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Game Reviews

Nintendo 64

Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Puzzle Master


Pokemon Trading Card Game
Pokemon Gold/Silver
Pokemon Red/Blue
Pokemon Yellow


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Review: Trading Card Game

Pokémon Trading Card Game propels you on a fast-paced adventure through an exotic world. Equipped with a modest deck and sage words of advice from the wise Dr. Mason, you'll win booster decks by battling - and defeating - a wily series of rivals. Build a dream deck before entering the mysterious Pokémon Dome, home of the four greatest Pokémon Trading Card Game masters. They're looking for a bold newcomer worthy of inheriting their extremely rare cards. To prove your mettle, though, you'll have to defeat them first!
If you call yourself a Pokemon fan, you will of course already know about the maddeningly addictive Pokemon trading card game. If you're new to this then here's the deal: each player gets a set of cards that are roughly divided into three categories. There's the Pokemon cards, which have Pokemon on them (duh!). There's the Trainer cards, which alter the gameplay in different ways. Finally, there are the power cards, which let your Pokemon perform special attacks. These attacks are unleashed on your opponent, who has their own set of cards. Should you knock out your opponent with your attacks, you get more cards. Simple as that.
This Game Boy game is very much a literal translation of the popular schoolyard activity, with a decent enough single player game to enjoy. The emphasis here, just as it is in the real game, to link up with friends and do battles or swap cards. Like the original Game Boy game, you need to use the link up cable to get all the Pokemon. While the graphics are only adequate, the gameplay is amazingly addictive - but only in multiplayer. Those with no friends - you mileage may vary.



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Pokemon red/blue
Pokemon yellow
Pokemon silver/gold
Pokemon green
Pokemon pinball
Pokemon trading card game
Pokemon stadium
Pokemon snap
hey you pikachu
Pokemon puzzle master

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