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Game Reviews

Nintendo 64

Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Puzzle Master


Pokemon Trading Card Game
Pokemon Gold/Silver
Pokemon Red/Blue
Pokemon Yellow


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Main Characters
Poke Raps
Movie 1
Movie 2
Movie 3

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Online Arena
Poke dex


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Review: Pokemon Red/Blue

The games, Red and Blue, are essentially the same, but the Yellow version has a slightly different storyline. Professor Oak gives you Pikachu as your first Pokémon. You can look at Pikachu at any time, and it's mood changes throughout the game. Gym leaders use different Pokémon and new strategies, and wild Pokémon are hidden in different areas. The Pokémon you can find in the game are different than in the Red & Blue versions. Also, three new battle modes are available for two players who each have the Pokémon Yellow cartridge.
If you discovered Pokemon via the mega-popular cartoon and want to experience the video game that started the whole craze, you might want to take a look at this Special Pikachu Version. This is a modified version of the regular Red and Blue incarnations of the game, designed to emulate the animated show far better. As in the syndicated feature, you are given the most popular (and cute) Pokemon, Pikachu, right from the start of the game. That adorable yellow rodent follows you around and you can check up on him whenever you like to see if he's happy, sad or just plain miserable.
Familiar characters Jesse and James from the evil Team Rocket also make an appearance at regular intervals, and there's been a couple of modifications made to some dungeon layouts to make the game interesting for seasoned players. Beyond that, this is pretty much the same game as Red and Blue - which is good news considering how addictive and fun those two titles were.



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Web Poll

Favorite Pokemon game
Wich one of these Pokemon Games is your favorite?

Pokemon red/blue
Pokemon yellow
Pokemon silver/gold
Pokemon green
Pokemon pinball
Pokemon trading card game
Pokemon stadium
Pokemon snap
hey you pikachu
Pokemon puzzle master

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