr. Sajjadur Rehaman, Dr. Abdul Sttar Chaudhry, Dr. Moinuddin Aqeel, Prof.  Dr. Rafia Ahmed Sheikh,  Muhamad Adil Usmani and Dr. Ghaniul Akram Sabzrari.
 There were a good number of foreign librarians and library educationists who contributed their worthy views in the journal. The contributors hail from Asia, Europe, Africa and  North America  including Canada, in that order. Overwhelming majority of authors evidently are from Asia.. Names of some prominent writers are worth mentioning such as : W. A. Akinoflorain (Nigeria), Mohsin El-Arini (Egypt), David Balty (USA), Nasir Bello (Nigeria), B. C. Bloomfield (England), George S. Moon (USA), Issa J. Boulfata (USA), D. O. Bozimo (Nigeria), H. C. Compbell (Canada), Dr. Abdul Latif bib Dohaaish (Saudi Arabia), Robert B. Downs (USA), John F. Harvey (USA), Jan S. Johanson, Eve Johanson, Robert B. L. and Kund Larsen, N. F. Lebedeva (Russia), Priggs C. Nzotta, G. T. Onadiran (Nigeria), J. S. Parker (Sudan), Maureen L. Patterson (USA),  Robert Rothstein (Belgium), S. N. Sahal (India), Jesse H. Shera (USA), Lenora Stine, George K. Thompson Tuchman (USA) and Dr. Munawa A. Anis.


    There are many subjects on which articles and editorials have been contributed during the last 33 years.  Almost all aspects of Library and Information Science were covered.   In 33 volumes comprising 82 issues 576 articles including 82 editorials were published by 225 different authors, 180 from Pakistan and 45 from outside Pakistan. On the average about 7 articles per issue and  18 articles per year were carried. The journal's basically a Pakistani journal, the maximum number of contributors  were naturally from within the country. There are about 200 subjects on Library and Information Science on which worthy writers from Pakistan and other countries expressed their valuable ideas and views.


    The  PLB is the only indexed and peer reviewed journal from Pakistan. It is indexed in "Library Literature" and  "Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature". It is abstracted in "Library and Information Science Abstracts" (LISA) and "American History and Life". It is listed in Ulrich's International Periodical Directory and its full publication data is included in "Guide to Publishing Opportunities for Libraries" (1995) by Schroeder and Roberson, published by the Hawarth Press, New York. It has been regular and timely for the past 33 years.


    The journal is subscribed to many University, Public, National, Academic (School and Colleges), Special libraries in the country and abroad. It is being subscribed to more by foreign libraries then the libraries inside the country. Presently the annual subscrition for Pakistan: Rs. 300.00 and for Foreign:   $. 150.00. Subscription can be paid through bank draft/checque in fabour of  Library Promotion Bureau.
 M. Adil Usmani, Dr. G. Sabzwari, Moinuddin Khan and R. A. Samdani has brought into limelight PLB's impact on librarianship in the following articles published in the journal.

    Usmani, Muhammad Adil.
        Impact of Writings in Pakistan Library Bulletin on     Librarianship in Pakistan. Pakistan Library Bulletin, 16    (3-4): 51-62, Sept.-Dec. 1985.
        Pakistan Library Bulletin: Impact of Its Writings on     Librarianship in Pakistan. Pakistan Library Bulletin, 26    (3-4): 13-34, Sept.-Dec. 1995.
        Pakistan Library Bulletin: 25 Years in the Service of    Librarianship. (Editorial). Pakistan Library Bulletin, 26    (3-4), Sept.-Dec. 1995.

    Sabzwari, Ghaniul Akram.
        Pakistan Library Bulletin at a Glance. Pakistan Library    Bulletin, 26 (3-4): 35-39, Sept.-Dec. 1995.
        Pakistan Library Bulletin: Entering in the Profession.  (Editorial). Pakistan Library Bulletin, 1 (1), Sept. 1968.
        Pakistan Library Bulletin: Landmark contribution. Pakistan  Library Bulletin, 28 (4): 1-5, Dec. 1997.

    Khan, Moinuddin and Samdani, Rais Ahmed.
        Library Resources and Publishing: 50 Years Analysis. Pakistan Library Bulletin, 28 (4): 29-39, Dec. 1997.

    Samdani, Rais Ahmed. (co-author)
        Library Resources and Publishing: 50 Years Analysis. Pakistan Library Bulletin, 28 (4): 29-39, Dec. 1997.

Present Eitorial Board

Patron:   Muhammad Adil Usmani
Chief Editor:   Dr. Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari
Dy. Chief Editor:  Prof. Dr. Nasim Fatima
Editors:   Muhammad Wasil Usmani, Moinuddin Khan, Abdul Samad Ansari, Shakil Ahmed Khalil, Amna Khatoon, Nasreen Shagufta
Managing Editor:  Rais Ahmed Samdani

Present  Board of Editorial Advisors

  1. Dr. A. R. Butt,  Chairman  Department of Lib. & Inf. Science,  University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh
  2. Dr. Rafia A. Shaikh,  Chief Librarian,   Allama I. I. Kazi Library, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh
  3. Prof. Khurshid A Ansari, Chairman, Department of Lib. & Inf. Science, University of Balochistan, Quetta
  4. M. A. Zaheer, Director General, National Library of Pakistan, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad
  5. Ishtiaq Ahmed, Chairman, Department of Lib. & Inf. Science, Allama Iqbal open University, Islamabad
  6. Khalid Mahmood, Lecturer, Department of Lib. & Inf. Science, University of Punjab, Lahore
  7. Prof. Fouzia Hashmi, Department of Lib. & Inf. Science, Islamia University, Bahawalpur
  8. Miss. Azra Qureshi, Chief Librarian, Aga Khan University Library, Karachi
  9. Prof. Syed Liaquat Ali, Chairman Department of Lib. & Inf. Science University of Peshawar, Peshawar
  10. Ch. Muhammad Yaqoob, Chief Librarian, Institute of Kashmir Affairs, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad

Publishing  record of PLB (from September 1968 to December 2002)

S.No.    Vol.    Issue    Date/Year                        Chief Editor                         Managing Editor
1.            1        1            September 1968               Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
2.            1        2-3         Dec.68-March 1969         Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
3.            1        4            June 1969                          Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
4.            2        1-2         Sept.-Dec. 1969                Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
5.            2        3-4         March-June 1970             Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
6.            3        1-2         Sept.-Dec. 1970                Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
7.            3        3-4         March-June 1971             Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
8.            4        1-2         Sept.-Dec 1971                 Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
9.            4        3-4         March-June 1972             Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
10.           5       1-2         Sept.-Dec. 1972                Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
11.           5       3-4         March-June 1973             Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
12.           6       1-2         Sept.-Dec. 1973                Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
13.           6       3-4         March-June 1974             Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
14.           7       1             September 1974               Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
15.           7       2             December 1974                Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
16.           7       3-4          March-June 1975            Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
17.           8       1-2          Jan.-April 1977                Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
18.           8       3-4          July-October 1977           Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
19.           9       1-2          Jan.-April 1978                 Dr. G. A. Sabzwari
20.           9       3-4          July-Oct. 1978                  M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
21.          10      1-2          Jan.-April 1979                 M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
22.          10      3             September 1979                M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
23.          10      4             December 1979                 M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
24.          11      1-2          March-June 1980             M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
25.          11      3-4          Sept.-Dec. 1980                M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
26.          12      1             March 1981                       M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
27.          12      2             June 1981                          M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
28.          12      3             Sept.Dec.  1981                M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
29.          13      1             March 1982                      M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
30.          13      2             June 1982                         M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
31.          13      3-4          Sept.-Dec. 1982               M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
32.          14      1-2          March-June 1983            M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
33.          14      3-4          Sept.-Dec. 1983               M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
34.          15      1-2          March-June 1984             M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
35.          15      3-4          Sept.-Dec. 1984                M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
36.          16      1              March 1985                      M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
37.          16      2              June 1985                         M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
38.          16      3-4           Sept.-Dec. 1985               M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
39.          17      1              March 1986                      M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
40.          17      2              June 1986                         M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
41.          17      3-4           Sept.-Dec. 1986               M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
42.          18      1              March 1987                      M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
43.          18      2-3           June-Sept. 1987               M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
44.          18      4              December 1987                M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
45.          19      1              March 1988                      M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
46.          19      2-3           June-Sept. 1988               M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
47.          19      4              December 1988                M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
48.          20       1             March 1989                      M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
49.          20       2-3          June-Sept. 1989               M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
50.          20       4             December 1989                M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
51.          21       1             March 1990                      M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
52.          21       2             June 1990                          M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
53.          21       3-4          Sept.-Dec. 1990                M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
54.          22       1-2          March-June 1991             M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
55.          22       3              Sept. 1991                         M. Adil Usmani                 R. A. Samdani
56.          22       4              December 1991                M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
57.          23        1             March 1992                      M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
58.          23        2-3          June-Sept. 1992               M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
59.          23        3-4          December 1992                M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
60.          24        1-2          March-June 1993            M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
61.          24        2              Sept. 1993                        M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
62.          24        3-4           December 1993               M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
63.          25        1-2           March-June 1994           M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
64.          25        3-4           Sept.-Dec. 1994              M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
65.          26        1              March 1995                     M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
66.          26        2              June 1995                        M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
67.          26        3-4           Sept.-Dec. 1995              M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
68.          27        1-2           March-June 1996           M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
69.          27        3-4           Sept.-Dec. 1996              M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
70.          28        1-2           March-June 1997           M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
71.          28        3               Sept. 1997                       M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
72.          28        3-4            December 1997              M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
73.          29        1-2            March-June 1998          M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
74.          29        3-4            Sept.-Dec. 1998             M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
75.          30        1-2            March-June 1999          M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
76.          30        3-4            Sept.-Dec. 1999             M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
77.          31        1-2            March-June 2000          M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
78.          31        3-4            Sept.-Dec. 2000             M. Adil Usmani                  R. A. Samdani
79.          32        1-2            March-June 2001          Dr. G. A Sabzwari               R. A. Samdani
80.          32        3-4            Sept.-Dec. 2001             Dr. G. A Sabzwari               R. A. Samdani
81.          33        1-2            March-June 2002          Dr. G. A Sabzwari               R. A. Samdani
82.          33        3-4            Sept.-Dec. 2002             Dr. G. A Sabzwari               R. A. Samdani


    The prime objective of the Burea was to publish books and journal in the field of library and information science and allied subjects: There is a list of publications publihsed by the Bureau.

In English Language

  1. Who' Who in Library and Information Science in Pakistan. 2nd ed.    by Dr. G. Sabzwari 1987. Rs.150.00
  2. Reality of Death/by Abdur Rahman Aajiz. Eng. tr. by Dr. G. Sabzwari 2001 Rs.250.00
  3. Index of Pakistan Library Bulletin: 1968-1994/by Rais Ahmed Samdani. 1996 Rs.125.00
  4. Bibliographical Services throughout Pakistan. 2nd ed. by M. Adil Usmani Rs.100.00
  5. Bibliographical Services and Resources in Pakitan by Akhtar H. Siddiqui and Nasim Fatima Rs.200.00
  6. Library and Information Science Research in University of Karachi Nasim Fatima. 1999 Rs. 200.00
  7. Bibliographical  Sources on Islam/by RaisAhmed Samdani 1993.  Rs.100.00
  8. Document Procurement Service. by Akhtar H. Siddiqui    Rs.  15.00
  9. Dr. Abdul Moid and Pakitan Librarianshipby Nasim Fatima  and RaisAhmed Samdani( in English and Urdu) Rs.  60.00
  10. List of Theses submitted to the Department of Library and Information Science, Univcersity of  Sindh. by Nisar Ahmed Subphoto. Rs.30.00
  11. Orintal Dictionaries; a select bibliography, by  Muhammad Wajid.  Rs.5.00
  12. Private Libraries in Makkah Abdul Latif A. Dohaish  Rs. 60.00
  13. Secondary School Library Resources and Nasim Fatima  Rs. 60.00
  14. Standard of Children Libraries in Pakistan. by Nasim Fatima   Rs.50.00
  15. University Librarianship in Pakistan. by Akhtar Hanif and  Nasim Fatima Rs. 100.00
  16. Pakistan Library Bulletin. (quarterly journal) Annual Subscription     $. 150.00
  17. Periodical Literature in Library and  Information Science:an Index of 50 Years' Work in Pakistan (1947 to 1997) by Rais Ahmed Samdani and Khalid Mahmood (Publication of PBWG) Rs1200.00
  18. Akhtar H. Siddiqui: a Bio-Bibliographical Study/by Rais Ahmed Samdani (Publication of PBWG)  Rs. 150.00
  19. Books on Pakistan in Haji Abdullah Haroon Govt College Library (English and Urdu) 1993.   Rs. 50.00
  20. Cumulative Index of Pakistan Library Review (PLR) by Rais Ahmed Samdani (Publication of PBWG) 1987.  Rs. 200.00
  21. Muhammad  Adil  Usmani: A Bio-Bibliographical Study/by Rais Ahmed Samdani (in Press)

In Urdu Language

  1. Aiynaee Ayam Iqbal/by  Nasim Fatima Rs.  40.00
  2. Adab wa Kutub Khana. Nasim Fatima and Rais Ahmed Samdani Rs.  50.00
  3. Urdu Makhtotab ki Cataloguesazi our Mayarbandi, Dr. Nasim Fatima, 2000 Rs.2000
  4. Darjabandi (Part I) /by Dr. Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari, 1980   Rs.   40.00
  5. Darjabandi (Part I I) /by Dr. Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari, 1981   Rs.   40.00
  6. School kay Kutubkhanee./by Dr. Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari, 1983  Rs.   40.00
  7. Library of Congress Darjabandi Scheme: Number bananee kay Tareeqay. /by Dr. Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari, 1983  Rs.40.00
  8. B. A. main Library Science ki Taleem kay Massail/by Huma Mannan Butt.2002    Rs. 150.00
  9. Jadid Library wa Ittalati Science by Nasim FatimaNasim Fatima & Rais Ahmed Samdani 1993. Rs. 150.00
  10. Hawaljati Khidmath. 2nd ed. Nasim Fatima 1987    Rs.   50.00
  11. Ilmee-Kutub Khana wa Ittalat./by Nasim Fatima 1985    Rs.   70.00
  12. Pakistan main scienci wa funi  adab; muntakhiba kitabiat , 1947-1974 ( Urdu , tr ;  Scientific Literature of  Urdu Language published from
  13. Pakistan : select bibliography ) 1975.  Rs.  50.00
  14. Kutub Khanay Tarikh ki Roshni May. ( Urdu , tr. Libraries in the light of History) by Rais Ahmed Samdani. 1977. Rs.50.00
  15. Ibtadai Library Science.Urdu, tr. Elementary Library Science) for XI Library Science/15th ed.tion, by Rais Ahmed Samdani 2002  Rs.45.00
  16. Mubadiat -e- Library Science.( Urdu, tr. Basic library  Science) for XII Library Science.   14th ed. 2002 by  Rais Ahmed Samdani   Rs.   45.00
  17. Nazri Library Science (Urdu) for B.A.Library Science Part I/3rd edition 1999 by  Rais Ahmed Samdani Rs.45.00
  18. Taleemi library Science (Urdu)  for B. A. Library Science Part II/3rd edition  1999 by  Rais Ahmed Samdani Rs.45.00
  19. Kitabiat Tib Wa Sehet ; ( Urdu , tr. Bibliography - Medicine and health ) Rais Ahmed Samdani  (Publication of PBWG)    Rs.50.00

Books out of stock

  1. Pakistan Book Trade Directory/by M. Adil Usmani.
  2. Status of Bibliography in Pakistan/M. Adil Usmani.
  3. Pakistan main Kitabiati Sargarmian/Urdu./ M. Adil Usmani, tr. by Zainuddin siddiqui
  4. Who's Who in Librarianship in Pakistan/ by Dr. Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari.
  5. Faisal and the Fidelty of History (Urdu)by Dr. Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari.
  6. Alamgir Asshariya Zabita.(Urdu)/by Nasim Fatima.
  7. Algeria France and United Nations/by Muhammad Wajid.
  8. Urdu ki Ilmi wa Adabi Taraqqi main Sir Syed aour un kay rufqai kar ka hissa (Urdu)/ Dr. A. H. Kausar.
  9. Turdish Urdu Dictionary/by Dr. Muhammad Sabir.
  10. Mathematical Statistics/by Muhammad Fasihuddin
  11. Mahasba, Jaiza wa Namood-e-Sahar/by Obaidullah Qudsi.
  12. Sad Khalish/by Dr. Siddiqa Arman.
  13. Fehrist Makhtootab Urdu Qaumi Aijaib Ghar Pakistan, Karachiby Dr. Zafar Iqbal (available)      Rs. 500.00
  14. Libraries of Pakistan


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