
Autumn splendor lingers reluctant to retreat without a final flourish. The lash of latter rains conspire with whipping winds to chase her off stage but autumn stands staunchly on mountain and meadow waving her scarlet scarves defying frost and fading foliage laughing with careless abandon stunning my summer senses with her breathtaking beauty. Stay, autumn--just one more day before winter disrobes you to naked, shivering branches reaching for mercy to the gray sky and chilly gusts sting your flushed face. Please stay--just one more day-- it's a long time 'till spring! LATE OCTOBER Late October: temperamental days bluffing me, mocking me with teasing, wistful coquettish ways. Lingering memories of jovial July blazing sun and summer fun are tossed on the run but mixed with frosty ecstasies. Reminiscing time that casts a chill as winter steals with cold appeals slipping finally into November's prime

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This site started being created on Oct 10,1998
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