Just a silly page....what can I say....*L*
Favorite Band
Favorite Food
Marilyn Manson
To Whom
My husband of course...haha
Favorite Country Singer
Mary Chapin Carpenter
Favorite Dog Breed
Favorite Composer
Favorite Book
Journey With Grandpa
--Rosalie Walsh Honel
Favorite Color?
Doberman Pinscher
Favorite Movie
Gone With The Wind
Favorite Junk Food
Nacho chips with cheese and lots and lots of real hot jalapenos!
Are You A Sarcastic Person?
...only when provoked...
When Were You Born?
Like What?
Shortly before Christmas a few years ago...*G*
biking, playing the piano, landscaping, computers,
working on my house, ethnic cooking, needlepoint, refinishing antiques, cars, dogs....
What Makes You Mad?
cruelty to animals, our medical and judicial systems, arrogant people,
drunk drivers, welfare programs, politicians...
Most Important Person In Your Life?
My husband...:)
Does He Feel The Same Way About You?
Oh I think so...he knows I've studied the works of L.Bobbitt extensively...
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