Poems of Punit Parikh from Pune India. email Punit at punitp@rediffmail.com
| Life is Beautiful | A Crumpled Piece of Paper | Lost in the sands |
| And Nature still rules... | Willow Warriors | Tale of a Broken Heart |
NEW | How Far Do I Run? | Lubb Dubb Pause... | Irony | NEW
NEW | ...And the Stranger Smiled! | Stranded on a Lone Highway | Skyscrapers Fascinate Me! | How Is It Justified? | NEW
This page was last updated on the 6th of August 2003 by Chirayu

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Life is Beautiful

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 20th of February 2001
Pink Line
There was a faint whisper,
just a few paces behind him.
He struggled through the ruins,
a few paces towards the sound.
In search of life, Alas!
silence was all he could find.

He stared towards the debris,
which seemed never ending.
Beneath which was lying the entire city.
He looked towards the moon for inspiration;
but could find none ....
As if proclaming a halt to the rescue operations.

Even after eighteen hours of rescue work,
It was only death that prevailed with time.
Again there was a whisper heard,
A bit loud this time.

There was life just a few paces near.
Suddenly something caught his attention.
He ran towards the huge boulders,
and started removing them himself.
The whisper was heard again
There was life just at a hands help.
The rescue operations started again.
Care was taken to lift every single boulder.

Silence gripped the scenario,
But his will to believe in life continued.
Soon the rescue workers encountered,
A huge concrete slab and,
below it lay a small infant
As if cuddled in his mothers' arms.

Totally unaware of death.
The obstacle between life and death was removed!!
There was a cheer in the camp.
As they all welcomed the little prince!
In midsts of gloom and distress, They found LIFE!!!!

Afterall, 'Life is Beautiful'.

By Punit
Pink Line

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A Crumpled Piece of Paper

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 7th of February 2002
Pink Line
A sweet introduction to your soul,
An anchor for the purest thoughts,
A rendezvous with the tale of love,
Its presence dignified the lords and tsars
.... But now lies a crumpled piece of paper!

A colourful blend of poets' thoughts,
A messenger of the holy sermons,
A medium for the artists' expressions,
A beginning to a sweet little dream!
.... But now lies a crumpled piece of paper!

A friend of every innocent eyed child,
A tutor to the wise and blessed,
An inspiration for a life long renaissance,
Eternal like the drops of dew
.... But now lies a crumpled piece of paper!

How long does it take for the things to change...
For pain to unmask your life...
For the silent death to arrive...
From life to a crumpled piece of paper!

By Punit
Pink Line

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Lost in the Sands

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 19th of September 2000
Pink Line
The sun slowly crept behind the horizon,
and as it got darker it was much scarier.
As if viscious eyes constantly on a prowl,
there I stood all alone, lost in the sands.

Just two days ago life was never the same,
I was totally unaware of darkness that streches upto infinity.
Unaware, that a habitat exists at 50 degrees centigrade.
Unaware, one day I too will be made equal to dust.

By now moon had crawled upto its zenith,
The ferocious wind swept the sand helter-skelter.
With every step, my heart sank a beat.
Of hope and confidence, none was left.

And dear nature it seemed was in no jovial mood,
There was a rush of wind or was it a sandstorm.
My feet did not have to await the orders from my brain,
They just ran, a run for dear life!!

For fame, love and power I didn't even care,
For when death awaits life becomes major priority.
My eyes, my ears, my body were full of dust.
Nature,she didn't even spare my thoughts.

Finally my poor feet could not bear my weight any more.
It seemed my stay on planet earth was over...
And suddenly lady luck smiled or was it nature's miracle
The ferocious winds calmed down.

The inspirational moon once again smiling bright.
It all seemed like a prelaid plan, a nature's game.
Challenging my existence, the human existence.
As if a war cry against man made world of power.

It was almost like a rendezvous with nature's worst.
Though I still cannot understand nature.
And at times cursed her for all this mess.
But have certainly realised how crucial she is to you and me.

Though she is every where, can be seen, touched and felt.
Streches from our eyes right upto infinity.
Yet cannot be caged nor can she be won!
Cause she does not belong to you or me.
As she dwells in hearts full of love and care.

By Punit
Pink Line

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And Nature still rules...

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 21st of February 2001
Pink Line
Well, some mysteries remain unsolved,
Some questions remain unanswered,
Some cries for help remain unheard,
Some sorrows remain unshared,
I, raize such a question?
Can you answer me!

Even their last prayers remained unanswered,
Within seconds everything was under water!

Houses came down like play cards,
Everything once bright and alive,
Was made equal to dust- DEAD!

Dust to Dust... Humans to Ashes!
And nature still rules...

In those early drops of dew,
They cherished their dreams.
Like those colourful blossoms,
Were their hearts full of love!
Mother, they worshipped you!
But,what did they get?
Their hopes, their dreams, their souls,
carried away by an untimely death.

Time fades, issues become stale!!
And nature still rules...
'Cause people say, "nature takes her revenge!"
So some may still believe in you.
some may still worship you.
But, with every flower that blooms,
Will remind you of hearts you broke!
Every little dew drop,
Will remind you of those painful tears.
Your brutal atrocities on mankind.

Some things cannot be changed,
Some disasters wreck your happy life,
Some one else rules your destiny,
And nature always rules...
Even if it means to make you cry!
Well, can you answer me why?
well can you...?

By Punit
Pink Line

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Willow Warriors

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 16th of August 2000
Pink Line
Did I hear someone shriek,
that,"it's all over....over!"
that sweet leather smell,
that early morning mist,
those drops of dew on the earth,
a nip in the air,
with thousands of hearts pounding,
eyes set as eager as ever,
waiting for the willow warriors.

Dressed in those magnificent robes,
behold your eyes,'here they come".
To cast a spell on you,
to steal your hearts,
to display their country's honour,
to proclaim, "cricket is life!"
it's fun, it's everthing.

Alas! the sweet memories have faded
the dirty tricks have gripped it,
it took no time at all,
for the passion to rust,
for the heroes to turn devils,
it's never gonna be same again!

How can you do this to us?
but we still believe in you
cause somewhere in your hearts,
the sportsman spirit still lives!
the passion still exists.

Oh! the willow warriors,
cast your spell!
return the magic to the game,
those last ball anxieties,
those glorious centuries,
Yes! everything each and everything
we want to witness it all over again

Cause cricket is life,
The rest is mere details.
Make that true again.

By Punit
Pink Line

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Tale of a Broken Heart

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 17th of January 2002
Pink Line
Smoke filled up the dark room,
Cigar stubs lying all around the floor,
Not fatigued, nor blistered, or bruised,
Yet life seems like a caged bird,
Alas, if pain could be measured...

The day laughter disappears,
The silence of a moonlit night fails to inspire you,
Your dreams get washed away like crops in unseasonal torrential rains,
Fire claims up all your desires,
And time comes to a standstill...

Life seems like a lost battle,
The vast universe challenging your identity,
Your shadow mocks at you,
When it becomes hard to believe in someone,
Love seems lost in the infinite space... The feel of first morning ray,
The silent caress of the breeze,
The fragrance of lone lily,
The sweet smile of a stranger,
...does someone care, mending this broken heart...

By Punit
Pink Line

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How Far Do I Run?

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 15th of February 2002
Pink Line
Following up some vague foot trails,
In sun burnt dead desert sand,
In search of unknown, untouched solace.
The emptiness of an infinitely vast sky,
Just a little example of my desolate soul.

Wandering up through the vast blue oceans,
Hiding from every dark scary night.
Searching for tranquility in the oceans heart
But after end of every rolling-rising tide,
Its just the cries of hatred that I find.

Fighting my way through a large human commune,
In midst of pain, hunger and jealousy.
Searching for innocent eyes, to cast a spell of love
But with every stranger that I pass,
It's just the burden of tears that I get.

Now how far do I need to run?
To catch up with that eternal guiding star.
To lead me on and on, forever
To find a cradle of love to rock my way.
…Is this life just a run?

By Punit
Pink Line

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Lubb Dubb Pause...

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 12th of April 2002
Pink Line
Heart tries hard to keep up pace with the electronic gadget.
A limit beyond the wonder of sciences,
An urge to believe in destiny arises.
Time elapses, hopes turn to desperation.

The look of an eye that is calm and steady,
But, emotions beneath have been dead long ago.
An air of helplessness fills the space.
As a thin sheet of time unveils death.

Trying to defy natures feats,
To synchronize life with digital beats.
Scissors, pacemakers and doctor's hands
All put up on a massive test!

CRO waveforms blink once.
Hope begins to rise above the eerie silence of the room
As life continues to toggle
But soon there is a pause...
The heart loses its pace!

Can we ever,
synchronize science with GOD'S Will?

By Punit
Pink Line

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By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 22nd of April 2002
Pink Line
In midst of the ruins of a city
Trying to put the scattered pieces together
To make innocence breathe again
But a gust of hatred,
Brings the city to ruins again.

When terror strikes
With no distinguished name.
The anguish in the eyes,
Reflects the hatred we have sown.

Shrieks and cries of anguish replace peace.
Passing by time just increases fear.
Tarnished images, jeopardized beliefs.
When death comes through creators' name.

Biggest irony of life,
Lies in front of you...

By Punit
Pink Line

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...And the Stranger Smiled!

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 9th of May 2002
Pink Line
People wish for a fistful of happiness,
Well!, I had loads of it.
People wish to feel fame,
Well I have touched the pinnacle of glory.
...and the stranger smiled!

People dream wishing it to come true,
But dreams fade with passing night.
I desired and I achieved!
It's I who talked, people listened.
...and the stranger smiled!

A gush of breeze and things changed,
Time passed I lost.
People turned their back and no one cared,
...and stranger still smiled once again!

This time I realized the importance of His smile,
Yes God is always beside you!

By Punit
Pink Line

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Stranded on a Lone Highway

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 29th of August 2002
Pink Line
Miles and miles of anonymity,
Waiting to greet you.
Left far behind, is the city,
That you really knew.

Green woods make you feel lost,
Charm of the busy city street,
Soon you have realized its cost.
Miles ahead, its just a dead-end you meet.

A carefree thought, a turn you missed,
Causes you to speed away from life.
It's for those past moments of time you wished,
You should have listened to your wise wife.

Stranded on lone highway,
Good times don't always last.
There is no beacon to show you the way,
The highway just reflects your past.

Life is short,
so take care of your turns...

By Punit
Pink Line

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Skyscrapers Fascinate Me!

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 31st of August 2002
Pink Line
Streching imaginations,
Seeking to touch infinity.
Beyond all horizons,
In the heart of the city.

To feel the clouds pass by,
In chorus with the stars.
Like an angel in the sky,
Dancing on strings of a guitar

To see the world so small,
From up here things look so similar.
There stands the skyscraper so tall,
Obliging us with deeds so familiar.

A concrete engineered so well,
That carves a place in every heart.
A look and every eye has a story to tell,
A place where all fears shall depart.
There stands the skyscraper so tall...

By Punit
Pink Line

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How Is It Justified?

By Punit Parikh

This poem was written on 28th of September 2002
Pink Line
"Bow your heads", they said.
Silent eyes, moan for a while.
Glorified images across the globe,
declaring them invincible, Immortal.

Its a fight against terror, they say,
They who made us cry shall die.
Destroying already dead cities,
In the disguise of peace.

To replace pain with pain.
Leaving a bleeding mark behind.
Such that for generations to come,
The hatred is already sown.

Yes today you are Immortal.
With your definitions of peace,
being universally justified.
But there is a silent voice within,
...is it justified can we ever play God?

By Punit
Pink Line

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This page was last updated on the 6th of August 2003 by Chirayu