          What Would You Do

What would you do if one day you met,
A shy young lady you just couldn't forget?
What would you do if your feelings inside,
Said you just had to win her, even if she
would hide?
What would you do if she told you one day,
That her heart would be with you and there
it would stay?
What would you do if you felt from the start,
That you were the first true love of her heart?
What would you do if an evil one came by,
To say things untrue, would you make her cry?
What would you do if her heart you could see,
And it was as true, as true as could be?
What would you do if she ask you one day,
If you still cared for her, what would you say?
What would you do if one day you heard,
A voice softly crying, just saying one word?
What would you do if you heard just your name,
And knew from where this soft voice came?
What would you do if she came by one day,
Would you open your arms, or send her away?
What would you do, just go find another,
And leave her to sleep in the arms of Earth Mother?

Written by Poca
music: Rain Maker