During World War II, it remained farmed under license from the government, even after it had become prohibited, due to critical wartime shortages of materials. Movie houses during World War II showed the newsreel Hemp for Victory, showing the vital strategic usefulness of hemp in American manufacturing of rope, paper and cloth. Alleged Naval aviator George Bush Sr, presuming he told the truth about Japs shooting him down and killing his crew, jumped out of his airplane using nothing more than marijuana for a parachute.
Today, marijuana is still a significant cash crop, the top moneymaker in many states, but now the profits go to gangsters instead of farmers, just as alcohol profits went to gangsters during America's first Prohibition.
Nationwide, every Sunday's edition of the newspapers requires cutting down 500,000 trees to supply the paper. Deforestation is a serious threat to the survival of the human race, due to the loss of air filtration capacity of forests and the increase of the greenhouse effect, with resulting weather changes and flooding of coastal areas. 1997 was the hottest year on record, according to a senior government researcher at the National Oceanic and Atmosperic Administration. Restoring hemp to its rightful place in the American economy would help balance the budget, reduce deforestation, provide jobs to law abiding citizens and reduce crime. There are not many forests left in America, perhaps only 5% of its original forest habitat, as existed before the immigrating peoples began arriving 500 years ago--and most of that has already been clear-cut several times. South America, Africa and Russia are next to be clear-cut by civilization.
The government makes a fortune regulating and taxing deadly and addictive tobacco (not counting losses to Medicare), even though it causes the deaths of 4,000,000 Americans every decade. 40,000,000 Americans are either addicted or at risk of becoming addicted. The government even allows these corporations to market their deadly products to children. A internal memo from Philip Morris, dated 21 May 1975, brags: "Marlboro's phenomonal growth rate in the past has been attributable in large part to our high market penetration among younger smokers . . . 15-19 year-olds." A 31 March 1981 memo read: "Today's teenager is tomorrow's potential regular customer." R.J. Reynolds produces the Camel brand, which was marketed with the cartoon image of a human penis and vagina morphed into an animal face (go ahead, take an honest look for yourself--women see the former and men see the latter, generally). The media ignored complaints from outraged citizens, gladly embracing billions of advertising dollars while politicians grabbed millions in legal bribes. Camel's market share skyrocketed among sex-starved teenagers, who were required to replace the consumers who had finally consumed their last breath.
This is called "subliminal persuasion," and entire catalogs of subliminal-psychology audio and video products can be purchased by citizens who wish to make positive use of this state-of-the-art phenomenon (Gateways Mind Tools, P.O. Box 1706, Ojai, C.A. 93024), or can be found in any book store. Success-minded people can reprogram themselves for everything from business habits, recovery from child abuse, to achieving peak sports performance. (If marijuana is ever relegalized, it probably should be kept out of the hands of greedy and ruthless corporations--a police officer revealed to me that the tobacco companies have marijuana cigattes already designed for mass-marketing when it eventually becomes legal to do so.) Congressional hearings into Joe Camel's perverted appeal to youngsters ignored citizen complaints. News media outlets, receiving billions of dollars in tobacco advertising revenues, censored these news stories, causing severe damage to public health and safety. Instead, the media hypocritally focused upon the so-called drug and drink-driving wars.
The government makes a fortune regulating and taxing prescription and non-prescription drugs. It is unknown how many thousands of Americans die from overdoses or adverse reactions, although 250,000 die every year from total medical errors (a very conservative estimate when actual medical-industry-caused deaths may total over 1-million every year). The government makes a fortune regulating and taxing alcohol, not counting profits from arrests and seizures, allegedly causing the deaths of 17,000 Americans every year from vehicle crashes--caused by government-trained drivers on government-designed, -built and -owned highways.
What's so hard to believe about the government's interest in "regulating" and "taxing" illegal drugs such as cocaine and marijuana, that don't kill anyone, except drug dealers who mainly kill other drug dealers? Especially drugs that had been formerly legal in America for centuries for manufacturing and healthcare, and are currently legal to be used in dentists offices, hospitals and by citizens with chronic pain. Politicians can please the uptight moral hypocrites with their tough stand against drugs, while at the same time get rich off drug dealing and Prohibition arrests. This way they can have their cake and eat it, too.
JOKE OF THE DAY"I didn't intend for this to take on a political tone. I'm just here for the drugs." NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This is a non-commercial site. All quotes and graphics are reproduced under "fair use" guidelines as given in The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manuel. For instance, "ideas and facts are never protected by copyright," and "everyone has the right to comment on matters of public interest and concern." Government publications and court records are, of course, copyright free to the public. Publications older than 75 years are also copyright free, such as the Christian Bible. Copyright attributions on images are visible with mouse-over and in source code. If a gentle reader disbelieves any scientific study quoted by this website, the intelligent thing to do is for the gentle reader to get off his or her duff and do some serious research of his or her own.Driving is a dangerous full-contact sport. The author merely provides suggestions based upon years of professional training and world-wide competitive experience. The reader assumes all physical and legal liability for driver-education mistakes, highway defects and vehicle-design flaws. America has thousands of traffic laws that change from town to town and from day to day. The legal information given here is without guarantee. If the reader wishes a money-back guarantee against legal malpractice, seek the professional opinion of a licensed attorney in every jurisdiction traveled through. Some of the shocking information provided here may prove injurous to those with certain medical conditions. For a money-back guarantee against medical malpractice, consult the opinion of a licensed doctor from every speciality. The author and publishers offer no guarantee the reader will find all the included jokes funny. Reproduced under "fair use" guidelines as given in The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manuel. For instance, "ideas and facts are never protected by copyright," and "everyone has the right to comment on matters of public interest and concern." Government publications and court records are copyright free to the public. Zero tolerance of censorship on this website as demanded by the 1st and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution. In accordance with Federal Rules of Evidence, Rule 803, Hearsay Exceptions; Availability of Declarant Immaterial. The following are not excluded by the hearsay rule, even though the declarant is available as a witness: (6) Records of Regularly Conducted Activity. In accordance with Rule 902, Self-authentication. Extrinsic evidence of of authenticity as a condition precedent toadmissibility is not required with respect to the following: (6) Newspapers and Periodicals. These newspaper, periodical and Internet publications may be utilitized for prosecution for murder in any court of law. Opinions expressed herein by politicians, commissions, judges, news editors, lawyers and clients are not necessarily the opinions of anyone else, living, dead, unborn or reborn. The opinions of politicians, commissions, judges, news editors, lawyers and clients are not necessarily the opinions of this author. No guarantee is expressed or implied concerning this website's alleged parodies and the alleged sense of humor of the so-called gentle reader. PS: Both smokers and non-smokers are 1,000 times more likely to die from air pollution, tobacco, medical malpractice or vehicle unsafety than from a Mafia whack. A handfull of corporate-governmental greedheads are infinately more deadly to the public health than all the narco terrorists put together. Best viewed at 800x600. Navigator loads faster than Explorer, which requires a smaller font for nav bars. Geocities Yahoo wants latest version Explorer or Navigator for pop-up adverts, but you may turn off JAVA and cookies to stop JAVA error messages. This page currently usues JAVA applet to view NY-DC Disaster photos. Please link to this site and submit your site to search engines. Banner available. Submit your site for addition to the links page. John Lee and Winners Web Design All rights reserved |