JUDYBATS - Judybats '00

After a promising start in the early 90's, the Judybats all but disappeared before resurfacing with a new lineup behind front man Jeff Heiskell. Their new release is a wonderful collection, but one that took several listens before I was able to gain a genuine appreciation for the songwriting talent that Heiskell brings to the table. While no two songs sound the same, they fit together like a 12-piece jigsaw puzzle. Often times the pace is slowed to evoke thoughts of early jangly REM (with intelligible vocals), other times the guitars lead the way like the best of Velvet Crush. Without a doubt, the highlight here is the Cheap Trick type riffs and sing-a-long style of 'Break My Heart', a catchy one with a chorus that sticks in your head immediately. Heiskell and the new band are in fine form, and I highly recommend this one for anyone who likes their power pop crunchy, not creamy.
Top Cuts: 'Break My Heart', 'Always', 'Shine'

Knoxville band built an audience with its pop inflected take on mid-80's Southern college rock. The Judybats may not have quite ranked up there with R.E.M., Guadalcanal Diary and the Connells, but every album yielded a handful of smart, catchy tunes. The current edition soldiers on, and while the musicianship and craftmanship are evident, time has eroded the distinctive elements of the band, and what is left is an accessible but generally bland effort that substitutes amped up guitars for inspiration. Which isn't to say they aren't sporadically interesting. 'Lifeboat' sports a clever vocal arrangement augmenting its catchy chorus, while 'Love Will Out' is a solid alternarock ballad. But other tracks are generic and at times, painful. 'Break My Heart' is a boogie rock tune that R.E.O. Speedwagon would have been all over in 1978 - ecch! At other times, their hookmaking skill is undermined by lame lyrics. 'California' moodily builds to a big chorus (a la the Sighs), and not only rhymes 'warn ya' with 'California', but repeats this cliche' every refrain. It would be one thing if the Judybats had no talent. However, the problem seems to be that the group does not have much left to say. I hope they can somehow recapture their magic.


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