<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/pollardgen/Purple_Rain.mid" LOOP=INFINITE> onLoad="window.onresize=new Function('if (navigator.appVersion==\'Netscape\') history.go(0); else center();'); center();">




Copyright 2001-Eternity  PollardGen.
All rights reserved.
Photo courtesy of the Arkansas History Commission
Joseph Pollard, Sr.
The following information was obtained from a copy of Joseph Pollard's death certificate from the State of Arkansas:

Joseph died in Mississippi County, city of Blytheville, Arkansas on May 21, 1955.  Although his death certificate states that his birthday was November 23, 1900, the correct year of his birth should have been documented as 1890.  I have based this on his age shown on his daughter's birth certificate (Mildred) as 42 years in 1932.  Therefore, he actually died at the age of 64, and not 54.  The cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage.  Joseph's parents are listed as George and Susie Pollard.  He was born in the city of Tuscumbia, Alabama.

The photo shown on this page was obtained from the Arkansas History Commission.  In its narrative, it states that he was first certified by the Arkansas Board of Barber Examiners in 1938, at the age of 48, in Blytheville.  The last date of certification was 1945.  It's also known that he barbered in the cities of Luxora and Helena, Arkansas.  His ultimate goal was to open a shop in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Song :  "Purple Rain"
No title