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Sheriff's of Polk County

  In 1906 a feud had developed between Joe and Holder Hudkins and Ike and Thomas Pipkins in the Dallas community.The Hudkin brothers had amassed a small fortune since arriving in 1867.The Hudkins accused the Pipkins of burning and destroying their property.The Pipkens went to the home of Joe Hudkin one night and after calling him outside,shot and killed him.After hiding in the woods,the Pipkens were brought to trial and sentenced to prison.

The Polk County court house around 1937.With some of the county officials.Sheriff Walter E. Jones is the fourth from the left.

  In the summer of 1977, the Sheriff's Office received a call that a subject had got into a fight with his uncle on Ransom Road.The report stated that as the uncle tried leaving the subject shot at him,shooting a part of his ear off.The aunt tried running out the back door into the woods and the subject shot at her,but missed.
   Sheriff Al Hadaway,Mena Chief of Police,Tommy Hubbard and Chief Deputy Jimmy Jacobs all responded to the scene. Deputy Jacobs went up to the side of the house,Sheriff Hadaway took cover behind his car to one side.And Chief Hubbard took cover behind his car,toward the front of the residence.
   According to the statement of Tommy Hubbard,he was behind the left rear quarter panel of his car.He had a shotgun leaning against the car,out of sight of the suspect.He was trying to talk the suspect into giving himself up and was afraid if he saw the gun he would react in a bad way.
   At this point the suspect came out of the house raising his weapon,Chief Hubbard grabbed his shotgun and brought it up.Both fired at the same time,Chief Hubbard shot high just missing the suspect.The suspect's bullet hit Tommy in the leg,breaking it and causing him to fall.As he tried to get to his knees,and shoot again he saw Deputy Jacobs moving across the porch.He yelled at him,that the subject was right there.The suspect at this time was trying to get another shot at Chief Hubbard.Deputy Jimmy Jacobs was able to see the suspect and yelled at him to drop his gun.When the suspect didn't,Chief Deputy Jacobs fired one round from his .357 magnum revolver striking the suspect in the center of the chest ending the gun battle.

This Photograph was taken around 1986.It is Deputy Jerry Cox left,and Chief Deputy Earl Westbrook dumping some illegal alcohol that had been siezed in the county.

This picture was taken around 1987.Deputy Sheriff Bill Nelson is seen digging up the remains of a murdered man from Polk County.He was buried in a shallow grave near Scott County.

Sheriff's of Polk County

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