Welcome to Peter's Journey!

Peter's Journey is my private Home on the Internet. It features a variety of links and information about myself and places I have visited or lived around the world.

"About Peter"

is the page that tells you more about myself, my hobbies and me being a teacher.On my blog you will find some ideas about teaching and some help learning English. My students give me lots of ideas.

The Photo-Index

is a page that lists my Photo-Galleries including a content summary of each gallery. Then in my Flickr Albums you will find many more photos. My newest page is my Photo-Blog

Taiwan - Europe - USA

includes lots of unsful links in Taiwan, Germany, Austria,and the USA.

Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments in my guest book or e-mail me.


is a summary of all pages on my Home-Page. It helps you to navigate my page. Unfortunately, I was not able to list all links on this ("Home") Page. So please click on the "Overview" Link for a complete listing.