The Portland Historical Society, Inc.
492 Main Street - P. O. Box 98 - Portland, Connecticut 06480-0098
The Ruth Callander House Museum of Portland History
Coming Events
- Museum Hours: 1st Sundays, 2pm-4pm - 492 Main St.
- Meetings: 4th Tuesdays, 7:30pm - Portland Library, Freestone Ave.
- Town-wide Tage Sale: 2nd Saturday of May
Please check for details in our latest
May 2009 Newsletter Historic Houes in Jeopardy
Petition to Save the Historic Houses
Please return petitions no later than June 3, 2009 to the Ruth Callander House Museum of Portland History. Thank You.
Preserving the Past for the Future!
Welcome to the new and improved Portland Historical Society Web Site. While much of the information
is the same we are trying to make it more useful, by making it easier to navigate.
This is a work in
progress so
please bear with us, as we rearrange things and try different formats. Enjoy!
To join the Portland Historical Society E-Mail Distribution List contact: PortlandHistSoc@Yahoo.Com
Portland Historical Society, Inc. P.O. Box 98 Portland, CT 06480-0098
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