~A Letter To My Sister~

Hello dear Sister
how are you today,
I've been meaning forever
to drop by and say

I've been thinking about you
as often I do
of the times we have shared
both rosy & blue

You're precious to me
I hope that you know
no matter near or far
that I love you so.

I might not have told you lately
but though we're apart
please know that my words
do come from my heart

I've missed you and thought of you
more often than you know
please don't think you've been forgotten
because I haven't popped in to say hello

You are an amazing person
unique in every way
that's why I love you
and think of you each day

Even though we have never met face to face
In my heart you have always held a special place
So until that day when I hold you dear
Know that a thought of you is always near.

Copyright 2002   The Sisters of Love and Peace Poetry Committee

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Music written by Deb Ackley and courtesy of: