(1) Some speak of the lack
that they feel in our romance
and see not much more.

(2) The sun falls behind
the mountains of his shoulders,
yet stays the warm glow.

(3) The fall of his arm
on his beloved's shoulder
is heavy with ease.

(4) His eyes glow like night
that is pierced by crossing stars.
He needs no blue moon.

(5) Hand in hand in heart
the two lie distinct as one
and love against hate.

(6) The touch of his lips
is the song he suppresses
and waltz he declines.

(7) The hands of my love
can be white churning waters
that calm to a bay.

(8) His chest a spare wood
that I roam at my pleasure
and rest in the clear.

(9) My love is no sun
nor a summer's day nor flea.
He is what he is.

(10) When I write of him
who has filled my heart's quill up,
mere words fail to speak.

(11) The sun at seven
Spreads pennies across my lake
To buy thoughts of you.

(12) Cigar chomping wit,
I miss your vulgar wisdom.
Walk tall in the sky.

(for Goody, 1975-2005 – tell those angels in rubber that I said ‘hi’, and hold up the RPG tournament ‘til I get there…but, dear heart, be prepared to wait a while…)

(13) The sound of one goose.
Lonely, but this time no crowd.
This, I do not need.

(inspired by the passing of a solitary honker, early in the morning…)

(14) The pup’s covered paws
Cannot conceal his largeness.
Want to fetch a bone?

(It’s not subtle – a Great Dane, hands in bondage mittens, and a lustful Canadian Grizzly Cub lurking above…)

(15) The moon rubs the clouds
‘til they part like furry thighs.
Head arched up, I howl.

(horny Bear waiting for bus at night, observing the world around him and seeing sex in its every fold…it took me quite a bit of thought NOT to make this poem filthy…and, no, I DON’T consider it obscene in its current form…)

(16) Oh, cute cubby frosh.
Next-seat girl took her friend's lap.
I offer you mine.

(17) Small birds take pity
on the leaf bereft trees and
fill in as foliage.

(18) I take this last chance
to thank for forged documents.
Now I get your world.

(for CNN and other spin doctors)

(19) Denigrating self,
oh friendly, furry, far one?
Now be not so cruel.

(it's an acrostic)

#1-10 are 1999, #11 is 2002, #12-15 are 2005, #16 is 2006, #17-19 are 2006/7

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Before that

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And before THAT one

Will it ever stop?

Please make it STOP!

Finally Untitled