Poem of the Week * Jun 16 to 22, 2002
~ The Pebble ~
The angered and vexed have methods from old,
to diapatch sweet revenge to the tormentor, I'm told.

In an old forest grove travels a wizard by foot.
He lives in a burrow near a field of bitterroot.

Seek him out for a purchase, his price is not great.
He won't ask who you are, or for you to explain.

Not trinkets, nor charms can produce the results
you'll achieve with his stones, elements of the occult.

With these dear pebbles, these cream colored stones,
you will bring slight distress, your tormentor atones.

Only these rocks bring personal flare to the task.
Their deliverer discrete, anonymity your mask.

Your punished now suffers their agitation.
You can laugh, your revenge the occasion.

While secretly left behind by the angered one
in some object held personal to this recipient of fun,

the pebble will wait until darkness does fall.
Like the egg that it is out it's resident will crawl.

It will inch along until it comes to rest
something appealling that it's victim likes best.

This annelid's appetite is so great, so complete,
it can consume a whole wardrobe, leaving zero debris.

The worm will complete it's task of revenge,
then with magic it will vanish leaving a whisper of wind.

Then  the victim will wake to find their precious is missing.
That's when the deliverer should come close to listen.

It's the glorious moment when the lamentation begins,
the payback, the reward, knowing they'll suffer their sins.

They'll miss their morning meal or favorite wrap,
or a beautiful necklace, or warm fuzzy cap.

If as serious as war, maybe the plot is lost,
or a map, or a sword, then they'll search for naught.

The giver of this loss can live on satisfied knowing they
got the better of their tormentor in this personal way.

So if you're tried, angered, tormented, by anyone,
don't stay angry today, buy the pebble, have fun.

A perfect method for revenge, I'll tell you why,
it can be a treasured secret till you die.
Sheaves of Grass **A Collection of Poem
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by K. Violet
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