Many fear his shadow as it falls across their path,
but to me it is a warm wrap which I welcome.
Many fear his baring teeth and read their sign as wrath,
but I count them up as smile and I love to do the sum.

Many fear his largeness and may read in ill intent,
but to me he is enormous joy, secure.
Many fear his leashless state and think they may be rent,
but he is, faith, a gentle soul, devoted and demure.

Many fear his grandeur and know not whom he will protect,
but of this I have no doubt - indeed, am sure.
Many fear, but those who love him, with low regard for sect,
would hold, as I, forever to this noble beast of fur.


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Before that

Before that

And before that

And before THAT one

Will it ever stop?

Please make it STOP!

Finally Untitled