My Angel...:)...sometimes called other things I won't mention here...*L*...her CKC registered name is Donnerhund's Von Jo Vie.  We actually got her for my mother, after she had to have her doberman put down...I tried to talk her into a smaller dog or even a retriever because she was elderly, but nope...her mind was set on either another dobie or a shepherd.  My mother took ill a month after she got Angel, and with all of us at the hospital for 2 months after, Angel did not have the easiest of puppyhoods. She suffered from a lot of digestive problems in her first year and was in and out of the vet's , probably from the stress of being left alone a lot, but we seem to have it under control now...:)
Puppies are so cute, ears are too big, paws are too big, just overall clumsy...:)
Checkin' out the new kid....
"So, my new big buddy,
what kinda trouble can we get into next out here?"
She thinks our pond is her own personal drinking bowl...:('d think after falling in it when she was very young, and it was very cold out she'd be scared to get so close.
Romping with our second retriever, those two will NOT leave each other alone and to navigate through the house or yard you have to be careful two large frolicking dogs don't upset you..:)
Ears always listening, this dog hears EVERYTHING...she sure guards her home and like I tell anyone phone soliciting for home security systems.."no thanks, I have dogs"...:)
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