<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/plwolfpack2/ang-specialangel.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Angel Mutz
Little Dog Angel

High up in the courts of heaven today
a little dog angel waits;
with the other angels he will not play,
but he sits alone at the gates.
"For I know my master will come" says he,
"and when he comes he will call for me."

The other angels pass him by
As they hurry toward the throne,
And he watches them with a wistful eye
as he sits at the gates alone.
"But I know if I just wait patiently
that someday my master will call for me."

And his master, down on earth below,
as he sits in his easy chair,
forgets sometimes, and whispers low
to the dog who is not there.
And the little dog angel cocks his ears
and dreams that his master's voice he hears.

And when at last his master waits
outside in the dark and cold,
for the hand of death to open the door,
that leads to those courts of gold,
he will hear a sound through the gathering dark,
A little dog angel's bark.

~  Author Unknown   ~
Love bears all things,                             believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never ends.
"If you seek an angel with an open heart...
You shall always find one."
Angel Wings

At the ending of the day when I'm weary
After a waterfall of tears have all been cried
And I'm feeling like the skies will always be dreary
Nothing's there to fill the emptiness inside.

I lay my head upon my favorite pillow
Just close my eyes to block all the sorrow
wonderin' where I'll ever find the strength inside
to do it all again- tomorrow.

And then I feel it - inside me.
I feel it - around me.
Like a gentle hand just wiped away the tears
and held me close to wash away my fears.

It's you, my angel, watching over me.
And I know no matter what tomorrow brings,
You'll be here to wrap me in your angel wings
your lovin' angel wings.

The sun comes up, it's time to face the day
and I think that things are going to be all right
But as the day wears on my nerves begin to fray
I feel the hollowness that creeps in every night.

And like clockwork all the tears begin to fall
As I look at my reflection in the glass-
the eyes looking back at me make me feel small
and I ask, my God, how long's this going to last?

And then I feel it - inside me.
I feel it - around me.
Like a gentle hand just wiped away the tears
and held me close to wash away my fears.

It's you, my angel watching over me.
And I know no matter what tomorrow brings,
You'll be here to wrap me in your angel wings
your lovin' angel wings.

~ Ellen DuBois ~
Thank God for your Angel Wings
I give you this one thought to keep
I am with you still,
I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not think of me as gone -
I am with you still, in each new dawn.
~ Author Unknown ~
Links to Pages on this site
Links to other PL Wolfpack Sites:
Link to: Somewhere In Time Pages (8 ea)
Link to: Magicwolf's Den
Link to: Lobowolf's New Start Pages
Link to: Original PL Wolfpack Pages
Link to: Lobomagicwolf Pages
Link to: PL Wolfpack1 Pages
Link to: Christmas 2002
at the Rainbow Bridge Page
Link to: Bridge Angels
Link to: Pat's Babies
Link to: Barbara's Soulmates
Link to: Pooky's Birthday Party
Link to: Birthdays
Link to: Kelsey at the Bridge
Link to: Beloved Abby
Link to: Fluffy's 16th Birthday
Link to: Mary's Scottie Love
Link to: Christmas 2003
at the Rainbow Bridge Page
Link to: Roxy Love
Link to: Easter 2003
at the Rainbow Bridge
Click on Golden Paw to go
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Mutz's Family
Link to: Lorena's Angel
Listen With Your Heart

Listen With Your Heart
Memories are like treasures
time cannot take away.
So may we be surrounded
by happy ones today.
May all the love and tenderness
of golden days and years well spent
Come back today to fill our hearts
with beauty and content.
And may we walk down memory lane
and meet the ones we love,
For while we cannot see them,
they'll be watching from above....
So, for their sakes, be happy
and show them that their love
Has proven strong enough and big enough
to reach down from above.
~ Author Mattie Brainard ~
"Most people never have the opportunity
to see an angel,
or simply do not look well enough to see
them walking amoung us.
This, however does not mean they dont exist.
Me, I'm one of the lucky few,
not only have I seen an angel,
I call him my best friend."
For the Love of Mutz and all beloved pet angels at the Rainbow Bridge.  I hope that this page helps ease your pain and brings you a small smile to know that Mutz is in great company.  He is happy and healthy once more, waiting for the day when you meet again!
{{{{{Love & Magic Hugs to You and Family}}}}}
mpet-Magicwolf & Furry Gang
February 12, 2004
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