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These Recipes are from "A Care Bears Look at Food Facts and Fables"

I have yet to try these, but I'm getting to it.  I'll let you know how good they are when I do.


Swiftheart's Carrot and Ginger salad

I got these instructions straight from the episode, so they're kind of guessy. Bear with me please.


                                            3 Carrots

        1 Orange

        Tablespoon Mayonnaise

        Half Box Of Seedless Raisins

        Dash of Ginger

        Pinch of salt

        Dallop of marmalade

        Piece of candied Ginger


Peel and grate all of the carrots.  Squeeze the orange (you can just use about 1/2 to 1 cup of orange juice instead)

Add the orange juice, carrots, mayo, raisins, ginger, and salt into a large bowl and mix well.

But it into whatever your serving it in.  Then put a dallop (spoonful) of marmalade on top, and put the piece of candied ginger

on top.


Braveheart's Peanut Butter Balls



                                               1 cup Granola

                        1/2 Cup Brown Suger

                        Sesame Seeds

                        Half Box Skim Milk Powder

                        1/2 Cup Raisins

                        2 cups peanut butter




Mix Granola, Brown Sugar, Skim Milk Powder, and Raisins together until it's all a white color.  Add the Peanut Butter.

Roll the mixture into balls that are about 1 inch in diameter.  Roll in sesame seeds (can use toasted coconut instead, or nothing at

all)  Refrigerate.