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"Everything we do in our program is in answer to the underlying question: will it help us beat Texas?"  -Larry Lacewell (1975)
The Ruff necks are having fun shaving the hair off of one of the Longhorns after we killed 'em
During the second week of October the city of Dallas plays host to the BIGGEST annual college football game in the nation. This matchup is not just a college football game; it is a battle for pride between two states that are rich in football history (and OU has won 3 national championships since Texas won).
Does anyone else remember that great turn-over Ted got @ the end of the Texas Game? Hey Texas....you STILL suck, haha
Parade magazine said it best with this: "What you are dealing with here, of course, is not so much a game, not so much a sport, as a territorial war which has raged at a no-prisoners intensity for 90 year. Other rivalries have grown to fierce proportions; USC-Notre Dame, Michigan-Ohio-state, LSU-Ole Miss, Harvard-Yale. But for pure rawhide bitterness, for pure clenched-fisted state pride, NO rivalry exceeds the frenzy of OU-Texas"
Ha ha ha....like I said Texas sucks...we killed them 63-14
From the mouth of Barry Switzer (if you are from Oklahoma nd don't know who that is you should move out of this state!):

"When you beat Texas, I don't care what your win-loss record is, it's the biggest day of your life. We looked at it as though it were the national championships"

"No game carries with it the atmospher, the excitement, and the energy level that the OU-Texas game does"

"I mean, man, when you take a team down the ramp to play Texas, you better damn well feel the emotion. When you hit the floor of the Cotton Bowl, there's electricity. And if you don't feel it, you ought to go have your saliva checked"

Pic of a couple of ruff necks, and a few players after we won the Red River Shootout
-There will be a WAR