<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/pollardgen/momssong.wav" LOOP=INFINITE> onLoad="window.onresize=new Function('if (navigator.appVersion==\'Netscape\') history.go(0); else center();'); center();">




"Wings Over Jordan"~ Memories of Korea and Japan 1954
Sevicemen in Korea, January 1954
Wings Over Jordan, January 1954
Photo credit
PFC Michael Block
101st  SIG BN, IX US Corps
Founder of Wings Over Jordan
Rev. Glynn T. Settle
Mildred Pollard
Dinner Placecard
Song Playing:  "He's All and All"
Actual Recording by Mildred Pollard

(This file is large ~ please be patient while it downloads or view using IE.)
Copyright 2001-Eternity Pollardgen
All rights reserved.
A man named "Johnny"

Written on the back of this photo:

"It looks like I'm going to bite someone in this picture ~ really I'm not ferocious."

I love you,
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