
Ar, this be where ye can find what's been added in the way of new fiction, links, or other sundries, as well as general notes on changes in appearance an' other tweaks made, because ye really need to know, 'specially when ye visit back an' can't put yer finger on what's not the same as last time. Yar. If'n ye have any comments, corrections, or words o' glowin' praise to proffer upon meself, send me a message by pidgeon post.

New Fan Fiction

The Spittin' Image completed.

Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 of the Pass the Pen
Also...we're up to Chapter 9 in The Spittin' Image, formerly Untitled I by Teresa.
Chapter 13 of the Pass the Pen; Chapters 10 and 11 of The Spittin' Image, and Time, Savvy? by Sarah (one-shot).

Chapter Five Untitled I by Teresa

Chapter Four Untitled I by Teresa

Pass the Pen I

A Rum Lot of Trouble

Site Updates

Been creatin' Author Profile Pages. Arrrr.

Arrr...I be changin' the layout o' the table o' contents page and other sundries, sich as removin' the graphics from the bottoms o' fic pages, wot so as they look cleaner. Not more hygenic...just cleaner. We are pirates, ye know.

Updated name of Teresa's Untitled I fic. Update your bookmarks: new addresses for installments are "image" followed by chapter number and ".htm".

Provided opportunity for the Gentle Reader to mail myself with comments concerning Our Beautiful Site on this page.

Updated look of fiction pages. Ooh la la.

Created Updates page. Created new buttons. Mmm, purdy. Gazed upon site in its ever-evolving beauty.